Thay thế phần tử trong list Python

Các câu trả lời cho câu hỏi cũ nhưng có liên quan này rất khác nhau về tốc độ.

Các nhanh nhất của giải pháp đăng bởi kxr.

Tuy nhiên, điều này thậm chí còn nhanh hơn và nếu không thì không có ở đây:

def f1[arr, find, replace]: # fast and readable base=0 for cnt in range[arr.count[find]]: offset=arr.index[find, base] arr[offset]=replace base=offset+1

Đây là thời gian cho các giải pháp khác nhau. Những người nhanh hơn là 3X nhanh hơn so với câu trả lời được chấp nhận và 5X nhanh hơn so với câu trả lời chậm nhất ở đây.

Công bằng mà nói, tất cả các phương thức cần thiết để thay thế mảng được gửi đến hàm.

Vui lòng xem mã thời gian bên dưới:

def f1[arr, find, replace]: # fast and readable base=0 for cnt in range[arr.count[find]]: offset=arr.index[find, base] arr[offset]=replace base=offset+1 def f2[arr,find,replace]: # accepted answer for i,e in enumerate[arr]: if e==find: arr[i]=replace def f3[arr,find,replace]: # in place list comprehension arr[:]=[replace if e==find else e for e in arr] def f4[arr,find,replace]: # in place map and lambda -- SLOW arr[:]=list[map[lambda x: x if x != find else replace, arr]] def f5[arr,find,replace]: # find index with comprehension for i in [i for i, e in enumerate[arr] if e==find]: arr[i]=replace def f6[arr,find,replace]: # FASTEST but a little les clear try: while True: arr[arr.index[find]]=replace except ValueError: pass def f7[lst, old, new]: """replace list elements [inplace]""" i = -1 try: while 1: i = lst.index[old, i + 1] lst[i] = new except ValueError: pass import time def cmpthese[funcs, args=[], cnt=1000, rate=True, micro=True]: """Generate a Perl style function benchmark""" def pprint_table[table]: """Perl style table output""" def format_field[field, fmt='{:,.0f}']: if type[field] is str: return field if type[field] is tuple: return field[1].format[field[0]] return fmt.format[field] def get_max_col_w[table, index]: return max[[len[format_field[row[index]]] for row in table]] col_paddings=[get_max_col_w[table, i] for i in range[len[table[0]]]] for i,row in enumerate[table]: # left col row_tab=[row[0].ljust[col_paddings[0]]] # rest of the cols row_tab+=[format_field[row[j]].rjust[col_paddings[j]] for j in range[1,len[row]]] print[' '.join[row_tab]] results={} for i in range[cnt]: for f in funcs: start=time.perf_counter_ns[] f[*args] stop=time.perf_counter_ns[] results.setdefault[f.__name__, []].append[stop-start] results={k:float[sum[v]]/len[v] for k,v in results.items[]} fastest=sorted[results,key=results.get, reverse=True] table=[['']] if rate: table[0].append['rate/sec'] if micro: table[0].append['\u03bcsec/pass'] table[0].extend[fastest] for e in fastest: tmp=[e] if rate: tmp.append['{:,}'.format[int[round[float[cnt]*1000000.0/results[e]]]]] if micro: tmp.append['{:,.1f}'.format[results[e]/float[cnt]]] for x in fastest: if x==e: tmp.append['--'] else: tmp.append['{:.1%}'.format[[results[x]-results[e]]/results[e]]] table.append[tmp] pprint_table[table] if __name__=='__main__': import sys import time print[sys.version] cases=[ ['small, found', 9, 100], ['small, not found', 99, 100], ['large, found', 9, 1000], ['large, not found', 99, 1000] ] for txt, tgt, mul in cases: print[f'\n{txt}:'] arr=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]*mul args=[arr,tgt,'X'] cmpthese[[f1,f2,f3, f4, f5, f6, f7],args]

Và kết quả:

3.9.1 [default, Feb 3 2021, 07:38:02] [Clang 12.0.0 [clang-1200.0.32.29]] small, found: rate/sec μsec/pass f4 f3 f5 f2 f6 f7 f1 f4 133,982 7.5 -- -38.8% -49.0% -52.5% -78.5% -78.6% -82.9% f3 219,090 4.6 63.5% -- -16.6% -22.4% -64.8% -65.0% -72.0% f5 262,801 3.8 96.1% 20.0% -- -6.9% -57.8% -58.0% -66.4% f2 282,259 3.5 110.7% 28.8% 7.4% -- -54.6% -54.9% -63.9% f6 622,122 1.6 364.3% 184.0% 136.7% 120.4% -- -0.7% -20.5% f7 626,367 1.6 367.5% 185.9% 138.3% 121.9% 0.7% -- -19.9% f1 782,307 1.3 483.9% 257.1% 197.7% 177.2% 25.7% 24.9% -- small, not found: rate/sec μsec/pass f4 f5 f2 f3 f6 f7 f1 f4 13,846 72.2 -- -40.3% -41.4% -47.8% -85.2% -85.4% -86.2% f5 23,186 43.1 67.5% -- -1.9% -12.5% -75.2% -75.5% -76.9% f2 23,646 42.3 70.8% 2.0% -- -10.8% -74.8% -75.0% -76.4% f3 26,512 37.7 91.5% 14.3% 12.1% -- -71.7% -72.0% -73.5% f6 93,656 10.7 576.4% 303.9% 296.1% 253.3% -- -1.0% -6.5% f7 94,594 10.6 583.2% 308.0% 300.0% 256.8% 1.0% -- -5.6% f1 100,206 10.0 623.7% 332.2% 323.8% 278.0% 7.0% 5.9% -- large, found: rate/sec μsec/pass f4 f2 f5 f3 f6 f7 f1 f4 145 6,889.4 -- -33.3% -34.8% -48.6% -85.3% -85.4% -85.8% f2 218 4,593.5 50.0% -- -2.2% -22.8% -78.0% -78.1% -78.6% f5 223 4,492.4 53.4% 2.3% -- -21.1% -77.5% -77.6% -78.2% f3 282 3,544.0 94.4% 29.6% 26.8% -- -71.5% -71.6% -72.3% f6 991 1,009.5 582.4% 355.0% 345.0% 251.1% -- -0.4% -2.8% f7 995 1,005.4 585.2% 356.9% 346.8% 252.5% 0.4% -- -2.4% f1 1,019 981.3 602.1% 368.1% 357.8% 261.2% 2.9% 2.5% -- large, not found: rate/sec μsec/pass f4 f5 f2 f3 f6 f7 f1 f4 147 6,812.0 -- -35.0% -36.4% -48.9% -85.7% -85.8% -86.1% f5 226 4,424.8 54.0% -- -2.0% -21.3% -78.0% -78.1% -78.6% f2 231 4,334.9 57.1% 2.1% -- -19.6% -77.6% -77.7% -78.2% f3 287 3,484.0 95.5% 27.0% 24.4% -- -72.1% -72.2% -72.8% f6 1,028 972.3 600.6% 355.1% 345.8% 258.3% -- -0.4% -2.7% f7 1,033 968.2 603.6% 357.0% 347.7% 259.8% 0.4% -- -2.3% f1 1,057 946.2 619.9% 367.6% 358.1% 268.2% 2.8% 2.3% --

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