How to read column name from excel in python

Hello, readers! In this article, we will be focusing on different ways to print column names in Python.

So, let us get started!

First, where do you find columns in Python?

We often come across questions and problem statements wherein we feel the need to deal with data in an excel or csv file i.e. in the form of rows and columns.

Python, as a programming language, provides us with a data structure called ‘DataFrame’ to deal with rows and columns.

A Python DataFrame consists of rows and columns and the Pandas module offers us various functions to manipulate and deal with the data occupied within these rows and columns.

Today, we will be having a look at the various different ways through which we can fetch and display the column header/names of a dataframe or a csv file.

We would be referring the below csv file in the below examples–

Dataset-Bank Loan

1. Using pandas.dataframe.columns to print column names in Python

We can use pandas.dataframe.columns variable to print the column tags or headers at ease. Have a look at the below syntax!


import pandas

file = pandas.read_csv["D:/Edwisor_Project - Loan_Defaulter/bank-loan.csv"]
for col in file.columns:

In this example, we have loaded the csv file into the environment. Further, we have printed the column names through a for loop using dataframe.columns variable.



2. Using pandas.dataframe.columns.values

Python provides us with pandas.dataframe.columns.values to extract the column names from the dataframe or csv file and print them.



import pandas

file = pandas.read_csv["D:/Edwisor_Project - Loan_Defaulter/bank-loan.csv"]

So, the data.columns.values gives us a list of column names/headers present in the dataframe.


['age' 'ed' 'employ' 'address' 'income' 'debtinc' 'creddebt' 'othdebt' 'default']

3. Python sorted[] method to get the column names

Python sorted[] method can be used to get the list of column names of a dataframe in an ascending order of columns.

Have a look at the below syntax!



import pandas

file = pandas.read_csv["D:/Edwisor_Project - Loan_Defaulter/bank-loan.csv"]


['address', 'age', 'creddebt', 'debtinc', 'default', 'ed', 'employ', 'income', 'othdebt']


By this, we have come to the end of this topic. Hope this article turns out to be a hack for you in terms of different solutions for a single problem statement.

For more such posts related to Python, Stay tuned and till then, Happy Learning!! 🙂

Comment: still not working when header of
fieldnames = ['Cascade', 'Market', 'Schedule', 'Name] and
Sheet[['Cascade', 'Schedule', 'Name', 'Market']] are equal.

Keep order of fieldnames in col_idx, was not my initial goal.

Question: I want to fetch data by column name

The following OOP solution will work:

class OrderedByName[]:
    Privides a generator method, to iterate in Column Name ordered sequence
    Provides subscription, to get columns index by name. using class[name]
    def __init__[self, sheet, fieldnames, row=0]:
        Create a OrderedDict {name:index} from 'fieldnames'
        :param sheet: The Worksheet to use
        :param fieldnames: Ordered List of Column Names
        :param row: Default Row Index for the Header Row
        from collections import OrderedDict
        self.columns = OrderedDict[].fromkeys[fieldnames, None]
        for n in range[sheet.ncols]:
            self.columns[sheet.cell[row, n].value] = n

    def ncols[self]:
        Generator, equal usage as range[xlrd.ncols], 
          to iterate columns in ordered sequence
        :return: yield Column index
        for idx in self.columns.values[]:
            yield idx

    def __getitem__[self, item]:
        Make class object subscriptable
        :param item: Column Name
        :return: Columns index
        return self.columns[item]


# Worksheet Data
sheet[[['Schedule', 'Cascade', 'Market'],
       ['SF05UB0', 'DO Macro Upgrade', 'Upper Cnetral Valley'],
       ['DE03HO0', 'DO Macro Upgrade', 'Toledo'],
       ['SF73XC4', 'DO Macro Upgrade', 'SF Bay']]

# Instantiate with Ordered List of Column Names
# NOTE the different Order of Column Names
by_name = OrderedByName[sheet, ['Cascade', 'Market', 'Schedule']]

# Iterate all Rows and all Columns Ordered as instantiated
for row in range[sheet.nrows]:
    for col in by_name.ncols:
        value = sheet.cell[row, col].value
        print["cell[{}].value == {}".format[[row,col], value]]


cell[[0, 1]].value == Cascade
cell[[0, 2]].value == Market
cell[[0, 0]].value == Schedule
cell[[1, 1]].value == DO Macro Upgrade
cell[[1, 2]].value == Upper Cnetral Valley
cell[[1, 0]].value == SF05UB0
cell[[2, 1]].value == DO Macro Upgrade
cell[[2, 2]].value == Toledo
cell[[2, 0]].value == DE03HO0
cell[[3, 1]].value == DO Macro Upgrade
cell[[3, 2]].value == SF Bay
cell[[3, 0]].value == SF73XC4

Get Index of one Column by Name

print["cell{}.value == {}".format[[1, by_name['Schedule']],
                                    sheet.cell[1, by_name['Schedule']].value]]
#>>> cell[1, 0].value == SF05UB0

Tested with Python: 3.5

How do I get column names from Excel in python?

3 Easy Ways to Print column Names in Python.
Using pandas. dataframe. columns to print column names in Python. ... .
Using pandas. dataframe. columns. ... .
Python sorted[] method to get the column names. Python sorted[] method can be used to get the list of column names of a dataframe in an ascending order of columns..

How do I extract a column name in Python?

You can get the column names from pandas DataFrame using df. columns. values , and pass this to python list[] function to get it as list, once you have the data you can print it using print[] statement.

How do I get the column name in pandas Excel?

You can get column names in Pandas dataframe using df. columns statement. Usecase: This is useful when you want to show all columns in a dataframe in the output console [E.g. in the jupyter notebook console].

How do I display a column in Python?

You can use the loc and iloc functions to access columns in a Pandas DataFrame. Let's see how. If we wanted to access a certain column in our DataFrame, for example the Grades column, we could simply use the loc function and specify the name of the column in order to retrieve it.

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