Laptop will only charge when closed


So, this is a common problem, I know, but I'm looking for clarification, and for any suggestions.

As the title says, the laptop no longer charges when it is powered on. It charges fine when in sleep mode or turned off, but not when turned on.

Oddly, the laptop sometimes says it is charging for maybe a second or two when first powered up, but then nothing. [It also sometimes randomly indicates it's charging, but I can't reliably recreate the circumstances under which this occurs.]

Now, here are some things I've tried already:

- Updated drivers, updated BIOS [with the CMD line 'force it' to circumvent the 'cannot update BIOS without AC cable attached' problem]

- Drained battery, fully charged battery whilst Laptop switched off

- Cleaned battery

- Uninstalled battery drivers, reinstalled

- Checked cable for damage, tears or hotspots

- Tried different power sockets

- Tried various battery settings [from BIOS menu and from Desktop/My Computer]

I'm running:

- Intel[R] Core[TM] i3-6100U CPU@ 2.30GHz 2.30 GHz

- 64-bit OS, x64-based processor

- 8.00 RAM

Aside from ll that, I can't think of what might be wrong. It's a little odd for me to come down one day to use my laptop, and find that, mysteriously overnight, the cable no longer charges properly.

Any ideas? I'm not really keen on buying a new cable, since it appears to be working fine [since it charges when the system is shut down]



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