How do i print a specific number of spaces in python?

Probably an easy question that I couldn't quite find answer to before...

I'm formatting a table [in text] to look like this:

Timestamp: Word                        Number

The number of characters between the : after timestamp and the beginning of Number is to be 20, including those in the Word [so it stays aligned]. Using python I've done this:

    offset = 20 - len[word]

    printer = timestamp + ' ' + word
    for i in range[0, offset]:
        printer += ' '
    printer += score

Which works, but python throws an error at me that i is never used ['cause it's not]. While it's not a huge deal, I'm just wondering if there's a better way to do so.


Since I can't add an answer to this [as it's marked duplicate] the better way to replace this whole thing is

printer = timestamp + ' ' + word.ljust[20] + score

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    In this article, we will learn about how to print space or multiple spaces in the Python programming language. Spacing in Python language is quite simple than other programming language. In C languages, to print 10 spaces a loop is used while in python no loop is used to print number of spaces.

    Following are the example of the print spaces:

    Example 1: A simple way to print spaces



    print[' ']

    print[" "]

    print["Geeks  For    Geeks"]


    Geeks  For    Geeks

    Example 2: Printing spaces between two values while printing in a single print statement.


    x = 1

    y = 2





    x: 1
    y: 2
    1 + 2 = 3

    Example 3: Print multiple spaces between two values.


    print["Geeks"+" "+"For"+" "+"Geeks"]


    print["Geeks"+" "*3+"For"+" "*3+"Geeks"]

    print["Geeks"+" "*5+"For"+" "*10+"Geeks"]


    Geeks For Geeks
    Geeks For Geeks
    Geeks   For   Geeks
    Geeks     For          Geeks

    Add a certain number of spaces to a String in Python #

    Use the multiplication operator to add a certain number of spaces to a string, e.g. result_1 = my_str + ' ' * 3. When a character is multiplied, it gets repeated the specified number of times.


    my_str = 'abc' # ✅ add spaces to end of string result_1 = my_str + ' ' * 3 print[repr[result_1]] # 👉️ 'abc ' # ✅ add spaces to beginning of string result_2 = ' ' * 3 + my_str print[repr[result_2]] # 👉️ ' abc' # # ✅ pad end of string with spaces result_3 = my_str.ljust[6, ' '] print[repr[result_3]] # 👉️ 'abc ' # ✅ pad beginning of string with spaces result_4 = my_str.rjust[6, ' '] print[repr[result_4]] # 👉️ ' abc' # ✅ add spaces between the characters of a string result_5 = ' '.join[my_str] print[repr[result_5]] # 👉️ 'a b c' # ✅ add spaces in the middle of a string my_str_2 = 'helloworld' idx = my_str_2.index['w'] result_6 = my_str_2[0:idx] + ' ' * 3 + my_str_2[idx:] print[repr[result_6]] # 👉️ 'hello world'

    The first two examples use the multiplication operator to add spaces to a string.


    my_str = 'abc' result_1 = my_str + ' ' * 3 print[repr[result_1]] # 👉️ 'abc ' result_2 = ' ' * 3 + my_str print[repr[result_2]] # 👉️ ' abc'

    When a character is multiplied, it gets repeated the specified number of times.


    print[repr[' ' * 3]] # 👉️ ' ' print['a' * 3] # 👉️ 'aaa'

    You can also use the str.ljust and str.rjust methods to pad the string with spaces to a specified width.


    my_str = 'abc' result_3 = my_str.ljust[6, ' '] print[repr[result_3]] # 👉️ 'abc ' result_4 = my_str.rjust[6, ' '] print[repr[result_4]] # 👉️ ' abc'

    The str.ljust [left justify] and str.rjust [right justify] methods take the total width of the string and a fill character as arguments and pad the string to the specified width with the provided fill character.

    If you need to add spaces between the characters of a string, use the join[] method.


    my_str = 'abc' result_5 = ' '.join[my_str] print[repr[result_5]] # 👉️ 'a b c'

    The str.join method takes an iterable as an argument and returns a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the iterable.

    If you need to add spaces in the middle of a string, use string slicing.


    my_str_2 = 'helloworld' idx = my_str_2.index['w'] result_6 = my_str_2[0:idx] + ' ' * 3 + my_str_2[idx:] print[repr[result_6]] # 👉️ 'hello world'

    The syntax for string slicing is my_str[start:stop:step].

    The start value is inclusive, and the stop value is exclusive [up to, but not including].

    How do you print 4 spaces in Python?

    Call print[value] with value as " "*n to print n -many spaces on a single line.

    How do you print two spaces in Python?

    Use print[] to add a space between two variables Call print[variable1, variable2] to print variable1 and variable2 with a space between them.

    How do you mention spaces in Python?

    In Python, characters that are used for spacing are called as whitespace characters..
    ' ' – Space..
    '\t' – Horizontal tab..
    '\v' – Vertical tab..
    '\n' – Newline..
    '\r' – Carriage return..
    '\f' – Feed..

    How do you show spaces in a list in Python?

    Python isspace[] method is used to check space in the string. It returna true if there are only whitespace characters in the string. Otherwise it returns false. Space, newline, and tabs etc are known as whitespace characters and are defined in the Unicode character database as Other or Separator.

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