How to get country code php?

I have written a class based on "Chandra Nakka" answer. Hopefully it can help people out it saves the information from geoplugin to a session so the load is much faster when recalling the information. It also saves the values to a private array so recalling in the same code is the fastest as it could be.

class Geo {
private $_ip = null;
private $_useSession = true;
private $_sessionNameData = 'GEO_SESSION_DATA';
private $_hasError = false;
private $_geoData = [];

    "all", "*", "location",
    "state", "region", 
const CONTINENTS = [
    "AF" => "Africa",
    "AN" => "Antarctica",
    "AS" => "Asia",
    "EU" => "Europe",
    "OC" => "Australia [Oceania]",
    "NA" => "North America",
    "SA" => "South America"

function __construct[$ip = null, $deepDetect = true, $useSession = true]
    // define the session useage within this class
    $this->_useSession = $useSession;

    // define a ip as far as possible
    $this->_ip = $this->_defineIP[$ip, $deepDetect];

    // check if the ip was set
    if [!$this->_ip] {
        $this->_hasError = true;
        return $this;

    // define the geoData
    $this->_geoData = $this->_fetchGeoData[];

    return $this;

function get[$purpose]
    // making sure its lowercase
    $purpose = strtolower[$purpose];

    // makeing sure there are no error and the geodata is not empty
    if [$this->_hasError || !count[$this->_geoData] && !in_array[$purpose, self::PURPOSE_SUPPORT]] {
        return 'error';

    if [in_array[$purpose, ['*', 'all', 'location']]]  {
        return $this->_geoData;

    if [$purpose === 'state'] $purpose = 'region';

    return [isset[$this->_geoData[$purpose]] ? $this->_geoData[$purpose] : 'missing: '.$purpose];

private function _fetchGeoData[]
    // check if geo data was set before
    if [count[$this->_geoData]] {
        return $this->_geoData;

    // check possible session
    if [$this->_useSession && [$sessionData = $this->_getSession[$this->_sessionNameData]]] {
        return $sessionData;

    // making sure we have a valid ip
    if [!$this->_ip || $this->_ip === ''] {
        return [];

    // fetch the information from geoplusing
    $ipdata = @json_decode[$this->curl["//" . $this->_ip]];

    // check if the data was fetched
    if [!@strlen[trim[$ipdata->geoplugin_countryCode]] === 2] {
        return [];

    // make a address array
    $address = [$ipdata->geoplugin_countryName];
    if [@strlen[$ipdata->geoplugin_regionName] >= 1]
        $address[] = $ipdata->geoplugin_regionName;
    if [@strlen[$ipdata->geoplugin_city] >= 1]
        $address[] = $ipdata->geoplugin_city;

    // makeing sure the continentCode is upper case
    $continentCode = strtoupper[@$ipdata->geoplugin_continentCode];

    $geoData = [
        'request' => @$ipdata->geoplugin_request,
        'latitude' => @$ipdata->geoplugin_latitude,
        'longitude' => @$ipdata->geoplugin_longitude,
        'accuracy' => @$ipdata->geoplugin_locationAccuracyRadius,
        'timezonde' => @$ipdata->geoplugin_timezone,
        'currencycode' => @$ipdata->geoplugin_currencyCode,
        'currencysymbol' => @$ipdata->geoplugin_currencySymbol,
        'currencysymbolutf8' => @$ipdata->geoplugin_currencySymbol_UTF8,
        'city' => @$ipdata->geoplugin_city,
        'region' => @$ipdata->geoplugin_regionName,
        'country' => @$ipdata->geoplugin_countryName,
        'countrycode' => @$ipdata->geoplugin_countryCode,
        'continent' => self::CONTINENTS[$continentCode],
        'continentcode' => $continentCode,
        'address' => implode[", ", array_reverse[$address]]

    if [$this->_useSession] {
        $this->_setSession[$this->_sessionNameData, $geoData];

    return $geoData;

private function _startSession[]
    // only start a new session when the status is 'none' and the class
    // requires a session
    if [$this->_useSession && session_status[] === PHP_SESSION_NONE] {

private function _defineIP[$ip, $deepDetect]
    // check if the ip was set before
    if [$this->_ip] {
        return $this->_ip;

