At the best of times là gì

one of the best times

was the best of times

it was the best of times

even in the best of times

is the best of all times

at the best of times , but

one of the best times

was the best of times

it was the best of times

even in the best of times

is the best of all times

at the best of times , but

In an ideal situation or conditions. Even at the best of times, it is hard to support yourself financially as a musician. With an infant in the house, we only get a few hours of sleep at the best of times.

See also: best, of, times

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

even when conditions are good: This car does not go very fast at the best of times, and with four people in it, it will go a lot slower.

See also: best, of, times

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

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at the best of times

I have no objection to any amount of blue sky in its proper place [it can be found at the 4000 level for practically twelve months out of the year], but I submit, with all deference to the educational needs of Transylvania, that "skylarking" in the centre of a main-travelled road where, at the best of times, electricity literally drips off one's stanchions and screw blades, is unnecessary.

At the best of times his face has not a gentle expression; but when it was screwed up like that it was almost diabolical.

She could only reply that I was welcome to anything she could tell me in return for the kindness I had shown to Anne; but as she was not very quick and ready, at the best of times, in talking to strangers, she would beg me to put her in the right way, and to say where I wished her to begin.

Having rested here, for a minute or so, to collect a good burst of sobs and an imposing show of tears and terror, he knocked loudly at the wicket; and presented such a rueful face to the aged pauper who opened it, that even he, who saw nothing but rueful faces about him at the best of times, started back in astonishment.

"I am not very strong at the best of times," she continued, "may I sit down on your bed?" Remarkable on other occasions for her cold composure, her voice trembled as she made that request--a strange request surely, when there were chairs at her disposal.

And that was how I came to enlist, which was a black spot upon my character at the best of times, and would still be a sore job for me if I fell among the red-coats."

At the best of times, so much of this elixir was administered to me as a choice restorative, that I was conscious of going about, smelling like a new fence.

What with stopping at Madeira, and calms, and the very few knots we could knock out of the schooner at the best of times, we had made a seven or eight weeks' voyage of it from Ascension - where, by the way, I had arrived only a couple of days before the Lady Jermyn, though I had nearly a month's start of her.

"My memory for dates is bad at the best of times," she said.

My only means of getting water is to go to the pump near the house, or to the little stream that forms my eastern boundary, and the little stream dries up too unless there has been rain, and is at the best of times difficult to get at, having steep banks covered with forget-me-nots.

A howling corner in the winter time, a dusty corner in the summer time, an undesirable corner at the best of times. Shelterless fragments of straw and paper got up revolving storms there, when the main street was at peace; and the water- cart, as if it were drunk or short-sighted, came blundering and jolting round it, making it muddy when all else was clean.

"Never at the best of times a beauty," she thought.

He did not care for the steward's black looks; Franklin, never conversational even at the best of times and avoiding now the only topic near his heart, addressed him only on matters of duty.

It's a good deal tried, poor creetur, at the best of times; for when it DOES get hold of a pleasant whiff or so [which an't too often] it's generally from somebody else's dinner, a-coming home from the baker's.'

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