Viết đoạn văn bằng tiếng anh về cách làm salad

Chicken rice dish is processed and presented in the form of rice and chicken. The rice is white rice can be used or fried rice, chicken fried rice and typically presented chicken thigh or chicken wings. Chicken rice is relatively easy to make and popular. But depending on the national and local practices that have done different ways

Chicken rice is a traditional cuisine of Spain and Latin American countries, especially Colombia, Cuba, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Panama, Peru and Puerto Rico. In the Dominican Republic it is called locrio de pollo and Saint Martin where it is called lokri or locreo, these countries generally have chicken rice dish called Arroz the pollo [rice means food with chicken].

There is some debate its origins in Spain or Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico considers it as one of the classic recipes of this country, there are notes on beer and curry ingredients rarely used in Spanish cooking, and never in the Pollo arroz dish. Cari often used in cooking Puerto Rican cuisine especially in the rice dishes such as arroz gandules [rice with pork and pigeon pea] and arroz children Maiz [Corn and rice with sausage]. Beer can in many dishes such as Pollo guisado Puerto Rico [braised chicken stew] and asopao de Pollo [chicken rice]. Arroz the Puerto Rico Pollo and rice dishes are most appreciated.

House Elisabeth Lambert Ortiz school food, while referring to the international aspect of this dish has noted that its origin as Spanish paella and has been reflected as an international influence in shaping dish, chicken brought from India and rice from Asia through the introduction of the Phoenician traders also tomatoes and peppers [also known as sofrito] is indigenous in the Americas.

In India, there are chicken rice dish called Biriyani, also known as fried chicken rice or baked chicken rice. Also Basmati rice was mixed with onion, cumin, cinnamon, peas, cashews, ginger, food is good for people who lose weight because the calorie content is very low.

In Brunei, Brunei grilled chicken with rice dishes as to the night market in Brunei, visitors will enjoy grilled chicken rice here. Pretty simple meals with steamed rice, grilled chicken part with little yellow cucumber, tomato. Singapore, Singapore chicken rice dishes on the street food stalls. Came of this dish is the residents from Hainan, China, it also known as Hainanese chicken rice. One part consists of rice chicken rice chicken broth cooked plastic, sliced ​​chicken, lemon and salt and pepper bowls cups of broth.

In Japan there are Japanese chicken rice [Oyakodon, including "Oya" which means "parents" ie chicken, "ko" means "child" means eggs, and "don" is the common name of eaten raw material]. This dish must be eaten while still hot, the new all enjoy delicious. Most noticeable point is the chicken, cooked chicken pieces but not friable, permeable sauce was just spicy tastes a bit darker again.

In Vietnam, chicken rice today has become popular, chicken rice in Vietnam region but also where processing each each other, notably chicken rice Phan Rang attractive not only because of the way that cooking also due to the quality of chicken meat. [8] Overall, food chicken rice is easy to cook, but not everyone is also delicious cooked chicken because depend on, such as backyard chickens solid muscle because of increased activity, yellow outer skin naturally while the industrial chicken pasty muscle often caused by lack of exercise and less exposure to sunlight usually white skin and so there will be a difference in quality in addition, factors sweet chicken broth permeate bar each grain of rice is the secret not only cooked rice grains, fragrant yellow fat but also beautiful Arboretum

Chicken rice in Vietnam there are other forms such as flush fat chicken rice, this dish is familiar to people in Ho Chi Minh City, this dish has to be here long. During processing, rinsing means chicken grease on the grill and sprinkle the fat up repeatedly, and thus has drained cooked chicken fat, eat not tired. Chicken fat flushing has the advantage of both worms and rum crispy bone, the outer skin greasy. In addition, cheap chicken rice in Vietnam is still being sold in supermarkets to affordable than the popular bar.

Trưởng nhóm xuất sắc nhất 2017

Em khảo thông tin về cách làm salad rau củ nha ,rồi tự viết bài Vegetable Salad is just a simple way to arrange the round shaped cucumber, beet root and you may add some more vegetables of your choice choice, just cut them in a proper round shape and serve with the seasoning. It is a great way to add nutritional values in your meal. Nature has gifted us lots of healthy and tasty vegetables, which can be used for making various types of salads. Learn to make tasty and fat free salad and add in your everyday meal menu.


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 red beet root boiled and peeled
  • 1 medium size tomato
  • Salt to taste
  • Chaat masala to taste
How to make Vegetable Salad:
  1. Peel the cucumber and wash in normal water along with the tomato.
  2. Cut the beet root, tomato and cucumber into rings.
  3. Sprinkle some salt and chaat masala.
  4. Serve this nutritional salad with any meal.
Chef Tips:
  1. You can add your choice of vegetables such as onion, carrot, radish, etc.
  2. If you do not like chaat masala, then you may sprinkle some fresh lime juice to make your salad more flavorful.

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FirstlyWash the chicken breast and soak it with fresh milk for about 10 minutes. Place the chicken breast in a large bowl, add garlic, pepper, salt and a little mustard and marinate the breast for another 10 minutes.

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NextPicked lettuce cut 3 m pieces and washed with dilute salt water. After washing, cut cherry tomatoes in half. Slice the purple onion thin, then soak it with lemon juice to reduce the pungent smell.3rdFry the chicken breast in a pan of oil. Turn hands evenly so that both sides are golden. When the chicken breast is cooked, wait for the chicken breast to cool down then tear it into strands to prepare the final step for how to make a chicken breast salad to lose weight right now.

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4thPut all the prepared vegetables in a large bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of soy sauce + 3 teaspoons of olive oil + 2 teaspoons of vinegar + chopped shallots + 2 teaspoons of sugar + low salt. Mix everything and taste again to taste.FinalPut the salad on a large plate and put the chicken breast on top. Just mix it up and you can enjoy it.

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Đầu tiênRửa sạch ức gà và ngâm với sữa tươi khoảng 10 phút. Cho ức gà ra một cái tô lớn, cho tỏi, tiêu, muối và ít mù tạc vào ướp ức gà thêm 10 phút nữa.Tiếp theoXà lách nhặt cắt khúc 3m và rửa với nước muối loãng. Cà chua bi sau khi rửa sạch thì cắt đôi. Thái hành tím mỏng rồi ngâm với nước chanh để mùi của hành bớt hăng.Thứ 3Chiên ức gà ngập trong chảo dầu. Lật đều tay để cả 2 mặt đều chín vàng. Khi ức gà chín, chờ ức gà chiên nguội rồi xé thành sợi để chuẩn bị đến bước cuối cùng cho cách làm salad ức gà giảm cân ngay bây giờ.Thứ 4Cho tất cả những loại rau củ đã chuẩn bị vào cái tô lớn. Thêm vào đó 2 muỗng canh nước tương + 3 muỗng cà phê dầu ô liu + 2 muỗng cà phê giấm ăn + hành tím sợi + 2 muỗng cà phê đường + ít muối. Trộn tất cả và nêm nếm lại cho hợp khẩu vị.Cuối cùngXếp salad ra đĩa lớn và cho ức gà sợi lên trên. Chỉ cần trộn lên là đã có thể thưởng thức rồi.

Hãy giúp mọi người biết câu trả lời này thế nào?



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