How do i get safari to support javascript?

Updated at: Mar 24, 2022

This guide will step you through the process of getting JavaScript enabled in Safari on macOS.

  1. Click on the "Security" tab

    The Safari Preferences screen has a number of sections, indicated by the various options along the top of the screen [General/Tabs/AutoFill etc]. Click the Security item to see security related options.

  2. Click the "Enable JavaScript" checkbox

    If the checkbox has a tick symbol it means JavaScript is already enabled; if the checkbox has no tick and is empty, JavaScript will not be enabled in Safari.

  3. Close the "Preferences" window

    Now that you have successfully enabled JavaScript, simply click the red dot in the top left of the window to close the "Preferences" window and resume web browsing. The next time you load a webpage, your new setting will take effect.

JavaScript is now enabled

Congratulations, you just enabled JavaScript. You can check that JavaScript is enabled.

Updated at:

This guide will step you through the process of getting JavaScript enabled in Safari on an iPhone or iPad.

  1. Open the "Settings" App

    The controls to reset Safari aren't actually inside Safari! They're in the Settings app.

    Go to your iPhone's Home Screen and tap the Settings app.

  2. Scroll down to the "Safari" menu item and tap it

    Scroll the screen down until you see Safari, and then tap on it.

    Tapping on the Safari menu item will open up the settings screen for Safari.

  3. Tap the "Advanced" menu item

    After you tap the Safari option, you'll then see a big list of settings relating to the Safari app. Scroll down to find the Advanced item - which will be right at the bottom of the list.

    Tapping this will display advanced settings for Safari.

  4. Change the setting to enable JavaScript

    On the Advanced settings for Safari screen, you'll see a few options. Near the middle is the option for enabling or disabling JavaScript for Safari on your iPhone or iPad. To enable JavaScript, slide the switch to the right.

JavaScript is now enabled

Congratulations, you just enabled JavaScript. Tap here to confirm that JavaScript is now enabled.


Why do I need JavaScript enabled on Apple Safari?

Apple Safari comes built-in with a JavaScript engine that makes website elements interactive. And while it isn't actually necessary that you enable it to use your Safari browser, it's something that you'll perhaps want to do to enjoy a seamless browsing experience. Otherwise, many websites you visit will appear broken or won't even work.

How do I know if JavaScript is working on Apple Safari?

JavaScript is enabled by default in Apple Safari, but you can verify if yours is active through the Safari tab. To do this, simply click on "Safari" at the top left of your screen to expand the Menu. Next, click on Preferences to reveal the Safari Preferences section. Now that you're in the Preferences section, find and click the "Security" tab to access the "Enable JavaScript" checkbox. If the checkbox has a tick symbol, it means JavaScript is active and working.

What happens if I disable JavaScript on Apple Safari?

Millions of websites use JavaScript to display interactive elements, such as animations, special effects and more. If you browse them with JavaScript disabled in your Apple Safari, then you probably won't have the full experience that you normally would. Some JavaScript-based websites may appear dull or static, while others may not even work at all.

How do I enable JavaScript in Safari?

Enable JavaScript in Android browser Select "Settings" [located towards the bottom of the menu screen]. Select "Advanced" from the Settings screen. Check the box next to "Enable Javascript" to turn the option on.

Why is JavaScript not working in Safari?

To enable the JavaScript in Safari Browser, you need to open the Settings on your iOS device and then go to the advanced option. Under the advance option, toggle the button of the JavaScript and turn it ON.

Why won't JavaScript work on my Mac?

Enable JavaScript in Safari Launch Safari from your desktop or Dock. From the main menu at the top of your screen, click Safari and then Preferences... Click the Security icon. In the Web content section, ensure that the Enable JavaScript check box has been checked.

How do I download JavaScript on Safari?

Select Safari from the Apple/System bar at the top of the screen..
From the drop-down menu, select Preferences..
Select the Security icon/tab at the top of the window..
Check the Enable JavaScript checkbox under the Web content category..
Close the dialog box to save your changes..
Finally, refresh your browser..

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