What are the 3 examples of non verbal gestures?

Nonverbal communication is defined as how people communicate with each other without talking or writing. “For example, when we wink at someone, offer a strong handshake or back away, we are conveying a message without speaking a word,” says Marcie Coulter-Kern, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Manchester University in North Manchester, Indiana. “Our facial expressions, body language and even physical distance send a message.”

We communicate nonverbally to convey information about emotions, intentions, attitudes, needs and more, according to research in the

“We are constantly communicating nonverbally,” says Patti Wood, an international nonverbal communication and human behavior expert and author of  SNAP: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma. In fact, we can exchange up to 10,000 cues in less than a minute, she says.

6 Common Types of Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication goes well beyond arm crossing and head nodding. It encompasses everything from how loudly and quickly we speak to the way we dress and present ourselves.

While sign language uses different expressions and gestures, it’s important to note that it’s not considered a form of nonverbal communication. Instead, it’s a nonvocal form of verbal communication since signing can be translated into specific words.

Below, we outline the most common types of nonverbal communication.


In fact, according to Coulter-Kern, we are more likely to believe someone’s facial expression than their words.


Chronemics is how time affects communication. More specifically, Wood says it’s the use of time to reflect personal or cultural identity, power or status. For example, arriving on time—or showing up late—as well as responding to a call or text in a timely fashion are forms of chronemics.


There are four proxemic zones of personal space: intimate, personal, social and public [or professional]. Interestingly, Wood explains that our personal space bubbles have shifted over time. For instance, she says intimate space has grown from 12 inches in the 1990s to up to 1.5 feet now.

In either setting, the amount of space we decide to set between ourselves and others boils down to comfort level. “People often position themselves closer to those they are comfortable with and farther away from those they distrust,” says Coulter-Kern.


We also use touch to convey emotions and communicate. Haptics includes hugging, kissing, shaking hands and other forms of embracing. “Research shows that touch is the first sense to develop, and it plays an essential role in well-being,” says Wood.

Physical Appearance

“Physical characteristics such as skin color, height, weight, facial features, facial and body symmetry and attractiveness influence how people perceive us—and vice versa,” says Wood. We can alter our physical appearance with items like makeup, tattoos and jewelry. Aspects of our physical appearance, chosen or not, communicate meaning to the people around us, research shows.

Data backs the idea that our appearance can influence other people’s perceptions of us even before we have a chance to talk to them. “People often perceive trustworthiness, introversion or extroversion, maturity and friendliness by someone’s looks—sometimes incorrectly,” says Wood.


Also called paralanguage, this type of nonverbal communication spans all the nuances of a person’s voice, including their pitch, volume, rate and vocal quality. It also includes breathing, laughing or using verbal filler like “uh” or “um.” Vocalics comprise the vocalized — but not verbal — components of nonverbal communication.

Wood says this subcategory of nonverbal communication helps us assess other peoples’ personalities, emotional intensity and humor, and provides us with cues to regulate the flow of conversation. “Many experts consider paralanguage to be the most honest nonverbal communication and the best way to assess deceit,” says Wood.

Communication is very important because it is the process of sharing information, ideas, and opinions. It makes teams bond stronger, get to know each other and find solutions to problems.

Effective communication and correctly identifying the nonverbal cues when having meetings or hot discussions is essential. We often try to hide our emotions, feelings, and ideas but our bodies still send some subtle messages.

Establishing relationships on a professional and personal level requires effective communication abilities. Verbal and nonverbal communication are the two main categories and this blog will focus mainly on the non-verbal aspect of communication.

Nonverbal communication is frequently unintentional but may reveal a great deal about individuals and situations, even though most of us are aware of it and utilize it frequently.

Learning the types of nonverbal communication means that you can get better at reading body language. However odd it may seem; we all display behaviors that have the same function during stressful situations and not only. Emotions are universal.

Nonverbal communication is the use of gestures, tone of voice, facial expressions and body posture to send a message

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What Is Nonverbal Communication?

Nonverbal communication or body language is the use of gestures, tone of voice, expressions, body posture, and so on to send a message. But why are these wireless cues so important to identify?

Body language is an essential part of communication and it helps you send an emotion or feeling to other people.

Depending on how you sound and act, you can put people at ease, draw them to you, build trust, or make them be afraid or have a negative impression on you.

Body language is a key part of communication that is important not only in a personal area when talking with your family, spouse, or children.

It is essential in your job too. Business people and managers get huge benefits if they are aware of non-verbal communication. It helps you:

– better communicate your ideas, opinions, and emotions

– better connect with others

– build stronger bonds

– increase trust and clarity

And all these benefits are of huge help when you lead a team and work with many stakeholders.

According to Rona Beck, a weekly contributor to an Assignment service on communication topics, there are many facets of non-verbal communication most people are not aware of.

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Facial Expressions

One important thing that many people are not aware of is that facial expressions are universal. If you have watched the series Lie to me, you already know that there are seven basic emotions.

These are sadness, anger, disgust, fear, surprise, contempt, and happiness. Even though our cultures can shape our worldviews and behaviors, facial expressions are universal throughout the world.

There are over 50 studies that have shown that these facial expressions are spontaneous and cannot be consciously controlled. Further research discovered micro-expressions, which are different from the macro or facial expressions. When we are happy, fearful, or sad. In the presence of our closest ones, we do not have any reason to take them back or hide them.

However, when we go through different events, we might be tempted to do this. For example, in the case of a public speaking situation, when fear, shame, anxiety, and other negative emotions creep through your body. You will be tempted to hide them because of what people may think about you.

