How do I enter cheats in StarCraft?


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Cheat Codes

While playing the game, press [Enter], then type one of the following codes, and press [Enter] again to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Cheat Code
Minerals and gas increased by 10,000 show me the money
Minerals increased by 500 whats mine is mine
Vespene gas increased by 500 breathe deep
Everything upgraded something for nothing
Faster building and instant upgrades operation cwal
Build anything modify the phase variance
Free upgrades to units medieval man
Infinite psionic ability the gathering
Opponent has no psionics noglues
Indestructible buildings and ships power overwhelming
Ignore supply limit when building units food for thought
Mission skip there is no cow level
Enable mission select [Note] ophelia
Terran mission select terran[mission number]
Zerg mission select zerg[mission number]
Protoss mission select protoss[mission number]
Continue after mission completed staying alive
Win game man over game
Lose game game over man
Remove fog of war war aint what it used to be
Full map black sheep wall

Note: This code must be enabled before the other mission selection codes are used.

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Searching for StarCraft 2 cheats? All you have to do is type these codes into any singleplayer campaign, and before you know it, you're effectively a god, healing units, gaining all the resources you want, and getting new upgrades and tech in an instant. These cheats are especially useful if you want to take your time with Easter eggs, or just play around with what's possible on the battlefield.

It's important to note that using any of the cheats will disable achievements, so if you are trophy hunting or just playing the game for real, it's better to start a new campaign or load another save. These cheats also don't work in multiplayer.

So here's our helpful list of StarCraft 2 cheats, including some StarCraft 2 Easter eggs, that'll make you smile.


[Image credit: Activision Blizzard]

Here are the best StarCraft 2 cheats:

  • God mode: TerribleTerribleDamage
  • Instant victory: WhatIsBestInLife
  • Instant defeat: LetsJustBugOutAndCallItEven
  • Disable fog of war: TookTheRedPill
  • Disable the need for supplies: Bunker55AliveInside
  • Gain 5000 minerals: SpectralTiger
  • Gain 5000 gas: RealMenDrillDeep
  • Gain 5000 of each resource: WhoRunBartertown
  • Allow the use of all tech: SoSayWeAll
  • Upgrade weapons, armor, and shields by a level: IAmIronMan
  • Enable fast builds and fast upgrades: CatFoodForPrawnGuns
  • Disable cooldowns on spells: HanShotFirst
  • Disable victory conditions for continued play: TyuHasLeftTheGame
  • Continued play after defeat: NeverGiveUpNeverSurrender
  • Fast unit healing: ImADoctorNotARoachJim
  • All units and buildings are free: MoreDotsMoreDots
  • Add 5 million credits in story mode: WhySoSerious [Only for Wings of Liberty campaign]
  • Unlock all missions: LeaveYourSleep
  • Unlock all cinematics: EyeOfSauron
  • Unlock all UNN TV news broadcasts: StayClassyMarSara [Doesn't work in Heart of the Swarm]
  • In custom maps add 5000 Terrazine: Jaynestown
  • Play the song Terran Up the Night: OverEngineeredCodPiece [This doesn't disable achievements]

How to use

How to use StarCraft 2 cheats

It's quick and easy to begin using these StarCraft 2 cheats. To get started, launch a singleplayer campaign and press Enter on your keyboard to open the speech box. Type one of the cheats below to activate it, and look out for the chat log to display the word CHEAT in capital letters. The cheat should take effect immediately, and you're now ready to enjoy your playthrough.

Easter Eggs

[Image credit: Activision Blizzard]

StarCraft 2 Easter eggs

Blizzard loves to hide secrets and references in its campaigns. Here are a few of the funniest:

Unlock the Wings of Liberty secret mission

During the Media Blitz mission guide your Odin mech to the bottom right of the map and destroy the science facility at the end of the road. Pick up the documents that come out of the wreckage and look out for the secret mission Piercing the Shroud on the mission select screen. You have to complete it before heading to Char.

Meet Diablo

In Wings of Liberty, during the fiery Devil's Playground mission head to the bottom right of the map to find Diablo. You can't kill him or interact with him in any way, but there he is.

In Heart of the Swarm in the Roach Evolution mission after you've evolved and are heading towards the next set of enemies, keep an eye on the containment chambers on the top wall of the facility. Diablo's chilling out in one of those too.

Find Ewoks in Legacy of the Void

In the mission Unsealing the Past, set on Endion, you can find Ewoks all over the place, huddling around camp fires and hiding behind trees.

There's also a Jurassic World reference in this level. There's an 'enhanced strain' blue Zerg monster called Indomilisk Rex, a pastiche of Indominus Rex from the film.

Find the Tauren Marine

In the mission Zero Hour clear out the Zerg infestation in the top left of the map. Move beyond it and you will find a level 80 Tauren marine in power armour. Treasure your brief time with him, because your appearance causes him to run into a nearby toilet and never come out.

In Legacy of the Void, in the Templar's Charge mission, move your base platform up, up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right. The Tauren Marine lands with a nuclear explosion and you can control him as a unit.

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Can you use cheat codes in StarCraft: Remastered?

The gameplay is what really matters, and SC:R is a faithful recreation of everything we loved about StarCraft when it originally released. One little feature I personally loved was the cheat codes — and yes, the cheat codes still work in StarCraft: Remastered.

How does the cheat mode work?

Cheat codes are usually activated by typing secret passwords or pressing controller buttons in a certain sequence. Less common activation methods include entering certain high score names, holding keys or buttons while dying, picking up items in a particular order and otherwise performing unintuitive actions.

Are there cheat codes for StarCraft 2?

Cheat codes can only be used in single-player mode by pressing the enter key within the game and typing in the codes as shown below within the console. ... It's Official: StarCraft II Cheat Codes..

What is the most iconic cheat code?

In its most famous form, the Konami Code was Up-Up-Down-Down-Left-Right-Left-Right-B-A — a series of buttons that many kids had burned into their memory. Without the code to give you 30 extra lives in Contra, beating the game was all but impossible – and it still wasn't a cakewalk with the code.

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