Cao nguyên đá Đồng Văn tiếng anh

Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark[1]
Dong Van rocky highland Geopark was official 77th member of the Global Geopark Network on 3/10/2010. It became the first global Geopark in Viet Nam, the second in Southeast Asia. This event is a hall-mark in the process of regional and international integration. Contributing to improve Viet Nam's position in the international arena. Besides, it is also an opportunity for Ha Giang province in particular and Viet Nam in general can exchange, learn, contact. Especially, promotion and introduction the human lands of Ha Giang, the value of Geoheritage and culture in these area. Dong Van karst plateau Geopark is situated in a temperate climate and divided into two seasons: Rainy and dry seasons. The annual mean temperature is 24 -28 degree celcius, while the winter temperatures may be down to 5 degree celcius. Currently, the scientists have preliminarily made statistics of 45 geomorphic heritages, 33 tectonic heritages and numerous fossils in the sediment stone stratums on Dong Van karst plateau Geopark. Of which, there are 26 breed and species in the world, the first time which has been found in here and named Geographical after Ha Giang. Many Geoheritages have been ranked in National level and International level such as, the system of fault valleys in Nho Que river, Tu San canon - Ma Pi Leng pass under the type of tectonic and geomorphic heritage. Folds in calcareous karst in Ma Pi Leng, Quan Ba and many other places, etc. Dong Van rocky plateau not only is sculpture product, a historical rocky page of the nature present to human people but also contain a lot of potential values such as, Geoheritages, bilogical diversity, tourism, fossils...Especially, the cultural of community 17 ethnic groups on Dong Van karst plateau Geopark, traditional beauty need preserving and promoting. Dong Van Karst Plateau is unique combination between Geoheritages and cutural heritages. Which has created great potential for tourism and attracted many visitor within and outside country.

Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark is located in Hà Giang Province, the northernmost province in Vietnam. Dong Van karst plateau Geopark consists of four districts, namely, Meo Vac, Dong Van, Yen Minh, Quan Ba. Located in the North of Ha Giang province - Viet Nam. It shares border with china in the north, total area of over 2.346 km2. The karst plateau is created by at least 80 percent limestone and many fossils of ancient creatures species from 400 - 600 million years ago. Its average elevation is 1400 -1600 meters above sea level.

There are many huge mountains here, the highest one is Mount Mieu Vac [1971 m], meanwhile, there are also many deep canyons, the deepest one is Tu San [about 800 m]. The geopark is located at an extension foot mount East of the HimalayasGeoheritages date from the Cambrian [about 550 million years ago] to the present in seven different stages and include palaeobiology, stratigraphy, geomophology, tectonics, karst, caves and also important faults. The geology in this geopark reflects important events in Earth history, like of two mass extinction boundaries of Frasnian Famennian [360 million years ago] and Permian-Triassic [250 million years ago]. This includes 3 groups of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks, as well as stratigraphic, lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic specificities. Its paleontological diversity shows 19 groups of valuable ancient organisms like ancient fish, ancient florabrachiopods [eurispirifertonkinesis], bivalvestrilobitesforaminiferacoralsconodontacrinoidea and fossilized paths of molluscsThe Geopark has two natural conservation areas rich in fauna and flora species such as conifersAsian black bearSouthern serow [a solitary mountain goat] and many species of bird. Moreover, the unusual and mysterious Tonkin snub-nosed monkey is one of the 25 most endangered species of primate in the world. It is only found in Hà Giang province and was believed extinct until its rediscovery in the early 1990s.The oldest fossil found in the park was found at Lũng Cú peak, and has been dated to 540 million years old.
Geological heritages:
So far, scientists have roughly counted 33 tectonic heritage, typically a series of fault-block valleys in the areas of Quan Ba, Lao Va Chai, Pho Bang - Khau Vai, Sung La, and Lung Cu. - Ma Lé, along Nho Que, Nhiem, Lung Tao - Tu San rivers, especially the Tu San canyon on the Nho Que river formed by the fault of the earth's crust with a depth of more than 1km and high vertical limestone cliffs about 700m which is very rare in the world and is a typical heritage has been international recognized.

Wonderful landscape in Lao Va Chai [Yen Minh - Ha Giang] - Photo: Mk. Thanh
Geomorphological heritages:
Scientists have listed 45 geomorphological heritages, typically with Tu San canyon - Ma Pi Leng pass, Khe Lia canyon, Mien river canyon, Nam Lang canyon..., cuesta topography distributed in Chang village, Mau Due, Lung Cu, Dong Van ..., base leveled surfaces at different elevations are present in many places in rocky forests and rock deserts in Lung Tao, Sang Tung, Khau Vai, Quan Ba, Lung Cu ..., limestone peaks with  different shapes, waterfalls in Quan Ba, Meo Vac ..., Travertine shelf in Quan Ba, flat and steep cliffs in the form of isosceles and skewed triangles in Du Gia, Lao Va Chai, Sung La, Ma Pi Leng ..., the ancient sinkholes in limestone found in the rocky fields of Then Pa, Chang village, Sang Tung ..., and relics of the ancient river bed in Meo Vac ...

