Làm thế nào để bạn tìm thấy số armstrong giữa hai khoảng thời gian trong python?

Số Armstrong giữa hai số nguyên

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  • Độ khó. Cơ bản
  • Cập nhật lần cuối. 13 tháng 6 năm 2022

  • Đọc
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    Số nguyên dương có các chữ số a, b, c, d… được gọi là số Armstrong bậc n nếu thỏa mãn điều kiện sau.  

    abcd.. = an + bn + cn + dn +...


    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    ví dụ.  

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371


    Khuyến khích. Vui lòng thử cách tiếp cận của bạn trên {IDE} trước, trước khi chuyển sang giải pháp

    Cách tiếp cận được thực hiện dưới đây rất đơn giản. Chúng tôi duyệt qua tất cả các số trong phạm vi nhất định. Đối với mỗi số, trước tiên chúng tôi đếm số chữ số trong đó. Đặt số chữ số trong số hiện tại là n. Chúng ta tìm tổng lũy ​​thừa thứ n của tất cả các chữ số. Nếu tổng bằng i, chúng tôi in số.  


    // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range


    using namespace std;


    // Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371


    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 370 371
    153 370 371

    153 370 371
    153 370 371

    153 370 371
    153 370 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 370 371


    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range0

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range2

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    2 // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range5

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 370 371
    153 370 371

    153 370 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    2 #include 3

    153 370 371
    3_______455_______5#include 6#include 7

    153 370 371
    153 370 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 370 371


    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2using7 using8

    153 370 371

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 370 371

    153 370 371



    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    2 namespace8

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    2 std;2

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    2 std;5

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    7std;9// Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range0// Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range1

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    7// Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range3 // Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range4

    153 370 371


    // Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range6

    // Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range7

    // Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range8 // Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range9

    // Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range8

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.


    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    7// Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 370 371

    153 370 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    153 370 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    33// Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range1

    153 370 371
    153 370 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    42// Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range1

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 370 371
    153 370 371

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 370 371

    153 370 371

    153 370 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 370 371

    153 370 371
    153 370 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    42// Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range1

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    42// Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range1

    153 370 371
    153 370 371

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 370 371

    153 370 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 370 371

    153 370 371
    3____456_______7 using8

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 370 371

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 370 371

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    09// Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range1

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    14// Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range1

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 370 371

    153 370 371


    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    con trăn

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    // Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range8

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371


    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 370 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    153 370 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 370 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 370 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 370 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    153 370 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 370 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    98#include 6
    153 370 371

    153 370 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 370 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 370 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 370 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 370 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 370 371

    153 370 371
    153 370 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 370 371
    153 370 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    38 namespace1
    153 370 371


    153 370 371

    153 370 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    153 370 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    153 370 371

    153 370 371
    153 370 371


    153 370 371


    153 370 371

    // Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range7


    153 370 371


    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.


    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    7// Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 370 371


    153 370 371

    153 370 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    153 370 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    153 370 371
    153 370 371
    153 370 371

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 370 371
    153 370 371


    153 370 371

    153 370 371

    153 370 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    2 // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range5

    153 370 371

    153 370 371
    153 370 371
    153 370 371

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    40_______1_______2 #include 3

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 370 371

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 370 371
    153 370 371


    153 370 371

    153 370 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 370 371

    153 370 371
    3____456_______7 using8

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    40_______454_______10namespace1// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range12

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 370 371

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 370 371


    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    0 // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range23

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    2 std;2

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    2 std;5

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range35

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 370 371

    153 370 371


    // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range39


    // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range40

    // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range41

    // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range42

    // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range43


    // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range44

    // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range45

    // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range46

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    1// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range48// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range49// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range50// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range51

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    9// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range56
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    46// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range48 // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range59

    // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range60// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range56 // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range62// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range50// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range64// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range56// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range51

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.


