Mori Kogoro cao bao nhiêu

Con gái của Kogoro, Mouri Ran, đồng thời là con của Kisaki Eri, người vợ hiện đang ly thân với ông sau cuộc cãi vã 10 năm trước. Mặc dù luôn tỏ ra lạnh nhạt với Eri, Kogoro vẫn còn nhiều tình cảm với cô khi đã nhiều lần cầu mong được "quay lại", nhưng cô vẫn giả vờ rằng mình chưa "sẵn sàng" cho việc đó, Đôi khi Eri vẫn cảm thấy ghen khi Kogoro ngắm nhìn những cô gái khác.

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Kogoro's characteristic strange expression when Conan uses the Stun-Gun Wristwatch

Sau khi Shinichi bị teo nhỏ bởi một loại thuốc bí ẩn và buộc phải sống trong thân phận Edogawa Conan, tiến sĩ Agasa đã nói rằng Shinichi không thể tiếp tục phá án bởi vì sự an nguy của bản thân trước Tổ chức Áo Đen. Sau đó đề nghị cậu đến sống tại nhà thám tử Kogoro. Trong vụ án đầu tiên, khi nhận thấy suy luận của Kogoro là sai lầm, Conan đã đá một cái gạt tàn để làm bất tỉnh Kogoro, sau khi Kogoro đã vào "tư thế phá án", Conan đã sử dụng Nơ biến giọng, bắt chước giọng nói của Kogoro để phơi bày danh tính thủ phạm thật sự; Kể từ đó, Kogoro được mệnh danh là "Thám tử ngủ gật". [Về sau, Conan sử dụng Đồng hồ gây mê để đánh gục Kogoro]. Trong một vài trường hợp khi không thể đánh thuốc mê Kogoro, Conan đã cố tình chỉ ra cho ông nhưng manh mối, gợi ý thông qua những hành động, câu nói đầy ẩn ý.

Tính cách[]

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Kogoro in the morning.

Kogoro spends most of his time being dysfunctional and entirely unprofessional. Most often it is Ran, but occasionally Eri, who takes responsibility for straightening him out and reminding him who really has the power in the family.

Kogoro has an overinflated sense of his own importance and detective prowess to the point where he doesn't question why he is suddenly passing out at crime scenes and solving cases in his sleep with entirely different deductions than he was making in his waking state. Furthermore Kogoro is not diplomatic, frequently making sarcastic and blunt comments about suspects or even his own clients. Kogoro is also headstrong and irritable, but especially so when Eri is involved.

On cases, Kogoro is lax with his deductions and investigation; usually missing all but the most obvious clues. He often jumps to silly conclusions, changes his mind, and falls into whatever logical traps the culprit has prepared. The police, especially Megure, usually find him to be an embarrassment and they hope he goes into sleeping mode as soon as possible. Kogoro does have a serious side which only emerges when the case has personal importance to him, such as when Eri and Ran are involved. Kogoro's entire personality and demeanor changes for the serious and he begins acting professional. When serious, his deductive skills and cunning improve. While he is not up to the standards of Shinichi and he still has problems with finding clues, his logical reasoning becomes better and Kogoro often demonstrates he has a better sense of interpersonal relationships than Shinichi does.

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Kogoro showboating in front of Yoko Okino.

Kogoro easily becomes infatuated with beautiful women. His dream woman is pop idol Yoko Okino, and he never misses [or tries not to miss] her television shows. He also keeps a massive collection of Yoko related goods and his office and bedroom have Yoko posters. Because of his flirtatious behavior around attractive women, he often embarrasses his daughter Ran Mouri, and while it is not the reason why his wife left him, it is the reason why she hasn't come back.

While he is never outright called an alcoholic, Kogoro has a tendency to get intoxicated at social events, and Shinichi/Conan makes sarcastic remarks about him spending money on alcohol. In the anime, his office is littered with empty beer cans, and he keeps a well-stocked liquor shelf. Kogoro is also a heavy smoker, and is usually seen with a cigarette in his mouth. His hobbies include mahjong and gambling on horse racing and keirin.

