Multiply list python

Multiply all elements in list Python

In this post, you will learn how to multiply all elements in a list in Python.

A list is a sequence of indexed and ordered values like an array. It is mutable, which means we can change the order of elements in a list. A list in Python is a linear data structure that can hold heterogeneous elements. It is flexible to shrink and grow, and there is no need to declare it.

There are different ways in Python to multiply all the elements in a list.

Using traversal method

Here, we have taken a variable 'product' and initialize the value 1. Next, we have traversed the list till the end and multiply every element with the product. The value of 'product' at last is the final result.

# Python program to multiply all elements in the # list using traversal def multiplyList[xList] : product = 1 for x in xList: product = product * x return product list1 = [11, 3, 2] list2 = [8, 2, 5] print["Product of first list: ",multiplyList[list1]] print["Product of second list: ",multiplyList[list2]] Output of the above code:Product of first list: 66 Product of second list: 80


Numpy prod[] method returns the product of the array of elements over a given axis. This method returns an integer or a float value depending on the multiplication result. In the given example, we import the numpy module and use the[] method to get the product of all elements of the list.

# Python program to multiply all elements in the # list using numpy import numpy as np list1 = [6, 4, 2] list2 = [8, 2, 5] # Multiply elements of list using[] product1 =[list1] product2 =[list2] print["Product of first list: ",product1] print["Product of second list: ",product2]Output of the above code:Product of first list: 48 Product of second list: 80

Using functools.reduce[]

The reduce[] function is defined in the functools module. It accepts a function in the first argument and an iterable in the second argument. We can use this function to multiply all the elements of the list by providing operator.mul in the first argument and list in the second.

# Python program to multiply all elements in the # list using functools and operator # importing functools for reduce[] import functools # importing operator for operator functions import operator a_list = [5, 2, 7, 4] product = functools.reduce[operator.mul, a_list] print["Product of elements of the list: ",product] Output of the above code:Product of elements of list: 280


We can also use the[] method to easily multiply the elements of the list. The is a new function and available from Python 3.8.

# Import math library import math list1 = [11, 2, 4] list2 = [3, 6, 5] result1 =[list1] result2 =[list2] print["Product of first list: ",result1] print["Product of second list: ",result2]Output of the above code:Product of first list: 88 Product of second list: 90

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