Fortune global 500 list 2022 bình dương

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[USD]thg 12 2021info

Quý 4 2021 của năm tài chính kết thúc vào 31/12/2021. Báo cáo vào 16/02/2022.

Thay đổi so với cùng kỳ năm trước
14,03 T50,38%
3,75 T7.167,92%
EPS pha loãng4,295.462,50%
Biên lợi nhuận ròng26,69%4.782,46%
Thu nhập từ hoạt động kinh doanh2,72 T583,84%
Thay đổi ròng trong số dư tiền mặt-407,00 Tr-7,96%
Tiền và phần thưởng tương đương tiền2,20 T-22,25%
Chi phí doanh thu9,19 T17,26%

Giá đóng cửa phiên trước đó

Khoảng chênh lệch giữa mức giá cao và mức giá thấp trong một ngày qua

Khoảng chênh lệch giữa mức giá cao và mức giá thấp trong 52 tuần qua

Giá trị vốn hóa thị trường

Phương pháp định giá bằng cách nhân giá cổ phiếu của một công ty với tổng số lượng cổ phiếu đang lưu hành của công ty đó.

Số lượng trung bình số cổ phần được giao dịch mỗi ngày trong 30 ngày qua

Tỷ lệ giữa giá cổ phần hiện tại so với EPS của 12 tháng liên tiếp vừa qua sẽ cho biết giá của một cổ phiếu là cao hay thấp so với các cổ phiếu khác

Tỷ lệ giữa cổ tức hằng năm so với giá cổ phần hiện tại dùng để ước tính lợi tức của một cổ phiếu

Sàn giao dịch có niêm yết chứng khoán này

Điểm do CDP [trước đây gọi là Carbon Disclosure Project] cung cấp dùng để đánh giá tính minh bạch và mức độ hiệu quả của hoạt động về khí hậu của một công ty

American International Group, Inc., also known as AIG, is an American multinational finance and insurance corporation with operations in more than 80 countries and jurisdictions. As of January 1, 2019, AIG companies employed 49,600 people. The company operates through three core businesses: General Insurance, Life & Retirement, and a standalone technology-enabled subsidiary. General Insurance includes Commercial, Personal Insurance, U.S. and International field operations. Life & Retirement includes Group Retirement, Individual Retirement, Life, and Institutional Markets. AIG is a sponsor of AIG Women’s Open and of New Zealand Rugby. AIG's corporate headquarters are in New York City and the company also has offices around the world. AIG serves 87% of the Fortune Global 500 and 83% of the Forbes 2000. AIG was ranked 60th on the 2018 Fortune 500 list. According to the 2016 Forbes Global 2000 list, AIG is the 87th largest public company in the world. On December 31, 2017, AIG had $65.2 billion in shareholder equity. Wikipedia

Thành phố New York, Tiểu bang New York
Hoa Kỳ


Meeting the high demand of the market by the existing works and well received by customers, on April 24, 2021, UNIMATES Education Vietnam was honored with the title of Top 10 Asia-Pacific Outstanding Brands 2021 by Asia-Pacific Economic Journal.

Asia-Pacific Outstanding Brands is an annual activity aimed at promoting the typical brands and quality products of enterprises applying technology to increase the competitiveness and meet the customers’ needs. The aim of this international award is to honor the Vietnamese brands in the Asia-Pacific region that have made positive contributions to the nation’s economy, as well as promote their brands, products and services to consumers.

From more than 1000 applications, the board of organizers have selected more than 100 typical brands which are most popular and trusted by consumers. In the top 100 brands, UNIMATES was honored for TOP 10 based on criteria such as quality of services preferred by consumers, creativity in business style, outstanding service values, stable growth, positive contribution to the economy, and the position of the company in the domestic and international markets.

“Top 10 Asia – Pacific Outstanding Brand” Award not only enriches its achievements but also confirms UNIMATES’s leading position in the field of consultant education in Vietnam. This is a worthy reward for the ceaseless efforts of UNIMATES.

UNIMATES Education is committed to excellence in overseas study counseling, connecting educational activities, caring for and supporting international students also their families. Our partner network includes more than 1000 prestigious universities, high schools, top educational institutions in each country in the world, domestic media agencies, the best global service providers.

In the context that Vietnam needs a large amount of labor who are talented people in all fields, capable of integrating the essence of human knowledge to contribute to the prosperity of the nation.

All are intended to respond to the beliefs and expectations of our students, now and in the future, to prove that every UNIMATES staff member carries the same mission and wishes to accompany students and their families as a family– the essence of the brand UNIMATES [UNI- In English means ONE – a family].

In the pandemic year 2020, when other overseas companies declared their shutdowns, dissolved, or shut down, UNIMATES chose to act and then launched a 24/7 support campaign to assist Vietnam international students. While other companies struggle to change their business, UNIMATES chose to connect with International SOS – the largest global health-security group, which is providing services for 2/3 of the world’s largest corporations on the Global Fortune 500 list, to express its desire to cooperate to protect thousands of its international students around the world. All that has come true, is a promise of our statement to accompany the students, not just a plain promise.

And all those efforts are well deserved.

In December 2020, UNIMATES was honored by the SME Asia magazine for the SME100 Asia Award as one of the fastest-growing SMEs in Vietnam, the only international study abroad consulting company that honored in 2020 – SME ASIA is Asia’s leading magazine for SMEs, owned by BMI Media Group, the managing unit of HR Asia Magazine with the prestigious HR award Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia.

UNIMATES EDUCATION VIETNAM PROUDLY RECEIVES “TOP 10 ASIA – PACIFIC OUTSTANDING BRAND 2021” AWARD. Meeting the high demand of the market by the existing works and well received by customers, on April 24, 2021, UNIMATES Education Vietnam was honored with the title of Top 10 Asia-Pacific Outstanding Brands 2021 by…

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