Matlab load function in python

Use the MATLAB® Engine API for Python® to call any MATLAB function on the MATLAB path.

If the MATLAB function is not on the path, you can call it from the current folder. For example, to call MATLAB function myFnc in folder myFolder, type:

import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab[][r'myFolder', nargout=0]

Return Output Argument from MATLAB Function

You can call any MATLAB function directly and return the results to Python. For example, to determine if a number is prime, use the engine to call the isprime function.

import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab[]
tf = eng.isprime[37]

Return Multiple Output Arguments from MATLAB Function

When you call a function with the engine, by default the engine returns a single output argument. If you know that the function can return multiple arguments, use the nargout argument to specify the number of output arguments.

To determine the greatest common denominator of two numbers, use the gcd function. Set nargout to return the three output arguments from gcd.

import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab[]
t = eng.gcd[100.0,80.0,nargout=3]

Return No Output Arguments from MATLAB Function

Some MATLAB functions return no output arguments. If the function returns no arguments, set nargout to 0.

Open the MATLAB Help browser from Python.

import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab[]

The MATLAB doc function opens the browser, but does not return output arguments. If you do not specify nargout=0, the engine raises an error.

Stop Execution of Function

To stop execution of a MATLAB function press Ctrl+C. Control returns to Python.

Use Function Names for MATLAB Operators

You can use a MATLAB operator in Python by calling the equivalent function. For a list of operators and associated function names, see MATLAB Operators and Associated Functions. For example, to add two numbers, use the plus function instead of the + operator.

import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab[]
a = 2
b = 3[a,b] 

See Also

matlab.engine.MatlabEngine | matlab.engine.FutureResult

Related Topics

  • Call MATLAB Functions Asynchronously from Python
  • Call User Scripts and Functions from Python
  • Use MATLAB Arrays in Python
  • Sort and Plot MATLAB Data from Python

Main Content

This example shows how to call a MATLAB® script to compute the area of a triangle from Python®.

To call a MATLAB script or function, put it on your MATLAB path. For this example, create a MATLAB script in a file named triarea.m in your current folder.

b = 5;
h = 3;
a = 0.5*[b.* h]

After you save the file, start Python and call the script.

import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab[]

Specify nargout=0. Although the script prints output, it returns no output arguments to Python.

Convert the script to a function and call the function from the engine. To edit the file, open the MATLAB editor.


Delete the three statements. Then add a function declaration and save the file.

function a = triarea[b,h]
a = 0.5*[b.* h];

Call the new triarea function from the engine.

ret = eng.triarea[1.0,5.0]

The triarea function returns only one output argument, so there is no need to specify nargout.

See Also

matlab.engine.MatlabEngine | matlab.engine.FutureResult

Related Topics

  • Call MATLAB Functions from Python

I'm new to Python and I'm needing to convert some Matlab code I have to Python. Here's the code I have:

    save[myFile, 'list','config'];
    load[myfile, 'list'];

I've been looking within Python and I can't seem to find an equivalent method for this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • python
  • matlab

asked Oct 25, 2012 at 20:23


1,0943 gold badges15 silver badges38 bronze badges


1 Answer

Checkout the numpy IO routines here, they can handle various formats.

answered Oct 25, 2012 at 20:27


7,3115 gold badges32 silver badges50 bronze badges


Can I call MATLAB function in Python?

You can use a MATLAB operator in Python by calling the equivalent function. For a list of operators and associated function names, see MATLAB Operators and Associated Functions.

How do I connect MATLAB to Python?

Connect Python to Running MATLAB Session.
matlab.engine.shareEngine. Start Python at the operating system prompt. To connect to the shared MATLAB session, call matlab. engine. ... .
2.0. You can connect to a shared session by name. To find the name of a shared session, call matlab. engine. ... .
['MATLAB_13232',] matlab. engine..

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