What were the rules of war in the American Revolution

For some months, people in the colonies had been gathering arms and powder and had been training to fight the British, if necessary, at a moment's notice. The Continental Congress had approved of preparations for defensive fighting, in case the British made an aggressive move. But General Thomas Gage, commander of British troops in Boston, had been cautious. He thought his army too small to act without reinforcements. On the other hand, his officers disdained the colonists as fighters, thinking they would flee with any show of British force.

A Map of 100 miles round Boston, 1775
The American Revolution and Its Era, 1750-1789

Gage received orders to arrest Sam Adams and John Hancock, rumored to be near Lexington. When Gage heard that the colonists had stockpiled guns and powder in Concord, he decided to act. On the night of April 18, 1775, he dispatched nearly 1,000 troops from Boston. He hoped to catch the colonists by surprise and thus to avoid bloodshed. But all British activities were carefully watched by the patriots, and William Dawes and Paul Revere rode out to warn people in the countryside that the British were coming.

When British regulars [known as redcoats because of their uniform jackets] arrived at Lexington the next morning, they found several dozen minutemen waiting for them on the town's common. Someone fired--no one knows who fired first--and eight minutemen were killed and another dozen or so were wounded. Then the British marched on Concord and destroyed what was left of the store of guns and powder, most of which had been hastily removed by the patriots. During the redcoats' entire march back to Boston, minutemen harrassed them, firing from behind fences, houses, trees, and rocks. By the end of the day, the redcoats suffered three times more casualties than had the colonists.

Whatever the truth of who fired the first shot, the patriots were first to get their version of the events out to the American public. The effect was to rally hundreds, if not thousands, of colonists to the rebellion. When the Second Continental Congress met three weeks later--the meeting had been scheduled since October--it agreed to support Massachusetts in the conflict. Even so, many representatives disagreed among themselves about the purpose of the fighting.

At one end of the continuum of opinion were such men as Sam and John Adams of Massachusetts and Richard Henry Lee of Virginia who already favored independence. At the other end of that continuum were such men as John Dickinson of Pennsylvania who hoped for a quick settlement and reconciliation with Great Britain. Most delegates, like most colonists, were moderates with opinions somewhere in the middle of that continuum. Over the next year of conflict, bungling British policy-makers tried to recruit Indians, slaves, and foreign mercenaries, they blockaded colonial ports, and they rejected allefforts at conciliation. These actions pushed more and more colonists to favor independence.

For additional documents related to these topics, search Loc.gov using such key words as General Thomas Gage, Richard Henry Lee, Peyton Randolph, minutemen, specific dates such as April 18, 1775, and the terms found in the documents. Another strategy is to browse relevant collections by date.

  • Robert Mackenzie to George Washington, September 13, 1774
  • George Washington to Robert Mackenzie, October 9, 1774
  • Suffolk County to General Gage, September 9, 1774
  • Continental Congress to General Thomas Gage, October 11, 1774
  • General Gage to Peyton Randolph, October 20, 1774
  • Depositions Concerning Lexington and Concord, April 1775
  • Letter from Massachusetts Provincial Congress, May 3, 1775
  • George Washington to George William Fairfax, May 31, 1775
  • Proclamation by General Thomas Gage, June 12, 1775
  • Continental Congress, Declaration of Causes and Necessity for Taking Up Arms, July 6, 1775
  • King George III's Address to Parliament, October 27, 1775
  • Continental Congress Responds to King George III's Proclamation of Rebellion, December 6, 1775

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“Gentleman” John Burgoyne surrenders at Saratoga. The famous fighting playwright was not the only genteel general on the 18th Century battlefield. [Image source: WikiCommons]

“Yes, the objective of any general is to defeat the enemy, but that doesn’t mean you should be a boor about it.”

LAWS GOVERNING the conduct of armies in wartime are nothing new.

As far back as the Old Testament, there have been attempts to regulate how combatants fight each other.

Later during the Medieval period, the Code of Chivalry established the ‘proper’ way for knights to behave both on and off the battlefield.

By the 18th Century, a surprisingly comprehensive set of principles for commanders of armies emerged that instructed officers on how to fight like gentlemen.

Military history writer Josh Proven of the site Adventures in Historyland explores some of these widely followed conventions, many of which may seem hard to believe to modern readers. Consider the following:

Despite receiving a safe passage from the French, the Duke of Marlborough was detained while travelling home through enemy territory. How rude! [Image source: WikiCommons]

Don’t Make It Personal

During the wars of 18th Century Europe, it was usual for armies to campaign in set seasons — usually from March to September. With the onset of autumn, armies would go into winter quarters and many officers would head home. Some would have to cross long distances and oftentimes travel through enemy territory. In such cases, officers would apply to their foes for passes of safe conduct. Usually, their requests would be granted.

Even with a permission to travel, it could still be dangerous to move through hostile country. In fact, the Duke of Marlborough himself was once held up by enemy troops while making for home. Yet inconveniencing an enemy that had fallen into your hands was seen as bad form. Marlborough was known for his chivalry. After capturing Marshal Tallard at the Battle of Blenheim in 1704, the duke offered up his own coach for the enemy commander to recuperate while he continued the battle.

