blowing chunks là gì - Nghĩa của từ blowing chunks

blowing chunks có nghĩa là

1. to vomit.
2. to...

Ví dụ

David: Man, I drank so much last night, i went home and i set my house on fire! Now I live in box.

Harry: No man, I drank so much last night, I went home and i blew chunks all night!

John: Dude! I drank so much last night, I went home and I beat the crap out of my wife, now she's sueing me for all I'm worth!

Harry: No dude... Chunk's my dog.

David & John: ....

blowing chunks có nghĩa là

To vomit mass quantities of large solid material. Very unpleasant but could be worse. Xem ví dụ.

Ví dụ

David: Man, I drank so much last night, i went home and i set my house on fire! Now I live in box.

Harry: No man, I drank so much last night, I went home and i blew chunks all night!

blowing chunks có nghĩa là

To release the contents of the enlarged, saclike portion of the alimentary canal in a violent manner, especially after you view your parents having sex.

Ví dụ

David: Man, I drank so much last night, i went home and i set my house on fire! Now I live in box.

Harry: No man, I drank so much last night, I went home and i blew chunks all night!

John: Dude! I drank so much last night, I went home and I beat the crap out of my wife, now she's sueing me for all I'm worth!

blowing chunks có nghĩa là

1.To regurgitate or eject contents of stomach. See also spew, yak, vomit, hurl, barf, technicolor yawn, ralph, lurch, puke. 2.To get furiously angry, using profane and foul language.

Ví dụ

David: Man, I drank so much last night, i went home and i set my house on fire! Now I live in box.

blowing chunks có nghĩa là

When the stomach releases large pieces of undigested food through the mouth

Ví dụ

Harry: No man, I drank so much last night, I went home and i blew chunks all night!

John: Dude! I drank so much last night, I went home and I beat the crap out of my wife, now she's sueing me for all I'm worth!

Harry: No dude... Chunk's my dog.

blowing chunks có nghĩa là

David & John: ....

Ví dụ

To vomit mass quantities of large solid material. Very unpleasant but could be worse. Xem ví dụ.

blowing chunks có nghĩa là

Barfly: "I went home totally drunk from the bar last night and started blowing chunks."
Bartender: "That happens when you're shitfaced sometimes."
Barfly: "You don't understand. Chunks is the name of my dog."

Ví dụ

To release the contents of the enlarged, saclike portion of the alimentary canal in a violent manner, especially after you view your parents having sex.

blowing chunks có nghĩa là

Dude, I, [raaaalllllppphhh] just seen, [baaaaarrrrrfffffff] my parents, [Huuurrrrrlllll] fucking!

Ví dụ

SHIT MAN, I would have to blow chunks right fucking now, man.

blowing chunks có nghĩa là

throwing up perfusly by simply opening the mouth and it shooting across the walls!

Ví dụ

I know dude, I just did! 1.To regurgitate or eject contents of stomach. See also spew, yak, vomit, hurl, barf, technicolor yawn, ralph, lurch, puke. 2.To get furiously angry, using profane and foul language. 1.I drank too much, I need to blow chunks. 2.My father will blow chunks if he ever catches me smoking his weed. When the stomach releases large pieces of undigested food through the mouth

blowing chunks có nghĩa là

Chad : Oh boy lunch time now I can cuddle with my favorite girl!

Ví dụ

Kiersten : Oh Chad this is so romantic kiss me!

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