Doubly linked list Overflow condition

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Recursive and Doubly Linked Lists
Lecture 9

Steven S. Skiena

Recursive List Implementation

The basic insertion and deletion routines for linked lists are more elegantly written using recursion.

PROCEDURE Insert[VAR list: T; value:INTEGER] = [* inserts new element in list and maintains order *] VAR new: T; [*new node*] BEGIN IF list = NIL THEN list:= NEW[T, key := value] [*list is empty*] ELSIF value < list.key THEN [*proper place found: insert*] new := NEW[T, key := value]; := list; list := new; ELSE [*seek position for insertion*] Insert[, value]; END; [*IF list = NIL*] END Insert; PROCEDURE Remove[VAR list:T; value:INTEGER; VAR found:BOOLEAN] = [* deletes [first] element with value from sorted list, or returns false in found if the element was not found *] BEGIN IF list = NIL THEN [*empty list*] found := FALSE ELSIF value = list.key THEN [*elemnt found*] found := TRUE; list := ELSE [*seek for the element to delete*] Remove[, value, found]; END; END Remove;

Doubly Linked Lists

Often it is necessary to move both forward and backwards along a linked list. Thus we need another pointer from each node, to make it doubly linked.

List types are analogous to dance structures:

  • Conga line - singly linked list.
  • Chorus line - doubly linked list.
  • Hora circle - double linked circular list.

Extra pointers allow the flexibility to have both forward and backwards linked lists:

type pointer = REF node; node = record info : item; front : pointer; back : pointer; end;


How do we insert p between nodes q and r in a doubly linked list?

p^.front = r; p^.back = q; r^.back = p; q^.front = p;

It is not absolutely necessary to have pointer r, since r = q .front, but it makes it cleaner.

The boundary conditions are inserting before the first and after the last element.

How do we insert before the first element in a doubly linked list [head]?

p^.back = NIL; p^.front = head; head^.back = p; head = p; [* must point to entire structure *]

Inserting at the end is similar, except head doesn't change, and a back pointer is set to NIL.

Linked Lists: Pro or Con?

The advantages of linked lists include:

  • Overflow can never occur unless the memory is actually full.
  • Insertions and deletions are easier than for contiguous [array] lists.
  • With large records, moving pointers is easier and faster than moving the items themselves.

The disadvantages of linked lists include:

  • The pointers require extra space.
  • Linked lists do not allow random access.
  • Time must be spent traversing and changing the pointers.
  • Programming is typically trickier with pointers.

  • About this document ...

Steve Skiena
Thu Sep 25 19:29:15 EDT 1997

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