How do i convert minutes and seconds to hours in python?

This is how I got it.

def sec2time[sec, n_msec=3]:
    ''' Convert seconds to 'D days, HH:MM:SS.FFF' '''
    if hasattr[sec,'__len__']:
        return [sec2time[s] for s in sec]
    m, s = divmod[sec, 60]
    h, m = divmod[m, 60]
    d, h = divmod[h, 24]
    if n_msec > 0:
        pattern = '%%02d:%%02d:%%0%d.%df' % [n_msec+3, n_msec]
        pattern = r'%02d:%02d:%02d'
    if d == 0:
        return pattern % [h, m, s]
    return ['%d days, ' + pattern] % [d, h, m, s]

Some examples:

$ sec2time[10, 3]
Out: '00:00:10.000'

$ sec2time[1234567.8910, 0]
Out: '14 days, 06:56:07'

$ sec2time[1234567.8910, 4]
Out: '14 days, 06:56:07.8910'

$ sec2time[[12, 345678.9], 3]
Out: ['00:00:12.000', '4 days, 00:01:18.900']

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    Given an integer n [in seconds], convert it into hours, minutes and seconds. Examples:

    Input : 12345
    Output : 3:25:45
    Input : 3600
    Output : 1:00:00

    Approach #1 : Naive This approach is simply a naive approach to get the hours, minutes and seconds by simple mathematical calculations. 


    def convert[seconds]:

        seconds = seconds % [24 * 3600]

        hour = seconds // 3600

        seconds %= 3600

        minutes = seconds // 60

        seconds %= 60

        return "%d:%02d:%02d" % [hour, minutes, seconds]

    n = 12345


    Time Complexity: O[1]
    Auxiliary Space: O[1]

      Approach #2 : Alternate to the Naive approach By using the divmod[] function, which does only a single division to produce both the quotient and the remainder, you can have the result very quickly with only two mathematical operations. 


    def convert[seconds]:

        min, sec = divmod[seconds, 60]

        hour, min = divmod[min, 60]

        return '%d:%02d:%02d' % [hour, min, sec]

    n = 12345


    Time Complexity: O[1]
    Auxiliary Space: O[1]

      Approach #3 : Using timedelta [Object of datetime module] Datetime module provides timedelta object which represents a duration, the difference between two dates or times. datetime.timedelta can be used to represent seconds into hours, minutes and seconds format. 


    import datetime

    def convert[n]:

        return str[datetime.timedelta[seconds = n]]

    n = 12345


    Time Complexity: O[1]
    Auxiliary Space: O[1]

      Approach #4 : Using time.strftime[] time.strftime[] gives more control over formatting. The format and time.gmtime[] is passed as argument. gmtime is used to convert seconds to special tuple format that strftime[] requires. 


    import time

    def convert[seconds]:

        return time.strftime["%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime[n]]

    n = 12345


    Time Complexity: O[1]
    Auxiliary Space: O[1]

    How do I convert seconds to hours and minutes in Python?

    The time module of Python provides datetime. strftime[] function to convert seconds into hours, minutes, and seconds. It takes time format and time. gmtime[] function as arguments.

    How do I convert time to hours in Python?

    Python Program to Convert time into minutes.
    def convert_time[hrs, min]:.
    min= hrs*60+min..
    return min..
    h=int[input["Enter the hours:"]].
    m=int[input["Enter the minutes:"]].
    print["Total Minutes=",m].

    How do you convert seconds to HH MM SS in Python?

    Using . The strftime[] method is provided by the datetime module in python. Here we use the strftime[] method to convert a string datetime to datetime. It is also used to convert datetime to epoch.

    How do you convert minutes to HH mm in Python?

    change a decimal to time in datetime python.
    time = 72.345..
    hours = int[time].
    minutes = [time*60] % 60..
    seconds = [time*3600] % 60..
    print["%d:%02d.%02d" % [hours, minutes, seconds]].
    >> 72:20:42..

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