Course tutor là gì

Anh-Việt Việt-Anh Nga-Việt Việt-Nga Lào-Việt Việt-Lào Trung-Việt Việt-Trung Pháp-ViệtViệt-Pháp Hàn-Việt Nhật-Việt Italia-Việt Séc-Việt Tây Ban Nha-Việt Bồ Đào Nha-Việt Đức-Việt Na Uy-Việt Khmer-Việt Việt-KhmerViệt-Việt

Bạn đang xem: Tutor là gì


tutor /"tju:tə/ danh từ fan giám hộ [đứa tthấp vị thành niên] gia sư, thầy giáo kèm riêng trợ lý tiếp thu kiến thức [ở ngôi trường ĐH Anh] ngoại cồn từ [pháp lý] giám hộ dạy dỗ kèm, kèm cặp kiềm chế nội đụng từ có tác dụng nhiệm vụ giám hộ là gia sư

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Từ điển Collocation

tutor noun

ADJ. good | experienced | professional | personal, private | senior | assistant | full-time, part-time | college, school, university | course | art, English, etc.

VERB + TUTOR act as

PREP. ~ khổng lồ Roger Ascsi, tutor lớn Queen Elizabeth More information about JOB
JOB: be, work as ~ She"s a well-known writer. Her father, a trained chef, now works as a bus driver.

study to be, train as, train khổng lồ be ~ She trained as a painter & sculptor.

start [work] as ~ He started work as a trainee chef.

become, qualify as ~ She qualified as a vet last year.

employ [sb as], have sầu The company employs more than 1500 engineers.

engage [sb as], get, hire [sb as], recruit, take on ~ They have recruited a new designer.

appoint, appoint sb [as], make sb ~ are usually used with academic, official or highly responsible jobs: He was appointed Professor of Law at Yale. At 39 she was made chairman of the board.

dismiss, fire, sack ~ The club have sầu sacked their coach.

Từ điển WordNet

n. a tutor khổng lồ someone; give individual instruction

She tutored me in Spanishact as a guardian to lớn someone

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English Synonym và Antonym Dictionarytutoress|tutors|tutoresses|tutored|tutoringsyn.: coach condition direct drill educate enlighten guide instruct prepare prime school show teach train

Anh-Việt | Nga-Việt | Lào-Việt | Trung-Việt | Học tự | Tra câu
Chuyên mục: Hỏi Đáp

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