Tu San canyon [Mã Pì Lèng pass, Pải Lũng - Mèo Vạc] – Photo: Mk. Thành
Biostratigraphic heritages:
Scientists have discovered 17 groups of ancient fossils in the sedimentary rocks, which are very diverse and rich in varieties and species, such as Brachiopoda fossils [Tay cuon] in Ma Lé,  Pseudofusulina [Trung Thoi] fossils in Dong Van, bivalve fossils in the Hong Ngai - Sang Tung section, Polybranchiaspis liaojiaoshanensis [Ca co] fossils and Hydrilla verticillata [Thuc vat thuy sinh] in Xin Man Kha, Trilobita [Bo ba thuy] in Lung Cu, Crinoidea [Hue bien], Tabulata [San ho vach day], Tetracoralla [San ho bon tia]... in Lung Tao, Lung Pu ... in which, 26 new genera and species in the world were first found in Ha Giang and named after local landmarks such as Billingsella loungcoensis, Pogodia hagiangensis, Spirifer bachounensis, Spirifer dongvanensis, Pterinea mieleensis, Spirifer sikaensis, Paras Triasopora changpungensis, Claraia phobangensis, Gravicalymene maloungkaensis ... Two stratigraphic heritages assessed at international level are the late Devon biological event occurred about 364 million years ago in Si Phai pass area, Dong Van commune, Dong Van district, destroying about 19% of families and 50% of the number of paleontological genera and the biological event of Permian - Trias which is also the boundary between the Paleozoic and Mesozoic that occurred about 251 million years ago, which is the largest of the five geological events of the world, and has eradicated about 90-95% of the total genera, marine and mainland species in Sung La commune, Dong Van district.

Photo: Source
Cave systems:
There are 54 limestone cave heritages discovered, many of which have significant and aesthetic values such as Nguyet cave, Ong cave, Xa Lung cave, Sang Tung cave, Tia Sang cave, Tham Ke cave, Doi cave and Rong cave, Me Chua Ba cave, Ngoc Long cave, Pa Ca cave, Sa Phin cave, Italia cave, Lung Pu cave, Lung Chinh cave, Mia Lung cave, Sung Khe cave, Nam Lang cave, Du Gia cave ... and various caves are still hidden in the limestone massif.

Mysterious rock cave at Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark  
Photo: Trần Lê Phúc Thịnh - Trần Thanh Sơn [ – 5.3.2009]

At Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark, due to the high diversity of geology and climate, Karst evolution has formed rock gardens and rock forests that are very diverse and popular with pyramid-shaped pinnacles, called Dong Van-style Karst pyramids distributed in Dong Van, Sang Tung, Lung Tao and Sa Phin regions, and flower-shaped, flower buds-shaped rocky pyramids and in other diverse shapes are found in stone gardens of Khau Vai. Strange shapes reminiscent of "Hidden Dragon, Crouching Tiger" at Lung Pu rocky zoo or a series of smooth and black limestone boulders due to weathering look like seals in the Van Chai area. Myriad of boulders, rubble and rolling stones sprawling on the mountainsides and foothills create rough desert landscapes which are hardy found in Vietnam such as Sang Tung rocky desert, especially the Kim Pa Vi tower is made of limestone, has a needle-pointed spear-shaped body standing firmly in the canyon of the Nho Que river, which is very rare in Vietnam and in the world as well.…

