Which of the following audit procedures would be least likely to lead the auditor to find unrecorded fixed asset disposals?


Auditing and Assurance Services, 14e [Arens]
Chapter 19 Completing the Tests in the Acquisition and Payment Cycle: Verification
of Selected Accounts
Learning Objective 19-1
1] Which of the following accounts is not associated with the acquisition and payment cycle?
A] Common stock
B] Property, plant and equipment
C] Accrued property taxes
D] Income tax expense
Answer: A
Terms: Acquisition and payment cycle
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-1
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

2] Discuss the key internal controls related to the disposal of property, plant, and equipment.
Answer: The most important internal control over the disposal of property, plant, and equipment is the
existence of a formal method to inform management of the sale, trade-in, abandonment, or theft of
recorded machinery and equipment. Another important control to protect assets from unauthorized

disposal is a provision for authorization for the sale or other disposal of property, plant, and equipment.
Finally, there should be adequate internal verification of recorded disposals to make sure that assets are
correctly removed from the accounting records.
Terms: Acquisition and payment cycle
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-1
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

3] The auditor should keep in mind that the amount in insurance expense is a residual amount.
A] True
B] False
Answer: A
Terms: Acquisition and payment cycle
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-1
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

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Learning Objective 19-2
1] You are auditing the acquisition and payment cycle and the presence of excessive recurring losses on
retired assets. You may conclude that:
A] insured values are greater than book values.
B] there are a large number of fully depreciated assets.
C] depreciation charges may by insuffient.
D] company has a policy of selling relatively new assets.
Answer: C
Terms: Acquisition and payment cycle; Excessive recurring losses on retired assets
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

2] Which of the following expenses is not typically evaluated as part of the audit of the acquisition and
payment cycle?
A] Depreciation expense
B] Insurance expense
C] Estimated Liability for Warranties
D] Property tax expense
Answer: C
Terms: Acquisition and payment cycle
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

3] Which of the following would generally not be a component of the audit of the acquisition and
payment cycle?

A] Adequacy of controls over acquisitions of long-lived assets
B] Tracing disposals of long-lived assets to the Fixed Asset Master File
C] Determining the adequacy of the funds available for capital expenditures
D] Reperformance of recorded depreciation expense
Answer: C
Terms: Acquisition and payment cycle
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

4] Normally it may be unnecessary to examine supporting documentation for each addition to property,
plant, and equipment, but it would be customary to verify:
A] all large transactions.
B] all unusual transactions.
C] a representative sample of typical additions.
D] all three of the above.
Answer: D
Terms: Property, plant, and equipment documentation
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

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5] The auditor must know the client's capitalization policies to determine whether acquisitions are:
Recorded in accordance with Treated consistently with
those of the preceding year
Recorded in accordance with Treated consistently with
those of the preceding year


Recorded in accordance with Treated consistently with

those of the preceding year


Recorded in accordance with Treated consistently with
those of the preceding year


Answer: D
Terms: Acquisitions; Capitalization policy
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

6] To be capitalized as part of property, plant and equipment, assets must:
A] have expected useful lives of more than one year.
B] not be acquired for resale.
C] be useful in multiple productive capacities within the organization.
D] A and B, but not C.
Answer: D
Terms: Property, plant, and equipment; Capitalized

Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

7] The primary accounting record for manufacturing equipment and other fixed assets is the:
A] depreciation ledger.
B] fixed asset master file.
C] asset inventory.
D] equipment roster.
Answer: B
Terms: Primary accounting record for equipment
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

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8] Which of the following statements about the audit of fixed assets is the least correct?
A] The primary accounting record for manufacturing equipment and other property, plant and
equipment is generally a fixed asset master file.
B] Manufacturing equipment and current assets are normally audited in the same fashion regardless of
the activity within a particular account.
C] The emphasis on auditing fixed assets is on verification of current-period acquisitions.
D] Failure to record the acquisition of a fixed asset affects the income statement until the assets are fully
Answer: B
Terms: Audit of fixed assets
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

