How do you convert text data to dataframe in python?

I have .TX0 file [some sort of csv txt file] and have converted this to a .txt file via python .readlines[], open[filename, 'w'] etc method. I have this new saved txt file but when i try to convert it to a dataframe it's giving me only one column. the txt file is below :

Empty DataFrame
Columns: [ '"Software Version:",, Date:, 19/08/2015 09:26:04\n',  '"Reprocess Number:", vma2:  261519, Unnamed: 7, \n',  '"Sample Name:",  , Data Acquisition Time:, 18/08/2015 17:23:23\n',  '"Instrument Name:", natural gas [PE ASXL-TCD/FID], Channel:, B\n',  '"Rack/Vial:", 0, 0.1, Operator:, joey.walker\n',  '"Sample Amount:", 1.000000, Dilution Factor:, 1.000000\n',  '"Cycle:", 1, Result File :, \\\\vma2\\TotalChrom\11170_he_tcd001.rst \n',  '"Sequence File :", \\\\vma\C1_C2_binary.seq \n',  '"===================================================================================================================================="\n',  '""\n',  '""\n'.1,  '"condensate analysis [HP4890 Optic - FID]"\n',  '"Peak", Component, Time, Area, Height, BL\n',  '"#", Name, [min], [uV*sec], [uV], \n'.1,  '------, ------, ------.1, ------.2, ------.3, ------\n',  '1, Unnamed: 55, 0.810, 706.42, 304.38, *BB\n',  '2, CH4, 0.900, 1113518.24, 495918.41, *BB\n'.1,  '3, C2H6, 1.373, 901670.23, 295381.12, *BB\n'.2,  '"", Unnamed: 73, Unnamed: 74, ------.4, ------.5, \n'.2,  '"".1, Unnamed: 79, Unnamed: 80, 2015894.89, 791603.91, \n'.3,  '"Missing Component Report"\n',  '"Component", Expected Retention [Calibration File]\n',  '------.1, ------\n'.1,  '"All components were found"\n',  '"Report stored in ASCII file :", C:\\Shared Folders\\TotalChrom\\11170_he_tcd001.TX0 \n']]
Index: []

for easier reading:

Empty DataFrame

Columns: [ '"Software Version:",, Date:, 19/08/2015 09:26:04\n', '"Reprocess Number:", vma2: 261519, Unnamed: 7, \n', '"Sample Name:", , Data Acquisition Time:, 18/08/2015 17:23:23\n', '"Instrument Name:", natural gas [PE ASXL-TCD/FID], Channel:, B\n', '"Rack/Vial:", 0, 0.1, Operator:, joey.walker\n', '"Sample Amount:", 1.000000, Dilution Factor:, 1.000000\n', '"Cycle:", 1, Result File :, \\vma2\TotalChrom\data\Joey\Binary_Mixtures\Std1\11170_he_tcd001.rst \n', '"Sequence File :", \\vma2\TotalChrom\sequences\Joey\C1_C2_binary.seq \n', '"===================================================================================================================================="\n', '""\n', '""\n'.1, '"condensate analysis [HP4890 Optic - FID]"\n', '"Peak", Component, Time, Area, Height, BL\n', '"#", Name, [min], [uV*sec], [uV], \n'.1, '------, ------, ------.1, ------.2, ------.3, ------\n', '1, Unnamed: 55, 0.810, 706.42, 304.38, *BB\n', '2, CH4, 0.900, 1113518.24, 495918.41, *BB\n'.1, '3, C2H6, 1.373, 901670.23, 295381.12, *BB\n'.2, '"", Unnamed: 73, Unnamed: 74, ------.4, ------.5, \n'.2, '"".1, Unnamed: 79, Unnamed: 80, 2015894.89, 791603.91, \n'.3, '"Missing Component Report"\n', '"Component", Expected Retention [Calibration File]\n', '------.1, ------\n'.1, '"All components were found"\n', '"Report stored in ASCII file :", C:\Shared Folders\TotalChrom\data\Joey\Binary_Mixtures\Std1\11170_he_tcd001.TX0 \n']] Index: []

As you can see this is comma separated. Would there be any way of transferring this text to a comma delimited dataframe?



  1. HowTo
  2. Python Pandas Howtos
  3. Load Data From Text File in Pandas

Created: March-19, 2020 | Updated: December-10, 2020

  1. read_csv[] Method to Load Data From Text File
  2. read_fwf[] Method to Load Width-Formated Text File to Pandas DataFrame
  3. read_table[] Method to Load Text File to Pandas DataFrame

We will introduce the methods to load the data from a txt file with Pandas DataFrame. We will also go through the available options.

First, we will create a simple text file called sample.txt and add the following lines to the file:

45 apple orange banana mango
12 orange kiwi onion tomato

We need to save it to the same directory from where Python script will be running.

read_csv[] Method to Load Data From Text File

read_csv[] is the best way to convert the text file into Pandas DataFrame. We need to set header=None as we don’t have any header in the above-created file. We can also set keep_default_na=False inside the method if we wish to replace empty values with NaN.

Example Codes:

# python 3.x
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv[
    'sample.txt', sep=" ",header=None]


    0       1       2       3       4
0  45   apple  orange  banana   mango
1  12  orange    kiwi   onion  tomato

We set sep=" " because a single white space separates values. Similarly, we can set sep="," if we read data from a comma-separated file. Replace the white spaces inside sample.txt with , and then run the code after replacing sep=" " with sep=",".




# python 3.x
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv[
    'sample.txt', sep=",",header=None]


    0       1       2       3       4
0  45   apple  orange  banana   mango
1  12  orange    kiwi     NaN  tomato

read_fwf[] Method to Load Width-Formated Text File to Pandas DataFrame

read_fwf[] is very helpful to load a width-formatted text file. We can’t use sep because different values may have different delimiters. Consider the following text file:


45 apple  orange banana mango
12 orange kiwi   onion  tomato

In Sample.text, delimiter is not the same for all values. So read_fwf[] will do the job here.


# python 3.x
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_fwf[


    0       1       2       3       4
0  45   apple  orange  banana   mango
1  12  orange    kiwi   onion  tomato

read_table[] Method to Load Text File to Pandas DataFrame

read_table[] is another approach to load data from text file to Pandas DataFrame.


45 apple orange banana mango
12 orange kiwi onion tomato


# python 3.x
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_table[
    'sample.txt',header=None,sep=" "]


    0       1       2       3       4
0  45   apple  orange  banana   mango
1  12  orange    kiwi   onion  tomato

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How do you convert text to a table in Python?

Using tabula: import tabula dfs = tabula. read_pdf["myfile. pdf", pages='all'] # Note that dfs is list of dataframes, the tables found in the PDF.

How do you convert a dataset to a DataFrame in Python?

You can convert the sklearn dataset to pandas dataframe by using the pd. Dataframe[data=iris. data] method.

How do I convert TXT to pandas CSV?

Steps to Convert a Text File to CSV using Python.
Step 1: Install the Pandas package. If you haven't already done so, install the Pandas package. ... .
Step 2: Capture the path where your text file is stored. ... .
Step 3: Specify the path where the new CSV file will be saved. ... .
Step 4: Convert the text file to CSV using Python..

How do you convert a value into a DataFrame?

If you want to have your counts as a dataframe you can do it using function . to_frame[] after the . value_counts[] . If you need to name index column and rename a column, with counts in the dataframe you can convert to dataframe in a slightly different way.

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