Chương trình python để đếm số ký tự đặc biệt trong tệp văn bản

Trong bước tiếp theo, chúng ta đã khởi tạo tất cả các giá trị cho biến “s“. Và đã sử dụng hàm read[] để đọc từng từ trong tệp của chúng tôi. Hàm read[] trả về đầu ra ở định dạng chuỗi

Ghi chú.   Ở đây bên trong hàm, chúng ta đã sử dụng hàm len[] trả về tổng chiều dài của đối tượng. Ở đây “s” là đối tượng tệp của chúng tôi.

Vì vậy, bây giờ chúng ta có dữ liệu văn bản hoàn chỉnh ở định dạng chuỗi và chúng ta có thể lấy tổng độ dài của các ký tự bằng cách sử dụng hàm len[]. Cái nào sẽ trả về tổng độ dài của tệp văn bản của chúng tôi, tức là. tổng số ký tự có sẵn

Trong hướng dẫn này, chúng ta sẽ tìm hiểu chương trình python để đếm số lượng bảng chữ cái, chữ số và ký tự đặc biệt có trong một chuỗi đầu vào từ người dùng

Báo cáo vấn đề

Đối với bất kỳ chuỗi đầu vào nào, chúng tôi sẽ in số lượng bảng chữ cái ['a'-'z' và 'A'-'Z'], số chữ số [0-9] và số lượng ký tự đặc biệt hiện có

Ví dụ

Trường hợp 1. Nếu người dùng nhập chuỗi '%python123%$#',

đầu ra phải là, bảng chữ cái = 5, chữ số = 3, ký tự đặc biệt = 4

Trường hợp2. Nếu người dùng nhập chuỗi ‘. quescollll151. %&',

đầu ra phải là, bảng chữ cái = 10, chữ số = 3, ký tự đặc biệt = 6

[phần tử-mẫu id =”5253″]

Logic của chúng tôi để đếm bảng chữ cái, chữ số và ký tự đặc biệt trong chuỗi

  • Chương trình của chúng tôi sẽ lấy một chuỗi làm đầu vào từ người dùng
  • Đếm số lượng bảng chữ cái, chữ số và ký hiệu đặc biệt và lưu trữ nó trong các biến khác nhau. Điều này có thể được thực hiện bằng cách lặp chuỗi bằng vòng lặp 'for'
  • Các hàm tích hợp ‘isalpha[]’ và ‘isdigit[]’ giúp xác định các bảng chữ cái và chữ số được sử dụng trong các ký tự chuỗi

Thuật toán đếm chữ cái, chữ số và ký tự đặc biệt trong chuỗi

Bước 1. Bắt đầu

Bước 2. Lấy một chuỗi làm đầu vào từ người dùng

Bước 3. Tạo 3 biến đếm số thuộc bảng chữ cái, chữ số, ký tự đặc biệt và gán giá trị ‘0’ cho chúng

Bước 4. Sử dụng vòng lặp 'for' để lặp qua chuỗi

Bước5. nếu tôi. isalpha[]

chữ cái+=1

yêu tinh tôi. isdigit[]

chữ số+=1


Char đặc biệt +=1

Bước 6. In 'alpha', 'digit' và 'special_char'

Bước7. Dừng lại

[phần tử-mẫu id=”5256″]

Mã Python để đếm bảng chữ cái, chữ số và ký tự đặc biệt trong chuỗi

Đầu ra 1

Nhận số lượng ký tự, từ, khoảng trắng và dòng trong một tệp

Cách tiếp cận ngây thơ để lấy số lượng ký tự, từ, khoảng trắng và dòng trong một tệp

Theo cách tiếp cận này, ý tưởng là giải quyết nhiệm vụ bằng cách phát triển logic của chính chúng ta. Không sử dụng bất kỳ hàm có sẵn nào của Python, tổng số ký tự, số từ, khoảng trắng và số dòng của tệp sẽ được tính. Dưới đây là việc thực hiện các phương pháp trên.  


# Python implementation to compute

# number of characters, words, spaces

# and lines in a file


# Function to count number

# of characters, words, spaces

# and lines in a file

def counter[fname]:


Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# Python implementation to compute0
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# Python implementation to compute5

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# Python implementation to compute7
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# number of characters, words, spaces2

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# number of characters, words, spaces4
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# number of characters, words, spaces9

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# and lines in a file1

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# and lines in a file3

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# and lines in a file5# and lines in a file6# and lines in a file7# and lines in a file8# and lines in a file9

# Function to count number0

# Function to count number0____171_______2

# Function to count number0____171_______4

# Function to count number0_______171_______6 # Function to count number7# Function to count number8 # Function to count number9

# of characters, words, spaces0

# of characters, words, spaces0____172_______2

# of characters, words, spaces0____172_______4

# of characters, words, spaces0____172_______6

# of characters, words, spaces0____172_______8

# of characters, words, spaces0_______168_______0# and lines in a file1

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
4 # and lines in a file3

# of characters, words, spaces0

# of characters, words, spaces0_______170_______6

# of characters, words, spaces0____170_______8

# of characters, words, spaces0____174_______0

# of characters, words, spaces0____174_______2

# of characters, words, spaces0____174_______4

# of characters, words, spaces0_______174_______6

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
4 def8

# of characters, words, spaces0

# of characters, words, spaces0____175_______1

# of characters, words, spaces0____175_______3

# of characters, words, spaces0_______171_______6 counter[fname]:6# Function to count number8 counter[fname]:8



Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21


Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21


Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21


Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
11 def6
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
4 def8
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
17_______0_______3# and lines in a file1
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
4 # and lines in a file3