The Vân Chải “seals-shaped” area– Photo:
Major geosites:
Thai Phin Tung karst valley
Location: The Phan Phin Tung karst valley is distributed in Thai Phin Tung commune, Dong Van district.
This is a valley formed by the fault of the Northeast - Southwest. This fault cut through the limestone sediments of the Bac Son Formation and created a beautiful karst landscape of the valley.The center of the valley is the Sacred Tree area - a spiritual cultural heritage site of the Mong people in the Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark. For a long time, Mong people in this area always believed that there was an infinite powerful God residing at the base of the Sacred Tree. He has the ability to resolve all suffering, unlucky and bring luck and happiness to people. Mong people who leave funerals and pass over here often tie a red cloth to tree branches or cliffs with the desire to shake off all bad luck and have good luck in life. On the 3rd of the 3rd lunar month, every year, the H'Mong people here hold the worshiping ceremony and every 12 years they organize a Great Ceremony to pray for luckiness and strengthen solidarity in the family and community.
The Ancient Sacred tree which grows among a cluster of rocky forests creating a striking landscape between the tectonic valley stretching in the direction of Northeast - Southwest is one of the typical heritage sites of Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark. There is a parking lot nearby and the service to provide information for visitors entering the ceremony to wish for a fun and safe trip in extremely difficult mountainous terrain.
[Nguyễn Nhung]
Lung Phin-Lung Chinh Pyramid Cluster
Lung Phin - Lung Chinh Pyramid Cluster belongs to Lung Phin and Lung Chinh Communes, Meo Vac District, Ha Giang Province. Lung Phin - Lung Chinh Heritage Cluster is located on a leveling surface of 1300-1000m which is widely distributed but mainly in the southern parts of the Dong Van-Meo Vac Plateau. The surface of this area is quite flat and still retains karst terrain well. Covering the area of Lung Phin and Lung Chinh district are Limestone Mountains or in other words, it is mainly karst terrain. Beside on the disadvantage of Karst on cultivation, transportation and water scarcity, Karst has created unique and interesting landscapes. Limestone blocks created by nature's mother have cut the rocks into pyramids with a variety of shapes. This type of terrain is strongly divided with unique features like sharp peaks, straight ribs, burrs, rugged rock, etc. A special type of valley is also formed on the karst topography - Lung Phin blind Valley. Along with the diversity of geological heritage values is the uniqueness of indigenous culture. This is a type of upland agriculture, culture, mainly taking advantage of the natural environment as a basis. The people here are very good at shafting agriculture with terraced fields - especially terraced fields on rock. They plant food crops and vegetables on valleys, steep slopes and rocky fields. They also domesticate and raise a variety of cattle and poultry in accordance with the climate and natural environment here. In addition to the unique and diverse values of geological heritage and indigenous culture, the Lung Phin region is also famous for Lung Phin Camellia sinensis [chè shan tuyết].The Lung Phin - Lung Chinh Pyramid Cluster consists of major geosites: Lung Phin "blind" valley, Lung Phin slide, Lung Chinh cave, Mia Lung cave 1, Sung Khe 1A cave, Sung Khe 1B cave, Sung Khe cave 2, Sung Soong Cave 3 and 4, limestone creatures heritage and Lung Phin ancient tea.
[Xuân Thảo-Geopark management board]
The heritage cluster of Sung Tra – Sung Mang – Ta Lung
This heritage cluster is located in Ta Lung, Sung Mang and Sung Tra communes, Meo Vac district, Ha Giang province. The heritage cluster includes the following heritage sites: Hau Trau Cave, Sung Mang 1 Cave, Ta Tra Village 1, Ta Tra Village 2, Lung Tung 1 Cave, Tectonic macadam and tower-like form Karst. Sung Tra - Sung Mang - Ta Lung area of Meo Vac district is also one of the areas with a rich integration of different types of geo-heritage. The combination of karst process with the activities of fracture, denudation, gravity erosion in the context of lifting, diverging, sliding movements in the new tectonic and climatic differentiation by altitude has created very unique karst terrain types. Sung Tra - Sung Mang - Ta Lung area is located on a leveling surface of 1,000-1,300m with typical karst landscape, including: arched karst, conical-like, cone-like forms, and karst blocks [NW-SE direction and NE-SW] very popular and typical for this area. Alternating between them are gentle valleys and karst sinkholes. In addition, there are "rocky deserts" formed in this area due to the almost absolute dominance of physical weathering, combined with karst - erosion process to break down the columns of "rocky forests" in the climatic conditions of the altitude above 1,000m. At Sung Mang [2km southward of Lung Phin] the tectonic breccia formation to form vertical cliffs like walls or unique rock pillars with hundred meters wide, thousands of meters long in the direction of Northwest - Southeast is evidence of past faulty activity [Northwest - Southeast].
[Geopark management board]
Lung Phin ancient tea tree heritage point
Lung Phin ancient tea tree is located in Lung Phin commune, Meo Vac district, Ha Giang province. Chè shan tuyết [Camellia sinensis] ancient trees are over 300 years old, scattered in the limestone valleys of 4 hamlets of Can Pay Ho A, Can Pay Ho B, Suoi Chin Van and Mong Xo Phin, Lung Phin commune, Dong Van district. These valleys are about 1,800 m in three surrounding rocky mountains and cloud covering during the four seasons. The sun only passes through the ravine at midday so the ancient tea trees in the whole year in the mist only catch the meridian sunshine and the nutrition of red soil mixed with the plateau rocks over hundreds year nurture green tea leaves sparkling like white snow. Currently the total area of tea in Lung Phin is 77.74 ha, of which ancient tea has 14.4 ha. The ancient tea of Lung Phin has been investigated and researched by the Tea Research and Development Center of the Northern Mountainous Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology Institute with very high quality, equivalent to Phuc Dinh Dai Bach Tea [a famous Chinese type]. For a long time, Lung Phin ancient tea has been famous for its delicious, pure and special quality, which is used to provide for the emperors. Lung Phin ancient tea is a perfect product in the optimal conditions for tea plants: climate, topography, soil and species. It is also processed by a unique traditional method and imbued with the pure and passionate feelings of the Mong people, thus creating a unique product of Vietnamese tea.