French commanders tip their hats at the advancing British during the Battle of Fontenoy. [Image source: WikiCommons]

Give Fair Warning

On May 11, 1745, the Duke of Cumberland‘s allied army engaged that of the French under Marshal de Saxe at the Battle of Fontenoy. As the coalition launched its attack against the French positions, the British 1st Foot Guards approached the enemy’s elite Gardes Françaises. Upon closing to within musket range, elegantly dressed officers from both sides walked out in front of their men and an exchange of hat doffing occurred. Lord Charles Hay was the first to speak.

“We are the English Guards, and we hope you will stand till we come up to you, and not swim the Scheldt as you did the Main at Dettingen,” he gibed, after which he invited the enemy to fire the first volley. “Gentlemen of the French Guards, fire,” he called. Comte d’Auteroche replied. “We never fire first; fire yourselves.” As it turned out, the French did let fly the first shots, after which the British closed advanced to within a few paces and delivered a devastating fusillade that killed or wounded as many as 700 enemy soldiers.

The Fortress Louisbourg. [Image source: Tourism Nova Scotia]

Be a Good Sport

Yes, the objective of any general is to defeat the enemy, but that doesn’t mean you should be a boor about it. It did a general’s reputation no end of good if, during a long siege he displayed some sportsmanship. During the 1758 blockade of Louisbourg, General Geoffrey Amherst called several truces with the enemy commander, Chevalier de Drucourt. While offering the services of his doctor to tend the French wounded, it had come to Amherst’s attention that Madame Drucourt had been firing the fort’s guns at him in retaliation for British shot striking her quarters. Impressed, he offered his apologies and sent her some West Indian Pineapples to make amends. It was also entirely common for opposing commanders to keep up a lively correspondence in between battles and during sieges. The French were duly offered the Honours of War when they capitulated.

The Maquis de Montcalm leaps to the defence of British parolees after the fall of Fort William Henry. The French general was aghast that his native allies massacred the enemy soldiers and settlers. [Image source: WikiCommons]

“Honours of War”

The honours were traditionally granted to an enemy that had put up a good fight. A vanquished force might be allowed them to march out with “drums beating and colours flying” and thence to be returned to their country their pride intact. General the Marquis de Montcalm is remembered as a chivalrous officer, who tried to bring such European sensibility into the savage no-holds-barred fighting in North America during the Seven Years War.

During the siege of Fort Oswego in 1756, British Colonel James Mercer was killed and his successor Colonel Littlehales instantly sought terms. But the Redcoat officer had surrendered too quickly for Montcalm’s liking and was afforded no honours. Littlehales was later beaten up by Canadian militia and Indians during the sacking of the stockade. Despite his enemy’s craven capitulation, such abuse of an enemy officer angered Montcalm. The Marquis was further incensed following the siege of Fort William Henry. After having granted the Honours of War to Colonel George Monro, his Canadians and Indians set upon the captives with tomahawks. Mortified, Montcalm duly wrote letters explaining and apologizing for the crime.

There was no shortage of atrocities in the American War of Independence. Yet the conflict is remembered for some of its more chivalrous moments as well. [Image source: WikiCommons]

Nothing Below the Belt

Needless to say it was considered beyond the pale for soldiers to go about deliberately shooting down officers from a distance. It was further scandalous for a commander to sanction such tactics, which were considered tantamount to assassination. During the Saratoga campaign of 1777, the British were outraged when it was discovered that American commander Daniel Morgan had ordered a party of rifleman to shoot down Scottish general Simon Fraser, whose bravery on the battlefield was inspiring his men to fight harder. That same year at Brandywine, the famous rifle corps commander Colonel Patrick Ferguson saw an elegant, mounted officer attended by a hussar. Despite having the splendid figure dead in his sights, Ferguson couldn’t bring himself to pull the trigger and called out to the enemy rider to retreat while he could. That officer was likely George Washington.

Washington accepts the British surrender at Yorktown. [Image source: WikiCommons]

Turn About is Fair Play

Washington was no less a stickler for niceties. He once refused to open a letter from General William Howe addressed to “George Washington Esquire” rather than “His excellency General,” considering such a pedestrian honourific a slight. At Yorktown in 1781 when a defeated General Lord Charles Cornwallis sought surrender terms, Washington replied that he would be extending the same courtesy as that offered by the British to the garrison of Charlestown in 1780; the American defenders there were denied the Honours of War. Ultimately, the British were allowed to play their fifes and drums as they marched out from behind their earthworks. Cornwallis pled indisposition and did not appear to present his sword to Washington personally – a clear snub. Seeing that General Charles O’Hara was offering the surrender in his commander’s stead, Washington waved the British officer towards his own adjutant, General Benjamin Lincoln. In this sense the rules of propriety were observed. And a sharp lesson taught.

Josh Provan is the founder and editor of AdventuresInHistoryLand.com. You can follow him on Twitter at @LandofHistory


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