schreiber là gì - Nghĩa của từ schreiber

schreiber có nghĩa là

A German family whose name means "writer", they were originally part of a Teutonic noble house who rose to power through extortion and murder. When the members of this house were exiled from the region, a branch of them took on the name Schreiber as a pseudonym, pretending to be traveling scholars while maintaining their avaricious lifestyles.


That guy's bad, but he's no Schreiber.

schreiber có nghĩa là

A school in Port Washington full of drugs and chewing tobacco.


"Dude I'm taking my SAT at Schreiber High School, hope I don't get a contact high."

schreiber có nghĩa là

a high school located in port washington, new york. much more diverse than surrounding schools like manhasset. schreiber has a pretty solid mix of kids. There are some typical long island dbags who think there the shit, but other kids are chill. schreiber sucks at pretty much every sport. jv football is filled with midgets, and bball now has kids who wouldnt make the team at a real sports school. lax is pretty big, and the team's solid. teachers are for the most paid laid back and pretty chill, tho a few should definitely be fired. its pretty good academically too...even some dumb kids end up going to good colleges because of schreiber's reputation. most kids live the "work hard, party hard" lifestyle. overall, a pretty good place to go to high school


I'm smart, somewhat involved in my community, play a few sports, and pretty arrogant. I'm a typical kid in schreiber. I'm so glad I go to schreiber and not manhasset. I'm a total dipshit, but somehow I got into NYU. going to schreiber definitely helped.

schreiber có nghĩa là

Initially delivering to a woman with 2 in the pinky and 1 in the stinky, and at appropriate moment, "switch" to 1 in the pinky and 2 in the stinky.


Right before her "arrival" I schreiber's switched on her, and then she came

schreiber có nghĩa là

a small town in ontario where the main economy is CP Rail. Teenagers don't really have much entertainment in this town, so they sit around get high or drunk; sometimes even complain how there is nothing to do. Schreiber has the potential to be a beautiful town, but they are in debt so bad that they can't. Pretty much a retirement town now, except for the occasional good party during Heritage days. Just go to Terrace Bay.


gotta love a Schreiber Friday night..
don't blink! you might miss Schreiber!

schreiber có nghĩa là

to pull a Schreiber, or to make a Schreiber is the art of unnoticed disappearing, vanishing, literally evaporating from a party or other social events in order to obscure the advancing inability of social interaction due to high levels of intoxication, especially to avoid lengthy and awkward goodbyes. There are three stages of pulling a Schreiber. All of them abide by the same aforementioned principle but they differ in respect of the mastery of execution. The standard issue Schreiber describes the act in terms that you drop out of the party step by step, conversations become rarer according to the level of intoxication. The soon to be Schreibee will become more and more reclusive and finally pull the Schreiber and leave. To pull a flawless Schreiber you are required to be a full-blown, all-out party animal, talk to each and everybody all night, nobody realizes how incredibly drunk you are and while everybody else suspects you to be at the john or buy more beer, you pulled a Schreiber and are in fact on your way home, usually unconscious. The hightest tier of Schreibers is the Ghost-Schreiber. In this case, you are already massively loaded when you arrive at the party. You considered your intake to be still socially acceptable but you realise that you only will be able to slur like Stallone after couple of botox shots in the upper lip. All you do is sneak in, drink a few more shots and then leave as stealthily as you came.


#1 You think to yourself: "Omg, I am so drunk, I can't talk anymore. If I said goodbye now, everybody will try to talk me around. Screw it, I am about to pull a Schreiber." #2 Hey, where's Steve? - I don't know. - I was talking to him a minute ago, he was so wired all night. - I guess he pulled a flawless Schreiber. - Wow, that's some Covert Ops material right there. #3 Hey, where's Steve? Didn't he say he wanted to come, too? - Haven't seen him all night. - Hey, check the Jacky bottle, guess he pulled a Ghost Schreiber on us.

schreiber có nghĩa là

when u wear ear plugs [which are attached with the help of a plastic string] around your neck with them tucked under your collar. Ear plugs are then generally tied in some fashion [either standard shoe-string bow. Or if you are feeling particularly ambitious and wish to go through the trouble of doing so, you may tie your ear plugs into a bow tie or simple neck tie. WARNING: Neck tie and Bow tie styles are not appropriate for all occasions, usually limited to meetings. So dress appropriately.]


General Labor Worker 1: Schreiber neckties are so handy so u don't loose your earplugs! GLW 2: I know...but one day i showed up late for work and didn't have time to make a bow tie and i felt so underdressed when i showed up for the meeting... GLW 1: Yeah that was awkward for everyone...major breech of protocol...

schreiber có nghĩa là

When you premature ejaculate on a girl's chest and then she grabs your face and rubs it in your cum and you spit on her.


The Galway fest champion gave that troglodyte The Dirty Schreiber last night.

schreiber có nghĩa là

When you premature ejaculate on a girl's chest and then she grabs your face and rubs it in your cum and you spit on her.


The Galway fest champion gave that troglodyte The Dirty Schreiber last night.

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