crome là gì - Nghĩa của từ crome

crome có nghĩa là

Your mothers bald and greasy asshole of a boyfriend.


Look, there goes crome dome sitting on my couch. I should go knock him off and put spraypainted grass on top of his head, better yet, turtle wax.

crome có nghĩa là

A pistol such as a colt and/or glock.


Tell yo friend i got da crome.

crome có nghĩa là

1. a bald person with a shiny [like crome] head 2. someone who tries to hide their pattern baldness by frequently shaving their head


Crome dome thinks he's a skinhead but he's just old and bald.

crome có nghĩa là

a helmet that jrotc wears in coler guards


those crome domes are shiny

crome có nghĩa là

anyone who is bald, and scalp is shiny


crome có nghĩa là

is the 45th its a dedinition for a gun gun


im gona spill your fluids all over the streets with my crome biatch

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