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21


Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21


Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21


Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21


Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
17_______169_______4# and lines in a file1
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
4 # and lines in a file3

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
4 def8

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21



Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21


Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

counter[fname]:9# Function to count number6

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
86# Function to count number8
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
17_______0_______07# Python implementation to compute00
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
4# Python implementation to compute02
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
11 # Python implementation to compute04
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
4# Python implementation to compute06
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

# Python implementation to compute08

# Python implementation to compute08# Python implementation to compute10

# Python implementation to compute08

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

# Python implementation to compute08# Python implementation to compute7# and lines in a file1

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
4 # and lines in a file3

# Python implementation to compute08

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# Python implementation to compute20

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# Python implementation to compute22# Python implementation to compute23# Python implementation to compute24# Python implementation to compute25

# Python implementation to compute26# Python implementation to compute27

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# Python implementation to compute30

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# Python implementation to compute22# Python implementation to compute23# Python implementation to compute34# Python implementation to compute25

# Python implementation to compute26# Python implementation to compute37

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# Python implementation to compute40

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# Python implementation to compute22# Python implementation to compute23# Python implementation to compute44# Python implementation to compute25

# Python implementation to compute26# Python implementation to compute47

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# Python implementation to compute50

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# Python implementation to compute22# Python implementation to compute23# Python implementation to compute54# Python implementation to compute25

# Python implementation to compute26# Python implementation to compute57

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

# Python implementation to compute59

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
07 # Python implementation to compute61
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
4 # Python implementation to compute64# Python implementation to compute65

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# Python implementation to compute67
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
4 # Python implementation to compute69

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# Python implementation to compute71# Python implementation to compute65

# Function to count number0____168_______74

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# Python implementation to compute76# Python implementation to compute65

# Function to count number0_______168_______22____168_______23# Python implementation to compute81# Python implementation to compute82

đầu ra

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Sử dụng một số chức năng tích hợp và chức năng mô-đun hệ điều hành

Trong cách tiếp cận này, ý tưởng là sử dụng hệ điều hành. linesep[] của mô-đun hệ điều hành để phân tách các dòng trên nền tảng hiện tại. Khi trình quét của trình thông dịch gặp os. linesep nó thay thế nó bằng ký tự \n. Sau đó, các hàm strip[] và split[] sẽ được sử dụng để thực hiện tác vụ. Nhận thêm ý tưởng về các hàm strip[] và split[]. Dưới đây là việc thực hiện các phương pháp trên.  


# Python implementation to compute

# number of characters, words, spaces

# and lines in a file


# Python implementation to compute86

# Python implementation to compute87 # Python implementation to compute88


# Function to count number

# of characters, words, spaces

# and lines in a file

def counter[fname]:

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# Python implementation to compute0
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# Python implementation to compute5

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# Python implementation to compute7
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# number of characters, words, spaces2

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# number of characters, words, spaces4
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# number of characters, words, spaces9

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# and lines in a file1

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# and lines in a file3

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
0# and lines in a file5# and lines in a file6# and lines in a file7# and lines in a file8# and lines in a file9

# Function to count number0

# Function to count number0____171_______2

# Function to count number0____171_______4

# Function to count number0_______171_______6 # Function to count number7# Function to count number8 # Function to count number9

# of characters, words, spaces0

# of characters, words, spaces0____169_______47

# of characters, words, spaces0____169_______49

# of characters, words, spaces0____169_______51

# of characters, words, spaces0____169_______53

# of characters, words, spaces0_______171_______7

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
4 # number of characters, words, spaces57

# of characters, words, spaces0

# of characters, words, spaces0_______169_______60

# of characters, words, spaces0____169_______62

# of characters, words, spaces0____169_______64

# of characters, words, spaces0____169_______66

# of characters, words, spaces0____169_______68

# of characters, words, spaces0_______169_______70

# of characters, words, spaces0_______169_______72

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
4 # number of characters, words, spaces74

# of characters, words, spaces0

# of characters, words, spaces0____172_______2

# of characters, words, spaces0____172_______4

# of characters, words, spaces0____172_______6

# of characters, words, spaces0____172_______8

# of characters, words, spaces0_______168_______0

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
4 # Python implementation to compute0# and lines in a file1 # and lines in a file3

# of characters, words, spaces0

# of characters, words, spaces0____172_______2

# of characters, words, spaces0____169_______94

# of characters, words, spaces0_______169_______96

# of characters, words, spaces0____169_______98

# of characters, words, spaces0_______0_______3

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
3# and lines in a file1 # and lines in a file04# and lines in a file05

# of characters, words, spaces0

# of characters, words, spaces0____172_______2

# of characters, words, spaces0____170_______10

# of characters, words, spaces0_______170_______12

# of characters, words, spaces0____170_______14

# of characters, words, spaces0_______168_______7

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
4 # Python implementation to compute7# and lines in a file1 # and lines in a file20# Python implementation to compute23# and lines in a file3 # Function to count number6 # and lines in a file24# Function to count number8 # Function to count number7

# Python implementation to compute08

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
07 # and lines in a file24_______170_______30 # Function to count number8 # and lines in a file32
Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
10# and lines in a file34

# of characters, words, spaces0

# of characters, words, spaces0____172_______2

# of characters, words, spaces0______170_______39

# of characters, words, spaces0_______170_______41

# of characters, words, spaces0_______170_______43

# of characters, words, spaces0_______169_______4

Number of words in text file:  25
Number of lines in text file:  4
Number of characters in text file:  91
Number of spaces in text file:  21
4 # number of characters, words, spaces4# and lines in a file1 # and lines in a file20# Python implementation to compute23# and lines in a file3 # Function to count number6 # and lines in a file53# Function to count number8 # Function to count number7

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