A Windows Virtual Desktop automation task

Virtual Desktop Solution for Software Companies

The increasing market momentum and people working more remotely these days, require software companies and value-added resellers to create innovative and intelligent solutions faster and compel them to transform their desktop-as-a-service deployment processes.

If you are looking for a more efficient and cost-effective way to deliver your virtual desktop solution to your customers compared to, for example, using Citrix, while not being burdened with managing the underlying infrastructure yourself, our Azure Virtual Desktop DevOps solution is the way forward.

We Design and Manage Your Azure Virtual Desktop Platform

Azure Virtual Desktop [AVD] is a rich toolset of technology options. We design and manage the best options for you. With the optimum combination of security, availability, agility, performance and TCO for you as software company or value-added reseller.

A Solution for SMB and Larger End Customers

If you sell your virtual desktop solution to small and medium businesses [SMB], we have developed a Azure Virtual Desktop cloud architecture with which you can deploy a dedicated multi-customer Azure Virtual Desktop platform. In case you sell your virtual desktop to larger end customers, you can also deploy a dedicated Azure Virtual Desktop platform for each individual customer for added flexibility and customization.

Through InTWOs consulting services cloud approach, we have successfully deployed Candy on Azure Virtual Desktop on Azure as a managed solution with great performance and at a low cost to meet our clients needs.

Joe de Klerk, Head of Innovation, RIB CCS

Automation of Repetitive Tasks

Both options are automated Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop Azure DevOps solutions that can be used to efficiently and effectively onboard new customers for your virtual desktop solution much quicker. Our Azure DevOps solution is supported by CI/CD pipelines to automate all the repetitive support, upgrade, and update tasks.

Benefits of Our Virtual Desktop DevOps Solution

Our Virtual Desktop DevOpssolution enables you to effortlessly maintain your desktop image, applications, and end users. You do not have to worry about managing cloud components such as RDS gateways, licensing, and load balancing.

A Suitable Solution

Whether you sell your virtual desktop solution to SMB or larger end customers, we have the best suitable solution available for your specific needs. Our dedicated Azure DevOps solution can even utilize existing O365 licenses by linking it to the customers Active Directory.

Free-Up Valuable Time

With our AVD Azure DevOps solution we deploy and manage your Azure Virtual Desktop platform, so you can focus on developing and selling your virtual desktop solution and onboard new customers in hours instead of days.

Save Time and Costs

We provide an automated platform to save time on repetitive support, upgrade, and update tasks, and which can be extended with new CI/CD pipelines and productivity solutions. And due to the autoscaling nature of our solutions, your costs are constantly optimized.

Support and Protection

We assure the availability of your data via daily user profile backups , and protection against vicious malware attacks. We constantly monitor your AVD platform, implement OS security patches when they become available and respond to high-impact incidents 24/7.

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