In the Japanese version, due to his name Kogoro Mouri he is often mistaken for the famous astronaut Mamoru Mohri when he introduces himself, because they both are in the news frequently, of Japanese decent, and have the same last name. In the English version when Kogoro introduces himself he is often mistaken for "oh, that famous astronaut," as well. In the English version it is possible he is also confused with Patrick Moore.

In the US version, Kogoro Mouri says that he is forty-three, in opposed to being thirty-seven in the Japanese version. It is unknown if Eri's age remains the same since they had attended school together, and if not, if it will affect the Princess Pageant storyline that occurred twenty years ago, making her in her twenties when she participated instead of a teenager.

Kogoro suffers from a mild acrophobia [fear of heights] and is quite uncomfortable in high settings, such as skyscrapers, when he has the chance to see how high up he is. It has also been made clear that Kogoro is an expert with a handgun, being able to hit targets at great distance with an impressive level of accuracy. He is also known for his Judo throw, which he often uses to incapacitate escaping suspects. As for leisure activities, unless he drinks to excess or goes hunting for any recordings of his favorite idol star, Yoko Okino, he enjoys betting on horse races, mahjong and baseball [he even plays in his neighborhood's team].

Khả năng[]

Detective skills[]

See also: List of cases solved by Kogoro Mouri

Throughout most of the series, Kogoro is depicted as a pretty incompetent detective, often missing obvious clues and jumping to the wrong conclusions, though several of these conclusions were shared by other people on the scene. However, Kogoro does follow the proper police procedures, asks questions, and [with a little help from Conan] follows leads quite well. Despite his ineptness, he had been a prominent police officer under Inspector Juzo Megure ten years prior to the start of the series He is shown to have left the police force after events addressed in the second movie, The Fourteenth Target.

Thanks to Conan's undercover help in solving numerous cases, Kogoro's reputation as a detective grows quickly. He hardly remembers the solutions of any cases because Conan knocks him out with tranquillizer darts so that he can announce the solution to the case while hidden, using a device that allows him to imitate Kogoro's voice as a proxy. However, Kogoro never seems to wonder about this fact and often boasts about his merits. Because of this, he has become nicknamed the Sleeping Kogoro [眠りの小五郎 ,Nemuri no Kogorou?]. Jugo Yokomizo often mistakenly calls him Smoking Kogoro [煙の小五郎 ,Kemuri no Kogorou?] because of his heavy smoking habits. Because of his [or rather, Conan's] tendency to coincidentally come across a crime scene, Inspector Megure is often referred to Kogoro as a shinigami [death god].

In later stories, there are times when Kogoro is actually able to solve crime cases without [or little] help from Conan, especially when people he knows or cares about are involved; it appears that, while he can connect the dots just fine, he can't actually find them as quickly as Conan does. The first of these events takes place during a trip to a hot spring, where one of his old college friends is murdered. Kogoro is actually so disturbed and determined to find the killer on his own that Conan cannot bring himself to drug him, limiting himself to surreptitiously drawing attention to the necessary clues.

Despite his frequent moronic analyses, Kogoro is actually pretty smart when he applies himself. He is even able to completely solve a crime on his own in the ninth movie, Strategy Above the Depths, due to the fact that the culprit Minako resembles Eri, and Conan applauds him mentally for his success. [For a more detailed list of the cases he has - more or less - solved on his own, see List of cases solved by Kogoro Mouri].


Kogoro was on the Judo team while he was at Beika University. Although he was the strongest on the team and can and still does toss large men with ease, he lost all the time at tournaments because he got excited and his strength was used against him. His trademark is the Ippon seoi-nage [one arm shoulder throw]. He appears to also be a capable teacher in the art, having taught both Eri and Ran.

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