9] You are the in-charge auditor for a long-term client. Which of the following is not a category of tests
commonly associated with the audit of manufacturing equipment?
A] Verification of depreciation expense.
B] Analytical procedures.
C] Verification of current-period disposals.
D] Verification of the beginning balance in accumulated depreciation.
Answer: D
Terms: Audit of manufacturing equipment; Category of tests
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

10] The audit procedure that requires an auditor to "foot the acquisition schedule" relates to which
balance-related audit objective?
A] Classification

B] Detail tie-in
C] Existence
D] Cut-off
Answer: B
Terms: Audit procedure; Balance-related audit objective; Foot acquisition schedule
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

11] You are auditing Manufacturing Company and testing the audit related objective of completeness for
the equipment accounts. Which of the following audit procedures is most likely to achieve your
A] Examine vendor invoices and receiving reports
B] Physically examine assets
C] Examine vendor invoices of closely related accounts such as repairs and maintenance
D] Trace individual acquisitions to the fixed asset master file
Answer: C
Terms: Testing audit related objective of completeness for equipment accounts
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

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12] Which of the following audit procedures would be the most correct in determining the audit objective
of existence for the equipment account in the fixed asset master file?
A] Examine vendor invoices and receiving reports
B] Review transactions near the balance sheet date
C] Recalculate vendor invoices
D] Examine vendor invoices for correct accounting treatment
Answer: A
Terms: Audit objective of existence for equipment account; Fixed asset master file
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

13] Inadequate controls and misstatements discovered through tests of controls and substantive tests of
transactions are an indication of the likelihood of misstatements in:
A] the balance sheet.
B] the income statement.
C] the cash flow statement.
D] both the income statement and the balance sheet.
Answer: D
Terms: Inadequate controls and misstatements; Tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-2

AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

14] Failure to capitalize a fixed asset at the correct amount would impact which financial statements until
the company disposes of the asset?
A] The balance sheet only
B] The income statement only
C] The cash flow statement only
D] Both the income statement and the balance sheet
Answer: D
Terms: Failure to capitalize a fixed asset; Financial statements
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

15] Which of the following tests are typically not necessary when auditing a client's schedule of recorded
A] Footing the schedule.
B] Tracing schedule totals to the general ledger.
C] Tracing cost and accumulated depreciation of the disposals to the property master file.
D] All of the above are necessary.
Answer: D
Terms: Tests when auditing schedule of recorded disposals
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

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16] Which of the following would indicate a deficiency in internal controls in the acquisition and payment
A] Repairs and maintenance accounts are reviewed for unusual entries each quarter
B] Acquisitions are made and approved by the department that will use the equipment
C] Acquisitions of equipment greater than $1,000 are to be capitalized
D] Acquisitions of equipment less than $1,000 are to be expensed as incurred
Answer: B
Terms: Deficiency in internal controls in the acquisition and payment cycle
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

17] A set of records for each piece of equipment that includes descriptive information, date of acquisition,
original cost, current year depreciation, and accumulated depreciation is the:
A] acquisitions journal.
B] depreciation schedule.
C] fixed asset master file.
D] file of purchase requisitions.

Answer: C
Terms: Set of records for each piece of equipment
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

18] In testing acquisitions the auditor needs to understand the appropriate accounting guidance related to
acquisition accounting. Which of the following is NOT an accounting consideration for the auditor as
regards to acquisition cost?
A] Inclusion of material transportation and installation costs
B] Recording of trade-in costs
C] Allocating costs when building and equipment are purchased at one price
D] Verifying that purchased equipment amounts correspond to the budgeted amount
Answer: D
Terms: Appropriate accounting guidance related to acquisition accounting
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

19] Methods used to determine if there are legal encumbrances related to fixed assets include all but
which of the following?
A] Reading terms of loan and credit agreements
B] Reviewing loan confirmations received from banks
C] Having discussions with the client or sending letters to legal counsel
D] All of the above may be used to identify legal encumbrances
Answer: D
Terms: Methods to determine legal encumbrances related to fixed assets
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