    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range70

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range72

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range74
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    46// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range56// Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range1

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range79 // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range80

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 370 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    9// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range74 // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range85

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 370 371
    3// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range74 // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range90// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range74 // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range92

    153 370 371
    3// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range94// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range79// Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range1

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 370 371


    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2#include 00

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2#include 02

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2#include 04 // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range80

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range74
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    46// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range56// Prints Armstrong Numbers in given range1

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 370 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    9// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range74 // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range85

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 370 371
    3#include 19
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    46// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range74 #include 22

    153 370 371
    3#include 04 #include 25#include 19// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range49// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range79#include 29

    153 370 371
    3// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range74 // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range90// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range74 // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range92

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 370 371


    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2#include 38

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2#include 40

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2#include 42

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    9#include 04 #include 47// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range56// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range51

    153 370 371
    3#include 51 // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range56 #include 53namespace1namespace2

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 370 371

    153 370 371



    #include 60 #include 61

    #include 62 #include 63

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    1#include 60// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range49#include 62// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range12


    #include 69

    #include 70


    #include 71

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    7#include 73

    // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range42

    // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range43

    #include 76

    // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range44

    // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range45

    // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range46 #include 80

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    8 #include 84

    // CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range60#include 86

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    #include 76

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range70

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2// CPP program to find Armstrong numbers in a range72

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2#include 95

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2#include 97

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 370 371
    1 using00

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 370 371

    153 370 371
    153 370 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 370 371

    #include 76

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2#include 00

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2#include 02

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 370 371
    1 using00

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.

    153 370 371

    153 370 371

    153 370 371

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    153 370 371

    #include 76

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2#include 38

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2#include 40

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2#include 42

    Input : 100 400
    Output :153 370 371
    Explanation : 100 and 400 are given 
    two integers.[interval]
      153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 
          = 1 + 125 + 27
          =  153  
      370 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 0
          = 27 + 343 
          = 370
      371 = 3*3*3 + 7*7*7 + 1*1*1
          = 27 + 343 +1
          = 371
    2using7 using8

    153 370 371

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3  
        =  1 + 125 + 27
        =  153        
    Therefore, 153 is an Armstrong number.
    153 370 371

    153 370 371

    #include 76





    #include 76



    đầu ra.  

    153 370 371

    Thời gian phức tạp. O[n*logn], n là phạm vi
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    Tiết kiệm

    Vui lòng Đăng nhập để nhận xét.

    Làm cách nào để in số Armstrong giữa hai khoảng thời gian trong python?

    Chương trình Python tìm số Armstrong giữa một khoảng thời gian .
    Lower = int[input["Nhập phạm vi thấp hơn. "]]
    upper = int[input["Nhập phạm vi trên. "]]
    cho số trong phạm vi [dưới, trên + 1]
    tổng = 0
    nhiệt độ = số
    trong khi nhiệt độ> 0
    chữ số = tạm thời% 10
    tổng += chữ số ** 3

    Logic của số Armstrong trong python là gì?

    Trong trường hợp số Armstrong có 3 chữ số, tổng lập phương của mỗi chữ số bằng chính số đó . Ví dụ. 153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 // 153 là số Armstrong.

    Công thức cho số Armstrong là gì?

    = pow [a, n] + pow [b, n] + pow [c, n] + pow [d, n] + pow [e, n] + . 0, 1, 153, 370, 371, 1634, v.v. 27 + 343 + 0 = 370, tức là bằng số đã cho; . 1 + 1296 + 81 + 256 = 1634, tức là bằng số đã cho; . ……… For example : 0, 1, 153, 370, 371, 1634 etc. 27 + 343 + 0 = 370, which is equal to the given number; hence it is an Armstrong number. 1 + 1296 + 81 + 256 = 1634, which is equal to the given number; hence it is an Armstrong number.

    Có bao nhiêu số Armstrong trong khoảng từ 1 đến 10000?

    Nhập số đầu tiên. 1 Nhập số thứ hai. 10000 số Armstrong nằm trong khoảng từ 1 đến 10000 là. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 153, 370, 371, 407, 1634, 8208, 9474 , .

    Chủ Đề