Lung Phin closed valley is the place nurturing old tea trees over 300 years

Lung Phin ancient tea harvesting

In order to preserve and promote the value of ancient tea trees, in 2013, Lung Phin commune established Lung Phin tea production cooperative and identified this as a potential and key crop for economic development and improvement of the living standard of local people. At present, Lung Phin tea is recognized with good quality and has been well known in Vietnam and abroad, but with a modest output, Lung Phin tea is only occupying a small market share in the domestic market. In the future, with the conservation and development of Lung Phin tea, it will surely be included in the list of Vietnamese tea in the world tea market.
[Nguyễn Nhung-Geopark management board]
Lung Pu leveling surface
The lung Pu leveling surface is situated in the Lung Pu commune, Meo Vac district. The lung Pu area is located on a leveling surface about 1,000-1,300m with typical rocky desert landscape, arched karst blocks, conical and tower-shaped karst blocks in the Northwest - Southeast and Northeast - Southwest ranges. The karst cones are gradually steep into very wide carren surfaces exposed in the brown soil containing bauxite and lime chips.

The peak - cluster karst valley landscape in Lung Pu
Lung Pu karst arch with large pyramidal blocks is connected by gentle saddles. The valleys between them becomes deeper, sometimes there are sinkholes in karst and there are patches of rocky forest on the slopes accompanied by the phenomenon of foot sliding. These are karst terrains at the last stage of development preserved from the middle Pliocene period [about 2.5 to 3.6 million years ago]. In addition, in this area, it is also possible to observe the leveling surface of 1,500-1,700 m with the rocky desert landscape on the watershed area preserved from the early Pliocene period [over 3.6 million years ago].
[Vương Vĩnh Thái-Geopark management board]

4. Biodiversity

In addition to geological and geomorphological values, Dong Van Rock Plateau Geopark is also a rocky mountain region with diverse and quite unique geology - ecology with primitive evergreen tropical rainforest communities and subtropical high mountains remain relatively intact. There are 289 species of higher plants belonging to 83 families, including many wood, forest products and medicinal species. Biologists have discovered many rare and precious plant species such as Brown-leaved pine cones, Cupressus funebris, Red pine, etc. Especially the Red pine in Thai Phin Tung with a diameter of 70 cm is the largest and the oldest living in northern Vietnam. The first pine species described in the 21st century is the Vietnamese golden cypress [Xanthocyparis vietnamensis] was discovered in the northwestern part of Quan Ba adjacent to China [classified as extremely endangered in the IUCN Red List]. In May 2005, the scientists discovered two species of plants, including Pinus vera and Seven-leaves one-flower tree [classified as R-grade of Vietnam Red list]. In September 2005, the Journal of Genetics and Application No. 1/2005 also announced a new finding about the long-leaf pearl [Lysimachia vittiformis] near Lo Thang village, Thai An commune, Quan Ba district. In addition, there are more than 40 species of orchids and lichens on limestone deserts in the Dong Van plateau.

Sang Tung rocky desert – Photo:
Du Gia Nature Reserve is located to the south of Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark with a fairly rich fauna of 171 species belonging to 73 families and 24 orders, of which there are 57 species of mammals, 82 bird species, 18 reptile species and 14 species of amphibians. There are 27 rare and precious animal species listed in the Vietnam Red list, including 17 species of mammals, 2 species of birds and 8 species of reptiles. Especially since 2002, the Tonkin snub-nosed monkey [Rhinopithecus avunculus] has been discovered, one of the five primate species in Vietnam and among the 25 primate species in the world, with nearly 100 individuals in the Khau Ca forest buffer zone.

Buckwheat flower season on Dong Van rock plateau – Photo: Mk. Thành
Khau Ca Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey Nature Reserve covers an area of over 2,000 ha, located in Tung Ba commune [Vi Xuyen] and Minh Son and Yen Dinh communes [Bac Me]. With the support of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the provincial forest protection force has actively carried out biological patrol and supervision in the areas having Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey; control and update information about activities that are harmful to the conservation area's habitat corridors and promote propaganda and raising public awareness about the protection of the Tonkin snub-nosed monkeys.[2]

Tonkin snub-nosed monkeys. Photo: Đình Anh  [Nguồn: Báo Hà Giang điện tử] 

5. Culture[3]

Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark is the area of about 250,000 residents of 17 ethnic groups including H'Mong, Tay, Lo Lo, Giay, Dao, Nung, Kinh, Hoa..., and some ethnic groups are unique especially in Ha Giang such as Pu Péo, Co Lao, La Chi, Bo Y. Each ethnic group has their own very rich traditional cultural identity, from languages, customs, beliefs to the folk arts and festivals with highland characteristics... In which "Khau Vai Love Market" is the most unique festival, besides, there is the "Gầu Tào" festival of H'Mong people, "The forest's God worship" festival of Pu Peo people, Ceremony of Dao ethnic groups... and other festivals and customs of the ethnic groups. In labor, residents have also created a very unique farming method when planting maize in stone holes to adapt to the natural conditions of land and water shortage. The presence of the resident communities here has given Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark a rare self-worth and unique cultural aspects which are not mixed with any other regions in Vietnam.
Dong Van Ancient Town
Dong Van is a small town located in the middle of a valley surrounded by rocks. The most picturesque part of Dong Van is the old town where many rundown clay houses built in the late 19th century are located. Dong Van market is held every Sunday. It is the perfect place to shop for local products made by ethnic minority people such as Mong, Han, Dao, Giay and Tay people. On Saturdays countless lanterns make the town a beautiful place to stroll around. From Dong Van town you can explore attractions such as Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark, Lung Cu Flag Tower and Ma Pi Leng Pass.

