How do i run a matlab file in python?


this is not a big deal. The python code looks like:

import matlab.engine

eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab[]



The Matlab script would be perhaps this one line saved as simple_script.m:

Make sure that the script is saved in a folder matlab knows as a search folder.

Then run your python script and get the answer:

It is not necessary that you have a function in your .m-file, but possible. See more information here.

The Matlab screen is not visible by default, so you should be happy if you follow this and the linked information...

Best regards


Main Content

This example shows how to call a MATLAB® script to compute the area of a triangle from Python®.

To call a MATLAB script or function, put it on your MATLAB path. For this example, create a MATLAB script in a file named triarea.m in your current folder.

b = 5;
h = 3;
a = 0.5*[b.* h]

After you save the file, start Python and call the script.

import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab[]

Specify nargout=0. Although the script prints output, it returns no output arguments to Python.

Convert the script to a function and call the function from the engine. To edit the file, open the MATLAB editor.


Delete the three statements. Then add a function declaration and save the file.

function a = triarea[b,h]
a = 0.5*[b.* h];

Call the new triarea function from the engine.

ret = eng.triarea[1.0,5.0]

The triarea function returns only one output argument, so there is no need to specify nargout.

See Also

matlab.engine.MatlabEngine | matlab.engine.FutureResult

Related Topics

  • Call MATLAB Functions from Python

Using Oct2Py

Your first option is using Oct2Py which runs with Octave, a free and opensource Program that can run Matlab files and functions. Just install it with the following Terminal command:

pip3 install oct2py

Then you can run MatLab Code from your Python script like that:

from oct2py import Oct2Py
oc = Oct2Py[]

script = "function y = myScript[x]\n" \
         "    y = x-5" \

with open["myScript.m","w+"] as f:


Using MatLab

If you want to use the original MatLab engine you would have to follow the following steps:

1. Installing the MatLab library

Following the instructions of this page you first have to find your MatLab root folder by opening MatLab and running the command matlabroot. This should give you the root folder for Matlab.

Then you open your terminal [if you are using Windows you can do that by pressing Windows + R, then type cmd and press Enter.] In the terminal you run following code:

cd matlabroot\extern\engines\python

Make sure to replace matlabroot with the Path you just found. Then you run

python3 install

To install the MatLab Python library.

2. Using the MatLab Library

Following the instructions of this page You can then

import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab[]
tf = eng.isprime[37]

If you want to run entire scripts, you can save your scripts as a MatLab *.m file in your current folder and run them like this:

import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab[]
eng.myMatlabFile[nargout=0] # Expects a file named myMatlabFile.m in the same directory

You could also create the MatLab File from Python:

import matlab.engine

script = "b = 5;\n" \
         "h = 3;\n" \
         "a = 0.5*[b.* h]"

with open["myScript.m","w+"] as f:

eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab[]

I hope this helps :]

Introduction: Call MATLAB Script and Function From Python

Hi friends . In this instructable I will show you how to run MATLAB scripts and call MATLAB functions from python code.

Step 1: Softwares Needed

  • MATLAB version R2014b or above.
  • Python version 2.7 or above.

Step 2: Find MATLAB's Root Folder

  • Open MATLAB.
  • Type "matlabroot" in command window of MATLAB.
  • Answer shows the root folder of the MATLAB that you have installed.

Step 3: Install Python API for MATLAB

  • Open Command Prompt and change the directory to "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017a> cd extern\engines\python"
  • Run "" in that directory by using this command "python install"

Step 4: Code

  • used to run a MATLAB script named basicsignals.m
  • used to call the MATLAB function named triarea

Step 5: Output

You will get this output for the file...........

Try it out......................

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How do I open a .m file in Python?

Try loading the . mat file in matlab [or octave] and saving it again with the -v7 option. Python should then open this without problems. EDIT: Here's an example running an octave script via oct2py, saving the resulting octave workspace onto a .

How do I run MATLAB code in Pycharm?

you need to put the invoked matlab files in the same folder './' of the that starts the program and inside the you need to import the engine: import matlab. engine call your MATLAB code as described here 1.

How do I run a MATLAB file?

m in the current MATLAB folder or directory, you can execute the commands in the m-file by simply typing filename at the MATLAB command window prompt. If you don't want to run the whole m-file, you can just copy the part of the m-file that you want to run and paste it at the MATLAB prompt.

How do I convert a MATLAB file to Python?

To convert Matlab to python, a tool named SMOP [Small Matlab and Octave to Python Compiler] is used. This tool is capable of understanding basic Matlab code and then parsing it to python. Although there are always limitations to every tool, this tool works best for small-level codes.

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