Part one checklist IELTS Listening answers

IELTS Listening Sample 7

DetailsWritten by IELTS Mentor

You will hear a number of different recordings and you have to answer questions on what you hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions and you will have a chance to check your work.

All the recordings will be played once only. The test is in 4 Sections. At the end of the test, you will be given 10 minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.

Listening Tape:

Tapescripts of IELTS Listening Sample 7


Section One - Questions 1-10

Questions 1-5
Circle the appropriate letter.

1. What does her briefcase look like?

2. Which picture shows the distinguishing features?

3. What did she have inside her briefcase?

A wallet, pens and novel C pens and novel
B papers and wallet D papers, pens and novel

4. Where was she standing when she lost her briefcase?

5. What time was it when she lost her briefcase?

Questions 6-10
Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.


Section Two - Questions 11-21

Questions 11-13
Tick the THREE other items which are mentioned in the news headlines.

Questions 14-21
Complete the notes below by writing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS in the spaces provided.


Section Three - Questions 22-31

Questions 22-25
Circle the appropriate letter.

22. The orientation meeting
A took place recently.
B took place last term.
C will take place tomorrow.
D will take place next week.

23. Attendance at lectures is
A optional after 4 pm.
B closely monitored.
C difficult to enforce.
D sometimes unnecessary.

24. Tutorials take place
A every morning.
B twice a week.
C three mornings a week.
D three afternoons a week.

25. The lecturers name is
A Roberts.
B Rawson.
C Rogers.
D Robertson.

Questions 26-31
Complete the notes below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.


Section Four - Questions 32-41

Questions 32-33
Circle the appropriate letter.

32. The speaker works within the Faculty of
A Science and Technology.
B Arts and Social Sciences.
C Architecture.
D Law.

33. The Faculty consists firstly of
A subjects.
B degrees.
C divisions.
D departments.

Questions 34-36
Complete the notes using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

Questions 37-41
Circle the appropriate letter.

37. The speaker says students can visit her
A every morning.
B some mornings.
C mornings only.
D Friday morning.

38. According to the speaker, a tutorial
A is a type of lecture.
B is less important than a lecture.
C provides a chance to share views.
D provides an alternative to groupwork.

39. When writing essays, the speaker advises the students to
A research their work well.
B name the books they have read.
C share work with their friends.
D avoid using other writers ideas.

40. The speaker thinks that plagiarism is
A a common problem.
B an acceptable risk.
C a minor concern.
D a serious offence.

41. The speakers aims are to -
A introduce students to university expectations.
B introduce students to the members of staff.
C warn students about the difficulties of studying.
D guide students round the university.

Tapescripts of IELTS Listening Sample 7

Answer: [Click the button to Show/ Hide Answers]

Section 1
1 A
2 C
3 D
4 D
5 C
6 Prescott [must be correct spelling with capital P]
7 41
8 Fountain [must have capital F]
9 752239
10 £65

Section 2
11, 12 & 13: E, F, H [in any order]
14 $250 million
15 roads//road system
16 too late
17 school children//boys
18 3
19 boats//pleasure crafty/boats and pleasure craft
20 pilot
21 [musical] instruments

Section 3
22 A
23 B
24 C
25 A
26 talk/ give a talk
27 write up work
28 can choose
29 open book
30 closed reserve
31 vocational [subjects] / [preparing for] work/ employment

Section 4
32 B
33 C
34 history and economics
35 [meeting] deadlines [for essays]
36 attendance
37 B
38 C
39 B
40 D
41 A

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[Source: Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 1 book]

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Mentor 1 year 5 months
Audio Here :- //
Jin 1 year 8 months
Silene 2 years 1 month
Would you please share the audio link?
Ala 2 years 1 month
Please, I want the audio.
Bohdan Andriichuk 2 years 1 month
Nick 2 years 10 months
Rutu 2 years 11 months
Can someone please explain when the answer to question 39 was mentioned? I played the audio a few times but really could not figure out where it is mentioned. Thanks!
Muhammet Aksoy 2 years 7 months
She says "delivery of read [sounds like written] material", it means naming the books they've read.
Vikas Bhatia 2 years 11 months
Dare 3 years 2 months
Visharaj 3 years 5 months
Got 32 correct answers.
Wazid Ariyaan 3 years 6 months
Impressively, for the first time, I was able to correct 30 answers. It will help me to build up my confidence in the future.
Wazid Ariyaan 3 years 6 months
Impressively for the first time, I was able to answer 30 questions correctly and I have got 7 band score.
Rajiv Kumar 3 years 8 months
The very first time I have got 7 band score. I am very happy with my success.
Nurlybek 3 years 8 months
Question 14: the answer is 215, not 250. Listen again.
Bello Babatunde 3 years 8 months
I've got 30 out of 41. Could you tell me my band score? Thanks!
Mouna 4 years 2 months
Whoops, I have got 29/41.
Visakh.S 4 years 2 months
1. In the question 14, the dollar symbol is already given, so from the answer, it should be removed [$250 million].2. Q. No. 15: roads//road system; only Road System, No Roads.3. Q. No. 19: boats//pleasure crafty/boats and pleasure craft; write boats and craft only. Three words are allowed, not more.4. Q. No. 26: talk/ give a talk; the boy says he wants to talk.
Dmytro 4 years 4 months
Only 33/41 :[ Got 3 mistakes in 37-41. Most difficult part.]
Mohammad Sharfuddin 4 years 6 months
In the 17th question, I've written 'students' in place of 'school children//boys'. Is that correct? Do I get a point for that?
Amiya 4 years 6 months
I wrote 'D'.
Isi 4 years 8 months
Question 29's correct answers is a 6? Thanks.
IELTS Mentor 4 years 8 months
Moderately good.
Kamla 4 years 8 months
I got 32 points.
Waqas 4 years 8 months
39/41 ......The score is 9.
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