Khau Vai Love market

Khau Vai commune, located in Meo Vac district, the northernmost province of Ha Giang, is home to ethnic minority groups of Giay, Nung and Muong. Each year, there is a market session on lunar March 26th [often falling on calendar May], but it is not a farming produce trading market but a love market. The name and activities of the market have common things with love market in Sapa.
But what’s different is that Khau Vai is a love market for various ethnic minority groups from four mountainous districts in Dong Van Plateau and ethnic minority groups in communes adjacent to Bao Lam and Bao Loc districts of Cao Bang province.
Local senior people said that this love market dated back to 1919. Roads are now more accessible than the previous years, so more people come to the market. However, activities of the market are still rich in cultural identity.

H’mong King Palace
The king of the H’mong ethnicity and his family lived in this impressive mansion early last century. The mansion has a unique design created by stone artists from Yunnan [China] and has elements of both traditional architecture of the Qing dynasty in China as well as local Mong culture. The house is decorated with images of sacred animals such as turtle, dragon, phoenix and unicorn to show the prosperity of the family. The mansion has a total of 10 buildings, two levels and 64 rooms.​

6. Tours in the area of Geopark.[4]

Destinations and travel products on tours include a number of geological heritage, cultural heritage and a tourist village of H'Mong ethnic as follows:

