annals là gì - Nghĩa của từ annals

annals có nghĩa là

ghi chép lịch sử
-nothing to do with sex!

Ví dụ

ive seen some good annals in my time

annals có nghĩa là

Basically, it's a form of written history.

However, the most common usage is a typo in the word anal which is probably why you're seeing this definition now.

Ví dụ

ive seen some good annals in my time

annals có nghĩa là

Basically, it's a form of written history.

Ví dụ

ive seen some good annals in my time

annals có nghĩa là

Basically, it's a form of written history.

Ví dụ

ive seen some good annals in my time

annals có nghĩa là

Basically, it's a form of written history.

Ví dụ

However, the most common usage is a typo in the word anal which is probably why you're seeing this definition now. I was looking at for information regarding anal but all I got was this bullshit.

annals có nghĩa là

Historical Record, has nothing to do with ANUS, and is not what Borat says on DA Ali G show, FO REAL.

Ví dụ

Give me those annals so I can look at them.

annals có nghĩa là

a one of a kind woman. she is seductive, sweet, cute, intelligent, charismatic, and kind. she is always there to listen and give advice even though it may end up getting her into trouble. she can be mean and feisty and an instant later be composed and caring. what others think of her matters to her though she tries to pretend it does not. those closest to her are the ones that she will treat the worst because she thinks they will always forgive her. she wears her heart on her sleeve. her family is the most important thing to her. she is selfish though she has been known to go to great lengths for others.

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You are such an Annalou! she is kind hearted ,loves her family and god. she is not a builder, but a planner she knows what she wants when she wants it and is inquisitive and positive all the times she also has a mix of emotions ,happy, excited ,worried , frustrated but is never stressed because she knows she not alone "Annalize"

annals có nghĩa là

[ you can do whatever you can picture you doing] danh từ riêng. a very passionate beautiful and graceful young woman in her teens who seeks independence and has a strong will for rebellious behavior to authorities such as parents, who also has a natural talent of making people feel good about themselves and have a good time

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Annale is the type of girl me and my amazing sister attend school with.

annals có nghĩa là

An item heralded for it uniqueness, and held by Legendary Monks in Everquest.

Ví dụ

0h n0z, with teh Bosillo's pulling we are sure to have Damaged Annals by the time he is done.

annals có nghĩa là

Extremely annoying, terrible person, ugly, and likes Jase

Ví dụ

Bosillo tells the raid, "Inc a few"

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