Day name program in python

In this program, we are going to print day name based on week no. Like – If the user enters 1 that means it is Monday.


After taking input [Week no] from the user, we have to compare that number with 1 to 7 or we can say comparing that number with a day of a week. So the logic goes like – if the number is equal to 1 then it is Monday, if the number is 2 then it is Tuesday etc… Like that we have to compare with each day of the week.


# Taken day number from user
weekday = int[input["Enter weekday day number [1-7] : "]]

if weekday == 1 :

elif weekday == 2 :

elif[weekday == 3] :

elif[weekday == 4] :

elif[weekday == 5] :

elif[weekday == 6] :

elif [weekday == 7] :

else :
    print["\nPlease enter weekday number between 1-7."]


Enter weekday day number [1-7] : 4

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In this post, you will learn how to write a Python program to input a week number and print the week day. For example, if the user enters 1, that implies it is Monday, and if the user enters 7, then the output should be Saturday.

To implement this, we need to take input from the user and store it in a variable. After taking input from the user, we have to compare that number with 1 to 7, or we can say, compare that number with a day of a week. So the logic goes like – if the number is equal to 1, then it is Monday, if the number is 2, then it is Tuesday; like that, we have to compare with each day of the week.

Python Program

The given Python program implements the above logic and prints the week day-

# Python program to input week number and print week day
weekday = int[input["Enter weekday number [1-7] : "]]

if weekday == 1 :

elif weekday == 2 :

elif[weekday == 3] :

elif[weekday == 4] :

elif[weekday == 5] :

elif[weekday == 6] :

elif [weekday == 7] :

else :
    print["\nPlease enter any weekday number [1-7]"]


Enter weekday number [1-7] : 5



Enter weekday number [1-7] : 2


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