Can you see if someone views your YouTube playlist?

The Audience tab in YouTube Analytics gives you an overview of who’s watching your videos and insights on their demographics. The key metrics card shows your returning & new viewers, unique viewers, subscribers, total members.

Note: Some data, such as geography, traffic sources, or gender, may be limited in YouTube Analytics.

View your audience reports

Check out your audience for your entire channel, or choose a specific video first.

  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio.
  2. From the left menu, select Analytics.
  3. From the top menu, select Audience.

Videos growing your audience

This report shows you which videos are growing your audience over the past 90 days. You can use it to help you understand your new audience growth.

When your viewers are on YouTube

This report shows you when your viewers are online across all of YouTube in the last 28 days. You can use it to help build your community, understand when to schedule a Premiere, or to plan your next live stream.

Other videos your audience watched

This report shows you what other videos your viewers watched outside your channel over the past 7 days. You can use it to find topics for new videos and titles. You can also use the info for thumbnail ideas and collaboration opportunities. If you have an Official Artist Channel, you won't see videos where you're the primary artist. Even if the video is outside your Official Artist Channel you won’t see it.

Other channels your audience watches

This report shows you what other channels your viewers consistently watched outside your channel over the past 28 days. You can use it to find out what channels your viewers are interested in and for collaboration opportunities.

Top geographies 

This report shows you which geographies have the most watch time for your channel.

Age and gender

The Age and gender report shows you which age ranges are adding most to your watch time and the gender distribution of your audience.

Top subtitle/cc languages

This report shows your channel’s audience by subtitled language.

Metrics to know

Returning viewers The number of viewers who already watched your channel, and returned to watch in the selected time period.
New viewers The number of viewers that watched your channel for the first time in the selected time period.Viewers who watch from a private browser, deleted their watch history, or haven't watched your channel in over a year are considered new viewers.
Unique viewers Estimated number of viewers that watched your content within the selected date range.
Subscribers The number of viewers who have subscribed to your channel.
Total members The number of members who have access to perks. This figure includes members who recently canceled their membership.
Active members The number of members with active paid memberships. This figure excludes members who recently canceled their membership.
Members gained The number of new members who signed up for a membership.
Cancelled memberships  The number of members who canceled a membership.
Members lost The number of members who lost access after canceling a membership.
Watch time [hours] The amount of time viewers have watched your video.
Views The number of legitimate views for your channels or videos.
Average views per viewer The average number of times a viewer watched this particular video in this time period.
Average percentage viewed Average percentage of a video your audience watches per view.
Average view duration Estimated average minutes watched per view for the selected video and date range.

The analytics provided by YouTube also include information like users' watch time, traffic sources, and how many people have shared it. There are also options to see realtime what videos are being watched and how many unique views your channel has.

All of this information can help creators better understand what in their videos is working, why certain videos may have performed better than others, and how to continue to grow their platform.

  • Log in to YouTube, and select your profile icon. Choose YouTube Studio, and select Analytics from the left panel.
  • YouTube lets you view and track stats like engagement, audience, reach, and realtime activity.

This article explains how you can get helpful YouTube demographic information beyond the view counts for your videos. The built-in analytics provide aggregate information about your viewers in a manner that is similar to Google Analytics.

To find the analytics for all the videos in your channel:

  1. Log in to YouTube and select your profile photo or icon at the top of the screen.

  2. Select YouTube Studio.

  3. In the left panel, select Analytics to expand a list of tabs for different types of statistics related to your video viewers, including Reach, Engagement, and Audience.

Information about your audience can be viewed through several analytic filters, including:

  • Watch Time
  • Audience Retention
  • Demographics
  • Location
  • Date or Time Frame
  • Content
  • Devices
  • Traffic sources
  • Likes and Dislikes
  • Comments
  • Sharing

Depending on the type of data you're reviewing, you can generate line charts to see how that data has changed over time. You can also view multi-line charts and compare the performance of up to 25 videos.

To download the reports to your hard drive, select Export Current View [represented by an arrow icon] at the top of the screen.

The first report tab listed under Analytics is Overview. It's a high-level summary of how your content is doing. The report includes performance metrics summarizing watch time, views, and earnings [if applicable]. It includes the most relevant data for interactions such as comments, shares, favorites, likes, and dislikes. 

The Overview report also highlights the top 10 pieces of content—by watch time— for your channel, the gender and location of viewers, and top traffic sources. 

The Realtime Activity box under the Overview section displays viewership stats that are updated in real time, with only a few minutes of lag time. The two charts show the estimated views of your videos in the previous 48 hours and during the previous 60 minutes, the device type that accessed your video, the operating system of that device, and where the device is located.

Under the Reach tab, you'll find your channel's impressions, views, unique views, and more. You can also see your channel's traffic sources [are your viewers finding you via YouTube search, external links, or another source?], how many times people clicked a thumbnail of your videos, and whether or not that click led to watch time.

Internal YouTube traffic sources include YouTube search, suggested videos, playlists, YouTube advertising, and other features. External traffic data comes from mobile sources, websites, and apps that have your video embedded or linked.

To get the most from this report, set a date range and view sources by location. Then filter the sources and viewers for additional information.

The Engagement tab provides detailed information on how long people watch your videos. Here, you can see which videos are the most-watched, your most effective end screen videos, your top playlists by watch time, and more.

The Audience tab breaks down the demographics of your audience. It shows the age, gender, and geography of your viewers. The Device type tab shows which operating system and type of device people use to view your videos. Devices include computers, smartphones, TVs, and game consoles. You can also see what operating system they used, whether more people watch live or on-demand, and which playlists are the most viewed.

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