Tour 1: Ha Giang – Quan Ba – Yen Minh
  • Quan Ba Heaven Gate
  • Tourist village Truc Son
  • Tourist village Nam Dam
  • Quan ba moutain pair
  • Tectonic valley Quan Ba
  • Flax weaving village Hop Tien, Lung Tam
  • Tectonic relation between Bac Son layer and Hien river.
  • Triangle facet due to new tectonic activity of Yen Minh and New Market in Lao Va Chai
  • NW-SE direction cliff surface cutting through the right limestone layer.
  • Karst arch in the north of Yen Minh on which consists of cuesta falls in different sides.
  • Cliff systems cross along the limestone cliffs related fractures Yen Ming – Cho Moi is the boundary between Gam river and Hien river
  • Relic of Vuong dynasty.
Tour 2:  From Quan Ba to the North West and Nghia Thuan
This tour has many caves, the boundary between Gam River and Hien River, Fault operation and special cultural features of some of the Mong villages:
  • Thanh Van Mong Village [village famous for corn wine production of Highland]
  • Kho My Tung Vai cave and ethnic minorities’ villages.
  • Primitive forest area – Tung Vai.
Tour 3: Yen Minh – Pho Bang – Dong Van
Some destinations with geological heritage and cultural destinations as following:
  • Na Tau cave
  • Swallow cavern
  • Pho Cao cave
  • Mong Pho Cao’s village
  • Na Tau cave
  • Unarranged relation between T1/T2 deposit in Pho Bang area
  • Cuesta terrain in the north of Lan Si village, Pho Cao commune.
  • Bee cave
  • Break cliff in Pho Bang-Khau Vai, New Village – Pho Cao commune.
  • Pyramid karst block on the leveled surface of 1300-1500m
  • River agglomerate creating leveled hills on the bottom of Pho Bang valley.
  • Karst valley to the North East and expanded to South West, narrowed to the North East.
  • Fault cliffs of North East cross along the limestone at Pho Bang valley.
  • Pho Bang ancient town
  • Moon cave
  • Pyramid karst block on the leveled surface of 1300-1500m
  • River agglomerate creating leveled hills on the bottom of Pho Bang valley.
  • Fault cliffs of North East cross along the limestone at Pho Bang valley.
  • Karst valley to the North East and expanded to South West, narrowed to the North East.
  • Fault cliffs of North East cross along the limestone at Bac Son layer and Sung La valley
  • Unarranged boundary between Bac Son layer and Dong Dang layer.
  • Permi-Trias boundary in Lung Cam
  • Claraia griesbachi fossil in Lung Cam
  • Standard cross section of Hong Ngai layer
  • Fossil area of Bivalvia-Entolium discites microtis [Olenec] at the standard cross section of Hong Ngai layer.
  • Desert landscape stone at leveling surface of 1500-1700m
  • Karst valley and range of tower limestone top in combination with North East Fault cliffs.
  • Relic of Vuong dynasty
  • Xa Phin 1 cave
  • Tower karst terrain of limestone in the North East Fault cliffs.
  • “Valley top” landscape, indicate rejuvenation karst at leveling surface of 1300-1500m.
  • The oldest relics of valley bottoms MeoVac hanging on the slopes at an altitude of 900m
  • The boundary layer of Bac Son limestone and terrigenous rocks layer of Hien River at the Lung Tao-Tu San fault cliffs [F7] create two different landscapes 
  • Fusulinid limestone
  • Dong Van ancient town
Tour 4: Yen Minh- Du Già Reservation zone with some geological heritage features as follow:
  • Cliff systems cross along the limestone related to Yen Ming – Cho Moi fault is the boundary between Gam River and Hien River
  • Landscape system of terraced fields and mountain.
  • Na Tau cave
  • Ban Vang cave
  • Tower karst terrain of limestone top in the North West – South East fault.
  • Tower brecciation limestone in the North West – South East fault.
  • Cuesta terrain forms deflecting pyramid.
  • Natural Reservation Area Du Gia
  • Terraced field on terrigenous rocks layer of Hien River.
Tour 5: Dong Van-Lung Cu with some geological heritage features as follow:
  • Trung Thoi fusulinid limestone
  • Dong Van ancient town
  • Gabro diabaz stone in black gray color and Cao Bang fault complex
  • Fault cliff in Ma Lau-Dong Van [F6] cross along Bac Son limestone layer. The fissure separate longtitude, abrupt slope cross along Bac Son limestone layer.
  • Tectonic contact between Bac Son limestone layer and terrigenous rock of Hien River by Ma Lau – Dong Van fault.
  • V- Shape valley and facet related to the NW-SE fault. The NW-SE fault cliffs of Bac Son limestone layer and range of limestone, Si Phai chalky clay layer.
  • Khe Lia Canyon
  • Shining light cave
  • Ma Lé cave system
  • Cuesta terrain forming on Toc Tat inclined limestone layer.
  • Arrangement relation between Ma Lé layer và Si Phai layer.
  • The NW-SE fault cliffs cross along terrigenous red rock of Ma Lé layer
  • Cuesta terrain lies slopingly on the arch core; Separate chalky clay limestone top is on the leveling surface of 1000-1300m
  • Euryspirifer tonkinensis
  • Bivalvia Pterinea fossil – mialeensis Mansuy, Mia Lé layer
  • Bivalvia Goniophora-Mytilarca fossil, Bac Bun layer
  • Cuesta terrain ancient detain in Xi Man Kha-Lung Man, cross through leveling surface of 1000-1300m creating ersion slope at the height of 400-500m and other vestiges of erosion slope.
  • NW-SE fault valley crosses along terrigenous red rock of Ma Lé layer.
  • The NW-SE fault cliffs cross along terrigenous red rock of Ma Lé layer
  • Unarranged boundary between Lutxia và SiKa layers
  • Ancient Fish fossil and aquatic plant in Xi Man Kha
  • Horizontal axis fold in the clay schist of Chang Pung layer forming in the period of Caledoni tectonic.
