Difficulty nghĩa là gì

Q:The difficulty and anger come in those who come to America and do not speak English at all có nghĩa là gì? Q:the difficulties that the government still need to address in order to...
ADDRES có nghĩa là gì? Q:"getting over big difficulties in life." 번역좀.. có nghĩa là gì? Q:you are doubling the difficulty of the game. stop messing with me có nghĩa là gì? Q:you must not be put out at felling difficulties  có nghĩa là gì? Q:Hãy chỉ cho tôi những câu ví dụ với  "difficulty" & "difficulties". Q:Hãy chỉ cho tôi những câu ví dụ với " have difficulty + ing?

why do I have to put "ing" after  that?
ex: I have difficulty in speaking English.

could you please guys give an example or explain how to use it?
. Q:Hãy chỉ cho tôi những câu ví dụ với Present perfect: I still have difficulty knowing whether to use Prétérit or it . Q:Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa The difficulty of the situation made him feel helpless. và The difficulty with the situation made him feel helpless. và The difficulty in the situation made him feel helpless. ? Q:Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa I still have difficulty sleeping. và I still have difficulty in sleeping. ? Q:Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa have difficulties doing và have difficulty doing ? Q:Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa I had difficulty breathing. và I had a difficult breathing. ? Q:Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh [Mỹ] như thế nào? I have some difficulties in communicating with others.
It is getting better than before, but still, not enough.

Q:Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh [Mỹ] như thế nào? I have a difficulty in maths. or  I have difficulty in maths? Q:Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh [Mỹ] như thế nào? How can I speak without. any difficulty?? Q:Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh [Mỹ] như thế nào? "Rained". I have difficulty in saying 'ed' at the end of the words. Q:I often have difficulty using the verb 'be' in the proper tense when I refer to
a historical figure.

1] Who was the most important person in American history?
2] Who is the most important person in American history?

3] Was King Arthur a historical person?
4] Is King Arthur a historical person?

Would you tell me which sentences sound natural? And why?

Thanks in advance.
Q: i have a have a difficulty in/with not judging disabled people by their difficulties  cái này nghe có tự nhiên không? Q: They never flinch from difficulties 他们面对困难永不退缩  cái này nghe có tự nhiên không? Q: Assuming that the difficulty for English speakers to master Japanese is 100, how difficult it is for them to master Spanish, German, and French?  cái này nghe có tự nhiên không? A:This is a poorly worded sentence.

People who come to America and do not speak English experience difficulty and anger. That is, they experience difficulty and they feel anger. A:Pay attention to, or answer. "She addressed the problem" or "the government needs to address this problem" A:mean "you are complaining about the hard level of the game, stop anoying me"
A:To be "put out" means to be inconvenienced by a person or thing. Felling is not a word. I think the correct word is "feeling". So using the given words, the correct sentence could be, "You must not be put out by difficult feelings." However, it is still is unclear and nobody would say that. I think that the term "difficult feelings"  means stress. If so, the sentence should be like this. "Don't allow yourself to be bothered by stress." A:'Difficulty' is used when there is a single thing that is difficult. 'Difficulties' is used when there are several things that are difficulties. However, this is quite complicated in practice as sometimes the difficulties are collected as a set, and then the singular used.

I have a difficulty in swimming as my head bobs up and down instead of staying still.

The main difficulty I have when cycling between cities is navigation. I can manage the distance OK, but get lost quite frequently.

Given that he had six months to learn Russian, he wasn't expecting to have much difficulty mastering it. However, he was wrong, and numerous difficulties in learning grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation meant that he made little progress.

You shouldn't have any difficulties in taking the train as long as you have your ticket and turn up on time.

This is difficult! There are four pages of examples here: //www.manythings.org/sentences/words/difficulty/1.html  [click on 'next' at the top to move to the next page.] A:I have difficulty driving the speed limit.
The reason you add "ing" to the end of the word is to give the sentence both a  present and past tense. It means that it is describing something that you have had and are still having difficulty with. On the other hand if you say: I had difficulties speaking English. It takes on a new meaning, that you had an issue in the past that you are no longer facing. A:I had to go look up "present perfect" to be sure which tense you're referring to since most native speakers don't really know the correct names of every verb tense, myself included. While doing that, I found this great page that both explains its usage and has several examples. I hope it helps: //www.ef.edu/english-resources/english-grammar/present-perfect/ A:The difficulty of the situation made him feel helpless.

is best

The difficulty with the situation made him feel helpless.

is ok

The third one... no! A:'Having difficulties doing' means that you are having trouble doing something because you are facing issues unrelated to your competence at doing/completing the task.

'have difficulty doing' means that you are unable to do something as a result of lack of knowledge or ability A:
I had difficulty breathing because there was so much smoke in the room.

It was difficult for her to breathe if she didnt have her inhaler for her asthma. A:Difficulty is noun, it means how hard to do/achieve  something.

E.g.: The difficulty of this task is so high that I couldn't do it by my own.

Difficulty never uses as verb.

Struggle can be used as verb in sentences.

E.g.: I struggle to finish this task by today. A:"I have some difficulty communicating with others. It's getting better, but it's still not enough."

**"I have some difficulties in" is OK. It is not wrong. However, this sounds much better: "I have some difficulty" A:"I have difficulty in math[s]". The s at the end is rarely, if at all, used and pronounced in American English, but common outside the US. A: it's  OK I thought you were asking  how to say that phrase... anyhow, find someone who speaks the language  you are studying and practice  conversation  with them, watch movies, read books, listen to music even if you don't understand. write down and practice the words that are unfamiliar. Immersion  is the best way to become fluent in any language. A:Between 1 and 2, I would use 2 - it refers to a modern idea of who is the most important person. 1 makes it sound like they were the most important, but aren't anymore. Between 3 and 4, I would use 3 - the past tense sounds more natural because you're referring to someone who is long dead. Even though he has a place in history, using the present tense almost makes it sound like you're referring to a modern day person. A:I have difficulty not judging disabled people.

Or to soften the statement a little:
I find it difficult to accept disabled people. A:I don't know if carries the exact nuance but 'They never flinch in the face of adversity' might be a little more natural

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