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MLIA - My Life Is Average
normally used when giving a description to how your life is average, Today, I swallowed a watermelon seed. A watermelon did not grow in my tummy. MLIA


Today, I was walking along when I noticed a sign that said " DANGER! KEEP OFF GRASS". I walked on the grass. The Danger was not present. MLIA I bought a plant from Home Depot the other day. The cashier told me to water it everyday or else it would die. I didn't water it everyday just to see if it would die. It did. MLIA
Today, everyone walked right past me and didn't even think to sit next to me on the school bus. My feelings aren't hurt though, I'm the bus driver. MLIA.

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A spin off of FML that allows people to post the average going-ons of their lives. These are frequently nerdy but none the less awesome. Ignore those who say otherwise. Batman, Ninjas, and Harry Potter make frequent appearances.


Today on campus I saw a person dressed as scissors, a rock, and paper. The person dressed as the rock proceeded to run across the field and tackle the scissors. It was the most epic game of rock, paper, scissors I have ever seen. MLIA

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The acronym for the website ''. Possibly the best and most entertaining website EVER, it contains the three things that are required to make someone's day. 1. Irony.
2. Randomness
3. True Life events. Though the site started as very average and ordinary, with posts such as 'Today I wanted a peanut butter and Jelly sandwich. We were out of Jelly. I just had PB", MLIA has launched into a death spiral of comedy. People from all over the world share events in their life that have occured that other's would find funny, ironic, random, or just plan cool, and are voted upon by readers as 'Average' or 'Meh'. Heads up; there are many other copycat sites. Fmylife and mylifeistwilight are just a sample. Mylifeisaverage is the original, the best, and the one with the most quality by far. *WARNINGS*
The readers of MLIA often occur with these traits;
Dis-like if Hatred of Twilight and Miley Cyrus
Lke or Love of Harry Potter
Not so average lives.


I won a goldfish from a fair, but I when I came home I realized that i had no fish food. Thinking that he'd probably die that night, I fed him crunched up Cheerios. My fish lived off of Cheerios for 2 weeks. Then I finally decided to get him real fish food. I fed it to him. 5 minutes later he died. MLIA. Today my father and I went to the grocery store. Because we're Bosnian our dishes usually involve garlic so my father had stocked up enough. The cashier gave us an odd look and my father just shook his head, replying with "Just making sure the vampire stalkers stay away from my daughter. You can never be too safe after seeing that sparkly guy from Twilight." Love you pops. MLIA Today, I read a story of MLIA about how someone was going to start screaming inside their head to see who would react and was thus a mind reader. I thought it was a good idea and decided to try it. I ended up shouting out loud at an old lady. She definitely flinched.

mlias có nghĩa là

Acronym for 'my life is average.' Usually used at the end of a sentence about an mundane life event.


They were out of Heineken at the bar, so I ordered a Shiner instead. MLIA

mlias có nghĩa là

My life is average. A spin-off of FML


Today, after my friend texted me a joke, I typed "hehe" I backspaced and changed it to "haha", because I felt this was closer to my real laugh. MLIA

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A site that is not average at all.


Today, I saw the cookie monster tackle my professor. MLIA. THATS NOT AVERAGE, ITS AWESOME.

mlias có nghĩa là

An acronym for "My Life is Average". A site that parodies FML, where people post their "average" stories. The format consists of posting the story, and then putting the acronym MLIA afterwards. Lately, many of the comments on the stories by members are people complaining about the site isn't "average" anymore, but instead full of funny stories that actually make people laugh. Apparently these people are stupid and can't accept change. Maybe they need to move out of their parents' basements and stop dragging society down with their shit.


Today at school, my friend went into one of the large storage cupboards. When he came out a few minutes later, I asked, "How was Narnia?" Without missing a beat, he replied, "Hogwarts was better." MLIA.

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Acronym for My Life Is Average, the nerdier and more entertaining version of Fuck My Life.


Today, I got a new phone and someone called saying my son was say profanities in class and making rude gestures towards the teacher, they gave me the phone to talk to "James" I told him to keep up the good work. I don't have a son. MLIA.

mlias có nghĩa là

Stands for "My Life is Average", a website in which people could share those simple, and mundane events of their lives. However, the vast majority of contributors apparently have no concept of what "average" means or they lead such spectacularly awesome lives, while we lead horribly boring ones. Older posts reflected facets of day to day life, but newer submissions seem to feature sensationalized stories about their teachers, Harry Potter-related encounters, the well-cultured homeless, epiphanies, and other things that bring shame to our dull existence.


Old MLIA post: Today, I spilled some milk on the kitchen floor and I tried to wipe it all, but I missed a spot. MLIA Newer Post: Today, I went to buy some groceries. Feeling a little adventurous, I screamed "Sectumsempra!!" at the elderly cashier. She proceeded to writhe in agony for the next few minutes, and winked. Best. Day. Ever. :] MLIA

mlias có nghĩa là

An acronym for the website, My Life Is Average. MLIA posts are written about dailey life in the Kingdom od Average ruled over by the incredibly fair, kind wizard, Harry Potter. It is located next to Narnia, a country the people of Average have exceptionally good relations. They have such good relations with Narnia that they helped Narnia in the battle of Narnia, resulting in citizens of Average often randomly yeslling out, "For Narnia!" It is a known fact that MLIAers despise those from the kingdom of Twilight which is ruled over by the evil, corrupt king Justin Bieber and his queen Rebecca Black. So on the site MLIA, rude but exceptionally truthful remarks can often be found about Twilight and it's rulers. A fact to be noted about the citizens is that most are really secretly ninjas, so it is not wise to insult one. The kingdom of Blank and its website DBPB is among divided opinion among the populace. Overall, Average is a truthful, jolly, and wonderful place to visit as can be seen on the website. Though, unfortunately, enemy spies occasionally sneak onto the sight and post dreadful and untrue stories. Fortunately, that is a rare occurance and the Kingdom of Average remains a wonderful place to visit.


Today while visiting my grandfather in a nursing home, I saw an elderly man drinking from a pepper shaker. MLIA Today, I was outside walking my dog. I saw a guy walking up the street. He was very muscular guy and he was wearing a short, sparkly dress. His friends were walking behind him taking pictures.I asked him why he had on a dress and he said that he lost a bet. I took a picture with him. MLIA

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