  • The North East fault cliff cross along marble of Chang Pung layer in the South of Lung Cu.
  • Lung Cu flagpole
  • Lo Lo tourist village in Chai Lung Cu [villiage of Lo Lo minority]
Tour 6: Dong Van-Lung Tao-Pho Bang with some geological heritage features as follow:
  • Erosion terraces system and alluvial ground of Ma Lé stream.
  • Cuesta terrain formed of single lying position of Bac Son limestone layer creating breathtaking image: turtle carried child finding the way to heaven.
  • Terrain system formed by pediment process of Dolomite – easily broken limestone.
  • Residuary of pyramid block or deflecting on cuesta terrain of Si Phai limestone layer and Toc Tat layer.
  • Pyramid karst block with “mother”, “children” version on leveling surface of 1300-1500m
  • The boundary between Bac Son limestone layer terrigenous red rock of Hien River layer by Lung Tao-Tu San [F7] fault to the NW-SE, adjacent to the South West of Dong Van trenched fault.
  • Rock forest in Lung Tao
  • Xa Lung 2 cave
  • Xa Phin 3 cave
  • Karst valley and range of tower limestone top by North East fault.
  • Rock desert landscape on leveling surface 1500-1700m
  • Claraia griesbachi fossil, Lung Cam
  • Boundary between Permi-Trias, Lung Cam
  • Unarranged boundary between Bac Son and Dong Dang layers.
  • Cliffs by North East fault cross along Bac Son limestone layer in Sung La area.
  • Unarranged relation of deposit terraces Pho Bang area
  • Bee cave
  • Cliff fault of Pho Bang-Khau Vai, in New Village, Pho Bang.
  • Pyramid karst block on leveling surface of 1300-1500m
  • Sediment accumulation of river forming leveled hill on the bottom of Pho Bang valley.
  • Karst valley to the North West expanded to the South East and narrowed to the North West.
  • Fault cliff to the NorthEast cross along limestone range in Pho Bang valley.
  • Moon cave
  • Pyramid karst block on the leveling surface of 1300-1500m
  • Sediment accumulation of river forming leveled hill on the bottom of  Pho Bang valley .
  • Cliff fault to the NorthEast cross along limestone range in Pho Bang valley.
  • Karst valley to the North West expanded to the South East and narrowed to the North West.
Tour 7: Dong Van ancient town – Vuong dynasty with some geological heritage features as follow:
  • Dong Van ancient town
  • The most ancient bottom relic of Meo Vac valley hanging on the slopes at an altitude of 900m.
  • Valley top” landscape, indicate rejuvenation karst at leveling surface of 1300-1500m
  • The boundary layer of Bac Son limestone and terrigenous rocks  layer of Hien River at the Lung Tao-Tu San fault cliffs [F7]  create two different landscapes 
  • Pyramid karst block by the NorthEast fault.
  • Xa Phin 1 cave
  • Relic area of Vuong dynasty
Tour 8: Dong Van – Ha Quang Phin [Meo Vac] – Yen Minh with some geological heritage features as follow:
  • Van ancient town
  • The most ancient bottom relic of Meo Vac valley hanging on the slopes at an altitude of 900m.
  • Valley top” landscape, indicate rejuvenation karst at leveling surface of 1300-1500m
  • The boundary layer of Bac Son limestone and terrigenous rocks  layer of Hien River at the Lung Tao-Tu San fault cliffs [F7]  create two different landscapes 
  • Pyramid karst block by the NorthEast fault.
  • Pyramid limestone top of Bac Son layer in karst valley due to operation of longitude fault.
  • The forming process of pyramid karst blocks begin from a large rock block with break stone and cliff surrounding top.
  • Cuesta terrain formed of single lying position of Dong Dang layer.
  • Fault valley of Mia Lé stream, adjoined to the NorthEast with terrigenous rocks layer of Mia Lé, and to the South East with Bac Son layer.
  • Valley top” landscape, indicate rejuvenation karst at leveling surface of 1300-1500m.
  • The forming process of pyramid karst blocks begin from a large rock block with break stone and cliffs.
  • Pyramid limestone top of Bac Son layer in karst valley by the NorthEast fault.
  • Left cliff by the NorthEast fault cross along Bac Son layer, forming in the period of new tectonic.
  • Pyramid brecciation limestone in karst valley by the NW – SE fault forming in the period of new tectonic.
  • Pyramid brecciation limestone in karst valley by the NW – SE fault.
  • Ban Vang cave
  • Na Tau cave
  • Cliff system crosses though limestone by Yen Minh fault – New Market is the boundary between Gam River and Hien River zone.
Tour 9: Dong Van – Meo Vac with some geological heritage features as follow:
  • Fusulinid limestone
  • Dong Van ancient town
  • Cuesta terrain as “toad” due to over thrust on Bac Son limestone layer.
  • Lime-siliceous corrugated schist, Toc Tat layer
  • Limestone lying unarranged on terrigenous -carbonat-silic, Si Phai layer by Ma Lau-Dong Van fault.
  • Tentaculites-Nowakia otomari zone, Givet age, Si Phai layer
  • Tentaculites-Nowakia richteri zone, Si Phai layer
  • Tentaculites-Nowakia cancellata zone , Si Phai layer
  • Tentaculites-Nowakia barrandei zone, Si Phai layer
  • Tentaculites-Nowakia zlichovensis zone, Si Phai layer
  • Red limestone on Si Phai pass, Toc Tat layer
  • Unarranged boundary of Bac Son layer on Lung Nam layer.
  • The most ancient bottom relic of Meo Vac valley hanging on the slopes at an altitude of 900m
  • “Valley top” landscape, indicate rejuvenation karst at leveling surface of 1300-1500m
  • The boundary layer of Bac Son limestone and terrigenous rocks layer of Hien River at the Lung Tao-Tu San fault cliffs [F7] create two different landscapes.
