pluto là gì - Nghĩa của từ pluto

pluto có nghĩa là

Verb. to pluto someone or something is to downgrade, demote or remove altogether from a prestigious group or list, Like what was done to the planet of the same name.

Ví dụ

he was plutoed like an old pair of shoes.

pluto có nghĩa là

No longer a planet. It was discovered in the 1930s and in 2006 they finally decide to change everything we learned growing so confused now...

Ví dụ

he was plutoed like an old pair of shoes.

pluto có nghĩa là

No longer a planet. It was discovered in the 1930s and in 2006 they finally decide to change everything we learned growing so confused now...

Ví dụ

he was plutoed like an old pair of shoes.

pluto có nghĩa là

No longer a planet. It was discovered in the 1930s and in 2006 they finally decide to change everything we learned growing so confused now... wtf! everything i learned went out the window, pluto isn't a planet anymore. a big ball of methane and nitrogen that was big ballin' as a planet for about 80 years, until the IAU [International Astronomical Union] decided to get all technical and make that little bitch a "dwarf planet." At this point, it's a pretty safe bet that Pluto won't be getting laid anytime soon.

Ví dụ

he was plutoed like an old pair of shoes. No longer a planet. It was discovered in the 1930s and in 2006 they finally decide to change everything we learned growing so confused now... wtf! everything i learned went out the window, pluto isn't a planet anymore.

pluto có nghĩa là

a big ball of methane and nitrogen that was big ballin' as a planet for about 80 years, until the IAU [International Astronomical Union] decided to get all technical and make that little bitch a "dwarf planet." At this point, it's a pretty safe bet that Pluto won't be getting laid anytime soon.

Ví dụ

Pluto used to get invited to P Diddy parties back when he was part of the big 9, but now he can't even kick it with Polly Shore. What a a tool!

pluto có nghĩa là

1. somebody who has achieved promotion quickly at work, only for it to be obvious that they cannot live up to the job, and hence experience a humiliating demotion
2. a star -rock\pop etc - who is talked about a lot in the press as though they are the next big thing, but then never deliver the goods.
After the planet - which is no longer a planet!

Ví dụ

1. hear about Smithson - last weeks new MD? Got fired, the asshole. He's a real pluto.

2. Pete Doherty is just a total pluto

pluto có nghĩa là

Used to be the ninth planet in our solar system. Now it is categorized as a dwarf planet. Pluto isn't a planet anymore? 1. one of the planets of our solar system. Ceres and "Xena" are also planets. Anything that is round, orbits a star and is NOT a star itself is a planet, no matter what those cretins in the IAU say.

Ví dụ

bob used to be CEO for that company for 5 years but now he is he got pluto'd

pluto có nghĩa là

2. a Disney cartoon dog

Ví dụ

1. Pluto is a planet, damn it!

pluto có nghĩa là

To be in a state of smoking so much Marijuana, that one either falls asleep or is intoxicated to the point of almost incoherence. Origins in Longmeadow, Massachusetts and is a play off of Normandy [see Normandy].

Ví dụ

2. My mom posed with me and Pluto when we were in Disneyworld in Florida.

pluto có nghĩa là

a planet that aint a planet no more in laymens terms. we just sent a probe there thats gonna reach in 2015 and it has 3 moons charon nix and was demoted on august 24 2006 at like 8:00 am i think

Ví dụ

His performance was way down, but he didn't get demoted, I think he barely dodged a pluto.

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