Myself to myself là gì

Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris
"Say to oneself" = tự nói với chính mình -> nghĩa là tập trung suy nghĩ.
Ví dụEvery time it seemed to be time to move on, something made her stay. Usually it was a fresh challenge to overcome. Give it six months, shed say to herself when things got difficult. If its still bad then, it will be time to leave.
The state of our world, from climate change [biến đổi khí hậu] to gun control, keeps me up at night. I want to believe in an optimistic [tươi sáng, lạc quan] future for my [unborn] children and that we have the power to change our trajectory [quỹ đạo, đường bay]. When Im struggling, I say to myself, just focus on the immediate next step and it will all come together.
When you have more time to yourself, you might think of trying new things to alleviate the boredom. For example, you might say to yourself, Self, if you cant take a shopping trip to New York, why not try some yoga?A few of us had been working out in the swimming pool in the evenings, which was great, but we wanted to mix it up a bit before casting directors for Cocoon III started beating down the door, contracts in hand.
Ka Tina
Bài trước:"I can't rightly say" nghĩa là gì?

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