Hướng dẫn python get string until character - python lấy chuỗi cho đến ký tự

Giả sử chúng ta có:

s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223" + some_other_string

s.partition["!"][0]s.split["!"][0] đều là một vấn đề nếu some_other_string chứa một triệu chuỗi, mỗi triệu một triệu ký tự, cách nhau bởi các dấu chấm than. Tôi đề nghị những điều sau đây thay thế. Nó hiệu quả hơn nhiều.

import itertools as itts
get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                          str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]

Tại sao
import itertools as itts
get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                          str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]

Bên trong cơ thể của một chức năng, chẳng hạn như

import itertools as itts
get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                          str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]
import itertools as itts
get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                          str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]
2 là toàn cầu.
import itertools as itts
get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                          str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]
2 được đánh giá khi hàm được gọi, không phải khi hàm được xác định. Xem xét ví dụ sau:
import itertools as itts
get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                          str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]
2 is evaluated when the function is called, not when the function is defined.
Consider the following example:

color = "white"
get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."


# [... many lines of code later...]

color = "pink polka-dotted"
print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]

Đầu ra là:

Igor, whose fleece was white as snow.
Igor's cousin, 3 times removed Igor, whose fleece was as pink polka-dotted as snow.

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    Bàn luận 

    Đôi khi, nhiều hơn là tìm một chuỗi con, chúng ta có thể cần phải có được chuỗi đang xảy ra trước khi tìm thấy chuỗi con. Hãy để thảo luận về những cách nhất định trong đó nhiệm vụ này có thể được thực hiện.


    Phương pháp số 1: Sử dụng phân vùng [] & nbsp;

    Chức năng phân vùng có thể được sử dụng để thực hiện nhiệm vụ này, trong đó chúng tôi chỉ trả về một phần của phân vùng xảy ra trước từ phân vùng.

    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]
    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]
    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]

    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]
    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]
    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]

    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]

    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    Igor, whose fleece was white as snow.
    Igor's cousin, 3 times removed Igor, whose fleece was as pink polka-dotted as snow.

    Igor, whose fleece was white as snow.
    Igor's cousin, 3 times removed Igor, whose fleece was as pink polka-dotted as snow.
    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]
    Igor, whose fleece was white as snow.
    Igor's cousin, 3 times removed Igor, whose fleece was as pink polka-dotted as snow.
    Igor, whose fleece was white as snow.
    Igor's cousin, 3 times removed Igor, whose fleece was as pink polka-dotted as snow.
    Igor, whose fleece was white as snow.
    Igor's cousin, 3 times removed Igor, whose fleece was as pink polka-dotted as snow.

    The original string : GeeksforGeeks is best for geeks
    The split string : best
    String before the substring occurrence : GeeksforGeeks is

    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    Igor, whose fleece was white as snow.
    Igor's cousin, 3 times removed Igor, whose fleece was as pink polka-dotted as snow.
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    The original string : GeeksforGeeks is best for geeks
    The split string : best
    String before the substring occurrence : GeeksforGeeks is
    1Method #2 : Using split[] 

    Đầu ra: & nbsp;


    Phương pháp số 1: Sử dụng phân vùng [] & nbsp;

    Chức năng phân vùng có thể được sử dụng để thực hiện nhiệm vụ này, trong đó chúng tôi chỉ trả về một phần của phân vùng xảy ra trước từ phân vùng.

    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]
    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]
    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]

    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]
    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]
    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]

    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]

    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    Igor, whose fleece was white as snow.
    Igor's cousin, 3 times removed Igor, whose fleece was as pink polka-dotted as snow.

    Igor, whose fleece was white as snow.
    Igor's cousin, 3 times removed Igor, whose fleece was as pink polka-dotted as snow.
    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]
    Igor, whose fleece was white as snow.
    Igor's cousin, 3 times removed Igor, whose fleece was as pink polka-dotted as snow.
    Igor, whose fleece was white as snow.
    Igor's cousin, 3 times removed Igor, whose fleece was as pink polka-dotted as snow.
    Igor, whose fleece was white as snow.
    Igor's cousin, 3 times removed Igor, whose fleece was as pink polka-dotted as snow.