  • Pyramid karst block by the NorthEast fault.
  • Pyramid limestone top of Bac Son layer in karst valley due to operation of longitude fault.
  • The forming process of pyramid karst blocks begin from a large rock block with break stone and cliffs.
  • Cuesta terrain formed of single lying position of Dong Dang layer.
  • Fault valley of Mia Lé stream, adjoined to the NorthEast with terrigenous rocks layer of Mia Lé, and to the South East with Bac Son layer.
  • “Valley top” landscape, indicate rejuvenation karst at leveling surface of 1300-1500m.
  • The forming process of pyramid karst blocks begin from a large rock block with break stone and cliffs.
  • Pyramidkarst block
  • Range of limestone top lying in fault valley by the NW-SE.
Tour 10: Dong Van – Xin Cai – Meo Vac with some geological heritage features as follow:
  • Fusulinid limestone
  • Dong Van ancient town
  • Cuesta terrain as “toad” due to over thrust on Bac Son limestone layer.
  • Lime-siliceous corrugated schist, Toc Tat layer
  • Limestone lying unarranged on terrigenous -carbonat-silic, Si Phai layer by Ma Lau-Dong Van fault.
  • Tentaculites-Nowakia otomari zone, Givet age, Si Phai layer
  • Tentaculites-Nowakia richteri zone, Si Phai layer
  • Tentaculites-Nowakia cancellata zone , Si Phai layer
  • Tentaculites-Nowakia barrandei zone, Si Phai layer
  • Tentaculites-Nowakia zlichovensis zone, Si Phai layer
  • Red limestone on Si Phai pass, Toc Tat layer
  • Unarranged boundary of Bac Son layer on Lung Nam layer.
  • The boundary of Frasni/Famen layer
  • TheNW-SE fault crosses though Bac Son limestone layer and terrigenous rocks of Hien River layer.
  • Leveling surface of 750-950m with karst block including range of pyramid and inclined top falling into Nhho Que River.
  • Canyon of Nho Que River.
  • Fault cliff system lengthens to the NW-SE crossing along limestone and lime-siliceous, Si Phai layer.
  • The residuary of leveling surface at the height of 750-950 m on the edge of karst canyon in Tu San area, Nho Que River.
  • Tower viewing place.
  • Corrugation in balck gray limestone, Si Phai layer.
  • The corrugation of ancient sea bottom on the limestone of Si Phai layer, Ma Pi Leng mountain pass.
  • Nho Que canyon by fissured system separate longtitude across Bac Son limestone layer formed in the period of new tectonic.
  • Nho Que river’s fault lifted to the South west, collapsed to the North East  creating Nho Que valley which formed in the period of new tectonic.
  • The gigantic erosion terrace along the Nho Que River: about 500-600m high with deep ravine vertically stabbing to the cliffs.
  • Meo Vac valley in the V shape longitude crossing Si Phai limestone layer formed in the period of new tectonic.
  • Range of limestone top lying in fault valley by the NW-SE.
Tour 11: Meo Vac –Khau Vai Love market with some geological heritage features as follow:
  • Range of limestone top lying in fault valley by the NW-SE.
  • Pyramid karst block on the leveling surface of 1300-1500m height.
  • Range of limestone top lying in fault valley by the NW-SE formed in the period of new tectonic.
  • Relic of leveled surface of 1000-1300m và 1500-1700m in watershed area with rock desert landscape on different conical in the  development period of old karst.
  • Corrugation in balck gray limestone, Si Phai layer.
  • Cuesta terrain creates colossal sarrates Si Phai limestone layer.
  • Khau Vai love market located in the boundary of terrigenous rock of Hien River layer and Bac Son layer.
  • Foraminifera Meandrospira pusilla olenec zone in the high part of Hong Ngai area.
Tour 12: Meo Vạc – Yen Minh with some geological heritage features as follow:
  • Range of limestone top lying in fault valley by the NW-SE
  • Pyramid karst block
  • Meo Vong 1, 2 caves
  • Sung Ke 2 cave
  • Sung Ke 3 cave
  • Range of pyramid limestone top of Bac Son layer lying in fault valley by the North East.
  • Left cliff by the NorthEast fault cross along Bac Son layer, forming in the period of new tectonic.
  • Pyramid brecciation limestone ranges in karst valley by the NW – SE fault forming in the period of new tectonic.
  • Pyramid limestone top of Bac Son layer lying in fault valley by the NW- SE.
  • Ban Vang cave
  • Na Tau cave
  • Cliff systems crossing the limestone related to Yen Ming – Cho Moi – Kim Hy fault is the boundary between Gam River and Hien River.
  • Travel by boat [machine boat, rubber boat, canoe]:
Tour 13: Along Nho Que River [in the territory of Vietnam]
Tour 14: Along Nhiem River, starting from outgoing feeder in Mau Due
Tour 15: Along Mien River-Ha Giang
  • Jogging / horse riding / hiking / climbing / caves exploration / cable hanger etc…Some suggested tours:
  • Sightseeing excursion, resting in ethnic cultural village, combined with studying the geological heritage, for example black Lo Lo village in Lung Cu, cultural village – Khau Vai tourist commune – Meo Vac, Tung Sang tourist village – Dong Van, fairs in Bach Dich-Yen Minh, fairs in Quyet Tien and Bo Y village in Quan Ba, etc.;
  • Combining visit beautiful caves and comely ground [common] such as Moon cave in Pho Bang, Dragon cave in Sang Tung, outgoing feeder in Mau Due etc…;
  • Discovery, cave exploration for difficult ground requiring  technical [Professional] such as Bee cave, Pa Ca  in Pho Bang, Ma Lé 1 and 2 in Dong Van, Lung Chinh in Meo Vac etc…
  • Climbing/ hiking/ cable hanger in the Nho Que River’s canyon, etc…

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