    // check if the ip given is valid
    if [filter_var[$ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP]] {
        return $ip;

    // try to get the ip from the REMOTE_ADDR

    // check if we need to end the search for a IP if the REMOTE_ADDR did not
    // return a valid and the deepDetect is false
    if [!$deepDetect] {
        return $ip;

    // try to get the ip from HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR
    if [[$ip = filter_input[INPUT_SERVER, 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', FILTER_VALIDATE_IP]]] {
        return $ip;

    // try to get the ip from the HTTP_CLIENT_IP
    if [[$ip = filter_input[INPUT_SERVER, 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP', FILTER_VALIDATE_IP]]] {
        return $ip;

    return $ip;

private function _hasSession[$key, $filter = FILTER_DEFAULT] 
    return [isset[$_SESSION[$key]] ? [bool]filter_var[$_SESSION[$key], $filter] : false];

private function _getSession[$key, $filter = FILTER_DEFAULT]
    if [$this->_hasSession[$key, $filter]] {
        $value = filter_var[$_SESSION[$key], $filter];

        if [@json_decode[$value]] {
            return json_decode[$value, true];

        return filter_var[$_SESSION[$key], $filter];
    } else {
        return false;

private function _setSession[$key, $value] 
    if [is_array[$value]] {
        $value = json_encode[$value];

    $_SESSION[$key] = $value;

function emptySession[$key] {
    if [!$this->_hasSession[$key]] {

    $_SESSION[$key] = null;


function curl[$url] 
    $ch = curl_init[];
    curl_setopt[$ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url];
    curl_setopt[$ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0];
    curl_setopt[$ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1];
    $output = curl_exec[$ch];
    return $output;

Answering the 'op' question with this class you can call

$country = [new \Geo[]]->get['country']; // United Kingdom

And the other properties available are:

$geo = new \Geo[''];
var_dump[$geo->get['*']]; // allias all / location
var_dump[$geo->get['state']]; // allias region


array[15] {
  string[11] ""
  string[7] "51.4439"
  string[7] "-0.1854"
  string[2] "50"
  string[13] "Europe/London"
  string[3] "GBP"
  string[2] "£"
  string[2] "£"
  string[10] "Wandsworth"
  string[10] "Wandsworth"
  string[14] "United Kingdom"
  string[2] "GB"
  string[6] "Europe"
  string[2] "EU"
  string[38] "Wandsworth, Wandsworth, United Kingdom"
string[14] "United Kingdom"
string[2] "GB"
string[10] "Wandsworth"
string[10] "Wandsworth"
string[38] "Wandsworth, Wandsworth, United Kingdom"
string[6] "Europe"
string[2] "EU"
string[11] ""
string[7] "51.4439"
string[7] "-0.1854"
string[2] "50"
string[13] "Europe/London"
string[3] "GBP"
string[2] "£"
string[2] "£"

How can I get current country code in PHP?

Get Country By IP Address in PHP.
function getLocationInfoByIp[]{.
$client = @$_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];.
$forward = @$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];.
$remote = @$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];.
$result = array['country'=>'', 'city'=>''];.
if[filter_var[$client, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP]]{.
$ip = $client;.

What is PHP country code?

Philippines Country Code 63 Country Code PH.

How do I find the country code of an IP?

You can use // for this task easily.

How can I get local IP address in PHP?

The simplest way to collect the visitor IP address in PHP is the REMOTE_ADDR. Pass the 'REMOTE_ADDR' in PHP $_SERVER variable. It will return the IP address of the visitor who is currently viewing the webpage.

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