Hướng dẫn booking calendar php mysql

  • How to Build a PHP Booking Calendar with MySQL
    • Prepare the database
    • Build a Booking class
    • Build a Calendar class
    • Putting it Together
    • Final and Source Code

n this tutorial, we will build a nice booking calendar using PHP and MySQL. Booking calendars are very common applications, you will learn how to write PHP code that separates business logic from presentation through this tutorial.

After this tutorial, you should be able to build a working booking calendar as shown below:

Prepare the database

All the booking dates will be stored inside the MySQL database. Let's design a simple database table.

Run the SQL statement below from your database console to create a table: bookings.

CREATE TABLE bookings [
    id int auto_increment,
    booking_date DATE,
    constraint pk_example primary key [id]

All bookings will be stored inside the table above, and each booked date is saved inside booking_date column.

Build a Booking class

In this section, we will build a PHP class that interacts with the database. It is capable of listing all the bookings, inserting a booking as well as deleting a booking.

  • Create a php file Booking.php and place the code below:

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