    The original string : GeeksforGeeks is best for geeks
    The split string : best
    String before the substring occurrence : GeeksforGeeks is

    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    Igor, whose fleece was white as snow.
    Igor's cousin, 3 times removed Igor, whose fleece was as pink polka-dotted as snow.
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    The original string : GeeksforGeeks is best for geeks
    The split string : best
    String before the substring occurrence : GeeksforGeeks is


    Phương pháp số 1: Sử dụng phân vùng [] & nbsp;

    Chức năng phân vùng có thể được sử dụng để thực hiện nhiệm vụ này, trong đó chúng tôi chỉ trả về một phần của phân vùng xảy ra trước từ phân vùng.

    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]
    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]
    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]

    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]
    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]
    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]


    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]
    Igor, whose fleece was white as snow.
    Igor's cousin, 3 times removed Igor, whose fleece was as pink polka-dotted as snow.

    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    Igor, whose fleece was white as snow.
    Igor's cousin, 3 times removed Igor, whose fleece was as pink polka-dotted as snow.

    Igor, whose fleece was white as snow.
    Igor's cousin, 3 times removed Igor, whose fleece was as pink polka-dotted as snow.
    import itertools as itts
    get_start_of_string = lambda stryng, last, *, itts=itts:\
                              str[itts.takewhile[lambda ch: ch != last, stryng]]
    s = "wolfdo65gtornado!salmontiger223"
    start_of_string = get_start_of_string[s, "!"]
    Igor, whose fleece was white as snow.
    Igor's cousin, 3 times removed Igor, whose fleece was as pink polka-dotted as snow.
    Igor, whose fleece was white as snow.
    Igor's cousin, 3 times removed Igor, whose fleece was as pink polka-dotted as snow.
    Igor, whose fleece was white as snow.
    Igor's cousin, 3 times removed Igor, whose fleece was as pink polka-dotted as snow.

    The original string : GeeksforGeeks is best for geeks
    String before the substring occurrence : GeeksforGeeks is 

    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    Igor, whose fleece was white as snow.
    Igor's cousin, 3 times removed Igor, whose fleece was as pink polka-dotted as snow.
    color = "white"
    get_fleece_color = lambda shoop: shoop + ", whose fleece was as " + color + " as snow."
    # [... many lines of code later...]
    color = "pink polka-dotted"
    print[get_fleece_color["Igor's cousin, 3 times removed"]]
    The original string : GeeksforGeeks is best for geeks
    The split string : best
    String before the substring occurrence : GeeksforGeeks is

    Đầu ra: & nbsp;O[n]

    & nbsp; Phương thức #2: Sử dụng split [] & nbsp;O[n]

    Làm cách nào để trích xuất một chuỗi trước một ký tự trong Python?

    Sử dụng str.partition [] để lấy phần của chuỗi trước khi xuất hiện đầu tiên của một ký tự cụ thể. Gọi str. Phân vùng [SEP] với SEP là ký tự mong muốn để có được một tuple chứa ba mục: mọi thứ trước lần xuất hiện đầu tiên của SEP trong STR, SEP và phần còn lại của STR, theo thứ tự đó. partition[] to get the part of a string before the first occurrence of a specific character. Call str. partition[sep] with sep as the desired character to get a tuple containing three items: everything before the first occurrence of sep in str , sep , and the rest of str , in that order.

    Làm thế nào tôi có thể có được mọi thứ trước một trong một chuỗi trăn?

    Nhận chuỗi trước khi ký tự nhất định trong Python ..
    -2. ... .
    Tìm chuỗi/float với metacharacter với regex trong chuỗi [python].
    Pandas = thay thế các giá trị cột bằng các khóa từ điển nếu chúng nằm trong các giá trị từ điển [danh sách].
    Python bắt giữ từ regex ..
    Regex nắm bắt tất cả trước khi con ..

    Làm thế nào để bạn in một chuỗi lên đến một ký tự cụ thể trong Python?

    Hãy thảo luận về những cách nhất định mà nhiệm vụ này có thể được thực hiện ...
    Phương pháp số 1: Sử dụng phân vùng [].
    Phương pháp số 2: Sử dụng Split [].
    Phương pháp số 3: Sử dụng Find [].

    Làm thế nào để bạn trích xuất một phần của một chuỗi trong Python?

    Bạn có thể nhận được chuỗi con của một chuỗi trong Python bằng tùy chọn STR [0: N] ...
    Chuỗi - Tên của chuỗi mà từ đó nên trích xuất chuỗi con ..
    5 -Chỉ số khởi động của chuỗi con.Bao gồm ..
    11 - Chỉ số kết thúc của chuỗi con.Loại trừ..

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