How do I allow remote desktop connection through Firewall?

Table of contents

  • Allow RDP port through Windows Firewall
  • Allow RDP port through Router [using NAT Translation]
  • Change the default port of RDP
  • Check if port 3389 is open and listening

Allow RDP port through Windows Firewall

  1. Go to Windows Settings [Windows key + i]
  2. Go to Update & Security –> Windows Security and click on Firewall & network protection from the right-hand listing. This will open a new window.

    Windows Firewall and network protection
  3. Click the link Allow an app through firewall

    Allow an app through Firewall
  4. Click on Change settings

    Firewall change settings
  5. Search for Remote Desktop from the list. It should be there by default. If it is not there, you should click on Allow another app button and navigate to the following:

    Allow Remote Desktop through firewall private or public
  6. If you want to allow Remote Desktop on the local network only, check the checkbox labeled Private. If you want it publicly available, you should check the Public checkbox too.
  7. Press OK for the changes to take effect.

configure windows firewall to allow RDP and Shared folder access through the VPN

I have configure Windows Server 2019 Essentials for VPN connections.
I'm able to connect to the server using the VPN, but I'm unable to make an RDP connection or to access the shared folder, unless I disable the Windows firewall public profile.
I can't point which rule is blocking the access, or which one to enable or create to allow it, or is there a way to get a live monitoring that would tell me whhy the inbound connection has been denied.
Thank you



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DSPatrick answered May 10, '21 | DSPatrick commented May 12, '21

Well actually not "my" way but the "microsoft windows" way to define firewall rules. You might try some firewall logging in case some custom ports have been set.

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AlainBensimon-7109 · May 10, 2021 at 11:48 PM

So below is the log of the firewall. You can see when it's dropped [firewall is on "blocked [default] and allow when firewall is on "allow"
I was connecting to the shared folder

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DSPatrick AlainBensimon-7109 · May 11, 2021 at 12:00 AM

Looks like TCP 445 is still blocked.

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AlainBensimon-7109 DSPatrick · May 11, 2021 at 12:36 AM

I just created a rule for 445 as well, but still no success.

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DSPatrick answered May 9, '21 | AlainBensimon-7109 edited May 9, '21

File sharing == TCP ports 445,139 and UDP ports 137, 138
RDP == port 3389

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AlainBensimon-7109 · May 09, 2021 at 10:35 PM

Yes I know that, and all those native rules are enabled, but it's not working.

The only way to make it work is to set the inbound connections to allow, but I assumed that if I put it on "block [default]", t will block all connections except the ones that the rules allowed.

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DSPatrick answered May 9, '21 | AlainBensimon-7109 commented May 9, '21

That isn't quite right

Start > Run and type firewall. ...
Click on the Advanced Settings in the left pane. ...
Click on the Inbound Rules
In left pane, click on New rule.
Under Rule Type select option Port and click next.
Select TCP and or UDP specific local ports options.
Allow the connection
Select the profile in use
Give the rule some meaningful name

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AlainBensimon-7109 · May 09, 2021 at 11:59 PM

I tried your way, even though I was skeptical since the Microsoft native rules are exactly the same, but it didn't work either.

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CandyLuo-MSFT answered May 10, '21 | AlainBensimon-7109 commented May 10, '21

Hi ,

Try to add the subnet of your VPN clients in Remote IP address section for File and Printer Sharing rules and then see if you can access shared folder. As picture below:

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AlainBensimon-7109 · May 10, 2021 at 11:51 PM

I have tried this, and it didn't help.

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DSPatrick answered May 10, '21 | AlainBensimon-7109 commented May 10, '21

Just checking if there's any progress or updates?

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AlainBensimon-7109 · May 10, 2021 at 11:59 PM

I've answered you up there.

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How to Enable Remote Desktop Connection in Windows 10

The Remote desktop feature in Microsoft windows 10 allows user to access their Windows 10 PC from a remote Computer using a remote desktop client. Once you enable the remote desktop, you can access your windows 10 computer from anywhere from any device.

By default, remote desktop connection is disabled and blocked by the windows firewall in windows 10. In this tutorial we are going to learn how to enable remote desktop connection in Windows 10 Operating System.

  1. Open System Settings - Right click on the Windows start button and select System from the menu.
  2. Open Remote Desktop Settings - Click on the Remote desktop link on the left to open remote Settings window.
  3. Allow Remote Connections - Under the remote desktop section, Turn "Enable Remote Desktop" on, and then choose Confirm.


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1. Cách bật Firewall trên windows

Bước 1: Mở chương trình quản lý tưởng lửa

– Cách 1: Vào Start-> Run->Gõ Firewall.cpl và nhấn OK

– Cách 2: Mở công cụ tìm kiếm của window [Nhấn cửa sổ+ S] => Tìm Firewall => Click vào kết quả tìm kiếm “Windows Firewall

Tìm kiếm tường lửa

Bước 2. Click chọn “Turn Windows Firewall on or off” ở menu bên trái

Click chọn “Turn Windows Firewall on or off” ở menu bên trái

Bước 3: Click chọn Turn on windows Firewall cho cả Private netword settings và Public network settings sau đó nhấn OK

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