Convert int to list python

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    The interconversion of data types is a problem that is quite common in programming. Sometimes we need to convert a single number to list of integers and we don’t wish to spend several lines of code doing it. Hence having ways to perform this task using shorthands comes in handy. Let’s discuss ways in which this can be performed. 

    Method #1: Using list comprehension

    Itcan be used as a shorthand for the longer format of the naive method. In this method, we convert the number to a string and then extract each character and re-convert it to an integer. 


    num = 2019

    print["The original number is " + str[num]]

    res = [int[x] for x in str[num]]

    print["The list from number is " + str[res]]


    The original number is 2019
    The list from number is [2, 0, 1, 9]

    Method #2: Using map[] map function can be used to perform the following task converting each of the string converted numbers to the desired integer value to be reconverted to the list format. 


    num = 2019

    print["The original number is " + str[num]]

    res = list[map[int, str[num]]]

    print["The list from number is " + str[res]]


    The original number is 2019
    The list from number is [2, 0, 1, 9]

    Method #3: Using enumerate function



    res = [int[x] for a,x in enumerate[str[n]]]


    There are already great methods already mentioned on this page, however it does seem a little obscure as to which to use. So I have added some mesurements so you can more easily decide for yourself:

    A large number has been used [for overhead] 1111111111111122222222222222222333333333333333333333

    Using map[int, str[num]]:

    import timeit
    def method[]:
        num = 1111111111111122222222222222222333333333333333333333
        return map[int, str[num]]
    print[timeit.timeit["method[]", setup="from __main__ import method", number=10000]

    Output: 0.018631496999999997

    Using list comprehension:

    import timeit

    def method[]:
        num = 1111111111111122222222222222222333333333333333333333
        return [int[x] for x in str[num]]
    print[timeit.timeit["method[]", setup="from __main__ import method", number=10000]]

    Output: 0.28403817900000006

    Code taken from this answer

    The results show that the first method involving inbuilt methods is much faster than list comprehension.

    The "mathematical way":

    import timeit
    def method[]:
        q = 1111111111111122222222222222222333333333333333333333
        ret = []
        while q != 0:
            q, r = divmod[q, 10] # Divide by 10, see the remainder
            ret.insert[0, r] # The remainder is the first to the right digit
        return ret
    print[timeit.timeit["method[]", setup="from __main__ import method", number=10000]]

    Output: 0.38133582499999996

    Code taken from this answer

    The list[str[123]] method [does not provide the right output]:

    import timeit
    def method[]:
        return list[str[1111111111111122222222222222222333333333333333333333]]
    print[timeit.timeit["method[]", setup="from __main__ import method", number=10000]]

    Output: 0.028560138000000013

    Code taken from this answer

    The answer by Duberly González Molinari:

    import timeit
    def method[]:
        n = 1111111111111122222222222222222333333333333333333333
        l = []
        while n != 0:
            l = [n % 10] + l
            n = n // 10
        return l
    print[timeit.timeit["method[]", setup="from __main__ import method", number=10000]]

    Output: 0.37039988200000007

    Code taken from this answer


    In all cases the map[int, str[num]] is the fastest method [and is therefore probably the best method to use]. List comprehension is the second fastest [but the method using map[int, str[num]] is probably the most desirable of the two.

    Those that reinvent the wheel are interesting but are probably not so desirable in real use.

    Can we convert integer to list in Python?

    Python3. Method #2: Using map[] map function can be used to perform the following task converting each of the string converted numbers to the desired integer value to be reconverted to the list format.

    How do you convert one integer to a list in Python?

    With map and str We fast apply the str function to the given number. Then apply the in function repeatedly using map. Finally keep the result inside a list function.

    How do you convert input to a list in Python?

    Use an input[] function to accept the list elements from a user in the format of a string separated by space. Next, use a split[] function to split an input string by space. The split[] method splits a string into a list.

    How do you split an integer into a list in Python?

    To split an integer into digits: Use the str[] class to convert the integer to a string. Use a for loop to iterate over the string. Use the int[] class to convert each substring to an integer and append them to a list.

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