loveing là gì - Nghĩa của từ loveing

loveing có nghĩa là

It's not about the sex or gender of the person but how they treat you! So, as long as you're getting the love and affection that you need to be happy in love then it doesn't and/or shouldn't matter what gender is loving you. Often a term used by bisexuals or those who have no issues with swinging with the same-sex as long as the loving is good!

Ví dụ

i.e. A guy might say to another guy, "I'm just looking for someone to love me [a genderless statement] because love is love!" The sex of the person isn't the issue but how the person is treated as it pertains to being loved!

loveing có nghĩa là

People confuses "love" with "want". When you fall in love with someone. You actually fall in "want". That felling is not love. Love is not physical attraction. That is "want". There is no love at first sight because "love" doesnt need sight to "love" someone. Love doesnt cares how you look like. Love doesnt tries to control you. Love sets you free. Love is best described when you care for a child or a pet. Love doesnt ask for anything back. You dont need to be loved back. You just love and its unilateral. "Want" instead needs and takes from you. "Want" Wants you to give back what is given to you. "Want" is possesive. "Want" is centered on the ego. So it is egoistical. Love is beyond the ego. There is no ego when you love.

Ví dụ

i.e. A guy might say to another guy, "I'm just looking for someone to love me [a genderless statement] because love is love!" The sex of the person isn't the issue but how the person is treated as it pertains to being loved!

loveing có nghĩa là

People confuses "love" with "want".

Ví dụ

i.e. A guy might say to another guy, "I'm just looking for someone to love me [a genderless statement] because love is love!" The sex of the person isn't the issue but how the person is treated as it pertains to being loved!

loveing có nghĩa là

People confuses "love" with "want".

Ví dụ

i.e. A guy might say to another guy, "I'm just looking for someone to love me [a genderless statement] because love is love!" The sex of the person isn't the issue but how the person is treated as it pertains to being loved! People confuses "love" with "want".

loveing có nghĩa là

When you fall in love with someone. You actually fall in "want". That felling is not love.

Ví dụ

DOOP, i spelled loving wrong.

loveing có nghĩa là

Love is not physical attraction. That is "want".

Ví dụ

There is no love at first sight because "love" doesnt need sight to "love" someone.

loveing có nghĩa là

Being in love is something you can’t explain. You don’t ask to fall in love. It just happens. It’s somethig that happens rather quickly and unexpectedly. You don’t know it’s coming, but the moment you realize you’re in love, everything changes. Time stops. The thought of losing that person breaks you. They become your pride and joy. They become your only priority. You want a future with them. You want to get married and have kids one day. You’d give up your own happiness if it meant they would be happy. They’re all you want, and all you need. Their smile can change your day. Their voice gives you butterflies. The way they bite their lip when concentrating makes you all warm and fuzzy. Being in love is a rather risky thing. It can either make you or break you. How do you know you are in love? You had a special person in mind while reading this, and now you know that being in love feels quite amazing.

Ví dụ

Love doesnt cares how you look like. Love doesnt tries to control you. Love sets you free. Love is best described when you care for a child or a pet. Love doesnt ask for anything back.

loveing có nghĩa là

a way to say i love you in a simple but cute way

Ví dụ

You dont need to be loved back. You just love and its unilateral.

loveing có nghĩa là

The song by the beatles that you CANNOT get out of your head no matter how much it pisses you off.

Ví dụ

"Want" instead needs and takes from you. "Want" Wants you to give back what is given to you. "Want" is possesive. "Want" is centered on the ego. So it is egoistical.

loveing có nghĩa là

Love is beyond the ego. There is no ego when you love. He jumped into the cold lake waters to save that kid. That is what love is about. It's that absurd yet extravagant feeling you get for someone. It's not necessarily build upon the fact that you knew that person for years, maybe you met recently and got to know each other and then got struck with that feeling. That feeling that you can't imagine your life without them in it. Can't spend a day without contacting them. That no matter how many times they hurt and mistreated you, you simply just can't get mad at them. Can't regret that you met them even though they are the reason behind your blues. A feeling that you can't avoid, it will forever chase you, no matter how many times you deny it; deep inside you know that you simply can't and don't want to get over them. And that's when you can be sure that you're ridiculously in-love.

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She's my worst distraction, my rhythm and blues, I'm in love with her/him.

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