No matter how much we think that we can hide our feelings, they come to surface in the way of micro expressions. They are difficult to identify and you need training and exercise because they are quick and fleeting.

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There are many types of gestures. We all know that some of them are deliberate, such as waving or pointing, while others are not.

For example, there are adapting gestures such as touching some body parts, rings, clicking pens, and so on. They are often displayed when someone is in distress. During a presentation, you can notice that some speakers will adopt this kind of gesture.

There are also illustrator gestures, maybe one of the most natural ones. They are used subconsciously and illustrate the verbal message.

Posture and Movement

Posture and movement are key factors of body language. Most people will adopt comforting behaviors or actions during stressful moments.

Posture and movement can tell you how someone is feeling. For example, an arm-crossed posture sends the message that you are not open to new ideas or solutions.

Or, the leg-crossed posture is known as a posture of defiance and defensiveness. Posture and movement send information about attitude.


Nonverbal communication is a broad domain that includes all the subtleties of our bodies. Paralinguistics are represented by your tone of voice, pitch, loudness, and inflection.

Think about how the meaning of a sentence can be changed just only by how you pronounce and articulate different words. Misunderstandings can arise from small things, like not hearing a word correctly.

For example, the words affect and effect have different meanings, but sound very similar. Fortunately, in most cases, we can use context and body language to discern between the two.

You can identify how the other is feeling just by carefully listening to what and how he presents his ideas. A cold tone of voice is related to negative emotions, while a warm one to more positive ones.

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Eye Gazing

Eyes are the window to the soul. And they never lie. We all know this. Eye contact is used in a conversation by everyone because it helps you gather information. It also helps you get feedback from the environment and notice the body language of your interlocutor.

However, eye contact helps us establish a connection with others. I have learned during my practice as a psychology student that when people gaze, I must not interrupt them. Gazing means that someone is deep thinking. Eye contact means that someone is ready to communicate and to listen to you.

Eyes can also be used to send different signals as well. Depending on the culture and society you live in, prolonged eye contact can send a signal of intimidation. Or, in another context, flirting.

Nevertheless, eyes can help someone establish a rapport or connection. And this is so important in the life of a businessman or manager.


Nonverbal communication is also thought to be facilitated by the colors we wear, the clothes we dress up in, the haircuts we have, and other physical characteristics.

Different colors can provoke various emotions, according to research on color psychology. Physiological responses, assessments, and conclusions can all be influenced by appearance.

Just consider all the rapid and subconscious judgments you make about people based solely on their appearance. Because first impressions matter, experts advise job seekers to dress professionally for interviews with potential employers as well.

Culture has a big impact on how people evaluate appearances. While being thin is often admired in Western culture, certain African societies associate fuller figures with better social standing, wealth, and health.


Other means of nonverbal communication include objects and imagery. You might choose an avatar in an online forum, for instance, to represent your identity there and to share information about who you are and what you like.

People frequently invest a lot of effort creating an image for themselves and surrounding themselves with items that serve as symbols of the things that are significant to them.

For instance, uniforms can be used to send a great deal of personal information. A security guard will wear a uniform, a doctor will wear a white lab coat, and a student may wear a specific uniform to represent a certain school.

These costumes make it clear to onlookers what a person does for a living or where they belong.

Personal space

Have you ever experienced awkwardness during a conversation because the other person was intruding on your personal space? Although our needs for physical space vary depending on culture, circumstance, and the depth of the relationship, we are all there.

Physical space can be used to convey a variety of nonverbal cues, such as expressions of closeness and sympathy, dominance, or hostility. The typical conversational distance for Americans is between an arm’s length and four feet.

In American society, having less room can lead to either increased intimacy or hostile conduct. A person who has had their personal space invaded by another may feel intimidated as a result and may respond defensively. 

Final Words

Nonverbal communication is also known as body language. It is something that is present in every moment of our lives and can offer valuable information about others.

The way you sit, talk, gesticulate, or walk can send subtle but powerful messages. Macro and micro expressions are universal.

Body language is important for everyone. It helps you adjust your behavior to some people. It helps you form stronger connections. It makes the process of supporting and helping others easier.

We communicate meaning and information to others through nonverbal cues, and we also perceive the activities of people around us by nonverbal cues.

When examining such nonverbal behaviors, it’s crucial to take the activities in groups into account. You can learn a lot about someone’s true intentions by observing their facial expressions, physical appearance, and tone of voice in addition to what they really say.

What’s your opinion on this topic? Do you think body language is important? Leave me a comment and let’s discuss it.

What are 5 examples of non

Types of nonverbal communication.
Facial expressions. The human face is extremely expressive, able to convey countless emotions without saying a word. ... .
Body movement and posture. ... .
Gestures. ... .
Eye contact. ... .
Touch. ... .
Space. ... .
Voice. ... .
Pay attention to inconsistencies..

What are the 3 gestures?

Gestures. There are three main types of gestures: adaptors, emblems, and illustrators [Andersen, 1999]. Adaptors are touching behaviors and movements that indicate internal states typically related to arousal or anxiety. Adaptors can be targeted toward the self, objects, or others.

What are the 3 most important forms of nonverbal communication?

3 Key Elements of Nonverbal Communication.
Body Language. Body language is the most obvious form of nonverbal communication, and it can convey much about ourselves and our level of interest. ... .
Eye Contact. Making eye contact lets the speaker know that you think what he or she has to say is important. ... .
Tone of Voice..

What are 3 examples of positive nonverbal communication?

Positive nonverbal communication includes smiles, body language, eye contact and tone of voice.

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