Write a python program to find the first non repeating character in given string

In this article, we will find the first non-repeating character from a stream of character. Let’s say the following is our input −


The following should be our output displaying first non-repeating character −


Find the first non-repeating character from a stream of characters using while loop

We will find the first non-repeating character, by comparing each character with the other using a loop −


myStr = "thisisit" while myStr != "": slen0 = len(myStr) ch = myStr[0] myStr = myStr.replace(ch, "") slen1 = len(myStr) if slen1 == slen0-1: print ("First non-repeating character = ",ch) break; else: print ("No Unique Character Found!")


No Unique Character Found!
First non-repeating character =  h

Find the first non-repeating character from a stream of characters using a function

We can also create a custom function and pass the string to it for finding the first non-repeating character −


def RepeatingFunc(myStr): char_order = [] counts = {} for c in myStr: if c in counts: counts[c] += 1 else: counts[c] = 1 char_order.append(c) for c in char_order: if counts[c] == 1: return c return None print("First Non-Repeating Character = ",RepeatingFunc('thisisit'))


First Non-Repeating Character =  h

Find the first non-repeating character from a stream of characters using Counter()

The Counter can also be used from the Collections module to find the first non-repeating character. This module implements specialized container datatypes providing alternatives to Python’s general purpose built-in containers, dict, list, set, and tuple −


from collections import Counter def repeatFunc(myStr): freq = Counter(myStr) for i in myStr: if(freq[i] == 1): print(i) break myStr = "thisisit" repeatFunc(myStr)



Write a python program to find the first non repeating character in given string

Updated on 11-Aug-2022 11:57:47

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How do you get the first non repeated character in a string in Python?

"": slen0 = len(myStr) ch = myStr[0] myStr = myStr. replace(ch, "") slen1 = len(myStr) if slen1 == slen0-1: print ("First non-repeating character = ",ch) break; else: print ("No Unique Character Found! ")

How do you find the non repeated character of a given string?

Using the indexOf() and lastIndexOf() method, we can find the first non-repeating character in a string in Java. The method indexOf() returns the position of the first occurrence of a given character in a string whereas method lastIndexOf() returns the position of the last occurrence of a given character in a string.

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Python set() method..
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Practical Python: Learn Python Basics Step by Step - Python 3.
create one frequency map..
for each character c in the string, do. if c is not in frequency, then insert it into frequency, and put value 1. ... .
Scan the frequency map, if the value of a specific key is 1, then return that key, otherwise return -1..