Translate csv file to english python

How to write a function in Python that translates each row of a csv file to another language and adds the translation as another column to the same csv using pandas? The input file I have, looks like this:

and I would like my output to be like:

I started with this:

from googletrans import Translator
import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv['~/file/my_file.csv'][['A','B']]
df = pd.DataFrame[data, columns=['A','B','A_translation', 'B_translation']]

and for translating a single sentence the following code helps, but could you please help me to use it as a function for all rows in a csv file?

sentence = 'The quick brown fox'
translations = translator.translate[sentence, dest = 'Fr']
for translation in translations:
     tr = translation.text 
     org = translation.origin


translate-csv is a Python module. It provides functions to translate a CSV file, using a JSON reference file. is built to translate lists of words like country names.

Getting started

Get translate-csv

  • Download on GitHub.

JSON reference file

  • Download the reference file json/countries.json on GitHub to translate country names or create your own reference file.
    The format of the JSON file must be:

		"id": [
		"language_1": [
		"language_2": [

Only those elements are not optional in the JSON file:

		"key_1": [
		"key_2": [

For example, json/countries.json looks like:

        "iso_a3": [
        "iso_n3": [
        "french": [
        "english": [
        "iso_a3": [
        "iso_n3": [
        "french": [
            "Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord"
        "english": [
            "United Kingdom",
            "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"


  • Import the functions of the module:

from translatecsv import load_reference, translate_csv

  • Load the reference file:

countries = load_reference['json/countries.json']

  • Translate:

For example, the CSV file csv/example.csv looks like:


Let's translate country names to French using ISO alpha-3 country codes and json/countries.json:

from translatecsv import load_reference, translate_csv

countries = load_reference['json/countries.json']

translate_csv['csv/example.csv', 0, 1, countries, 'iso_a3', 'french']

It translates the column 1 of the CSV file csv/example.csv.
The column 0 identifies elements of the column 1.
The key iso_a3 identifies the same elements in the JSON file.
It replaces each element of the column 1 with the first value of the key french in the JSON file.

The result is:


For more examples, see

  • If an element is not translated, you'll see:

"NOT TRANSLATED: element" instead of "element" in the CSV file.

If necessary, you can edit the JSON reference file to take this "element" into account.

Try apply[] with lambda function. Then use pandas.DataFrame.to_csv[] to convert dataframe to csv.

import googletrans    
from googletrans import Translator

translator = Translator[]
df['transalted'] = df['ingredients_text'].apply[lambda x: translator.translate[x, dest='en'].text]


# If you only want translated result,
# you can use

How do I convert a CSV file to a string in Python?

Steps to Convert CSV to JSON String using Python.
Step 1: Prepare the CSV File. Prepare the CSV file that you'd like to convert to a JSON string. ... .
Step 2: Install the Pandas Package. If you haven't already done so, install the Pandas package. ... .
Step 3: Convert the CSV to JSON String using Python..

What is CSV translation?

CSV Translations is the plain text file format which can be used to upload translations from your project. The csv file must start from a header, where the first column is always a key column, next are language keys columns. Every value should be separated with a comma [ , ], other separators are not supported.

How do I convert Python data to CSV?

Steps to Convert a Text File to CSV using Python.
Step 1: Install the Pandas package. If you haven't already done so, install the Pandas package. ... .
Step 2: Capture the path where your text file is stored. ... .
Step 3: Specify the path where the new CSV file will be saved. ... .
Step 4: Convert the text file to CSV using Python..

How do I translate pandas?

Pandas str. translate[] is one of most important and complex string method. It uses a translate table to translate the caller series of string according to the translate table. If there are more than one values to be translated, a dictionary is passed to maketrans function to create a translate table.

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