Physical state là gì

Đồng nghĩa của physical shape


A person's mental or physical condition
health condition form shape fettle state constitution nick order tone estate euphoria keeping kilter repair trim state of health physical health physical state fitness build status appearance aspect physical fitness situation position working order standing whack emotional state state of mind level rank station echelon mood circumstance temper commission humour quality grade attitude way spirits disposition mental state humor frame of mind wellness predicament case plight good condition good spirits phase state of repair sound condition spirit vein place mental condition inner nature perspective mentality temperament feelings makeup mindset emotions persuasion nature class footing classification sphere category ranking lot period caliber temporary psychological state fate calibre bracket tier rating gradation placing brand rate ranks size pigeonhole degree of merit degree of proficiency degree of quality morale

Nearby Words

physical state physical strength physical structure physical substance physical therapies physical therapist physical separation physical sciences physical science physicals physical response physical resistance

Trái nghĩa của physical shape

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