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20] The test of details of balances procedure which requires a "recalculation of investment credit" satisfies
the audit objective of:
A] classification.
B] detail tie-in.
C] existence.
D] accuracy.
Answer: D
Terms: Test of details of balances
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Analytic skills

21] The test of details of balances procedure to "examine vendors' invoices of closely related accounts

such as repairs to uncover items that should be property, plant, and equipment" satisfies the audit
objective of:
A] completeness.
B] detail tie-in.
C] cutoff.
D] existence.
Answer: A
Terms: Test of details of balances; Audit objective
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

22] The auditor's starting point for verifying disposals of property, plant, and equipment is the:
A] equipment account in the general ledger.
B] file of shipping documents.
C] client's schedule of recorded disposals.
D] equipment subsidiary ledger.
Answer: C
Terms: Disposals of property, plant, and equipment
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

23] Improperly classifying a fixed asset by recording the amount in the repairs and maintenance expense
account will have an effect on which of the following financial statements until the asset would normally
have been depreciated?
A] The balance sheet
B] The income statement
C] The cash flow statement
D] Both the income statement and the balance sheet

Answer: D
Terms: Failure to capitalize a fixed asset
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

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24] Because the failure to record disposals of property, plant, and equipment can significantly affect the
financial statements, the search for unrecorded disposals is essential. Which of the following is not a
procedure used to verify disposals?
A] Make inquiries of management and production personnel about the possibility of the disposal of
B] Review whether newly acquired assets replace existing assets.
C] Test the valuation of fixed assets recorded in prior periods.
D] Review plant modifications and changes in product line, taxes, or insurance coverage.

Answer: C
Terms: Unrecorded disposals of property, plant, and equipment
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

25] When the auditor is determining appropriate depreciation calculations for the classifications in the
client's fixed asset master file she is testing the audit objective of:
A] completeness.
B] existence.
C] classification.
D] valuation and allocation.
Answer: D
Terms: Determining appropriate depreciation calculations; Testing audit objective
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

26] A major consideration in verifying the ending balance in fixed assets is the possibility of existing legal
encumbrances. Tests to identify possible legal encumbrances would satisfy the audit objective of:
A] existence.
B] presentation and disclosure.
C] detail tie-in.
D] classification.
Answer: B
Terms: Tests to identify legal encumbrances
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

27] When auditing depreciation expense, the two major concerns related to the accuracy audit objective
A] consistent application of depreciation method and useful lives.
B] consistent application of depreciation method and classification of assets.
C] correctness of calculations and consistent application of depreciation method.
D] cost of the fixed asset and useful lives.
Answer: C
Terms: Auditing depreciation expense
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

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28] The auditor needs to gain reasonable assurance that the equipment accounts in the fixed asset master
file are not understated. Which of the following accounts would most likely be reviewed in making that

A] Depreciation expense
B] Repairs and maintenance expense
C] Gains/losses on sales and retirements
D] Cash
Answer: B
Terms: Reasonable assurance that equipment accounts in the fixed asset master file are not understated
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

29] Changing circumstances may require a change in the useful life of an asset. When this occurs, it
involves a change in:
A] accounting estimate rather than a change in accounting principle.
B] accounting principle rather than a change in accounting estimate.
C] both accounting principle and accounting estimate.
D] neither accounting principle nor accounting estimate.
Answer: A
Terms: Change in useful life of an asset
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

30] The auditor normally does not need to test the accuracy or classification of fixed assets recorded in
prior periods if they are the continuing auditor because:
A] they are rarely material to the audit.
B] they rarely contain misstatements.
C] they are verified in previous audits.
D] they don't affect the balance sheet.
Answer: C

Terms: Test accuracy or classification of fixed assets recorded in prior periods
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

31] The auditor is examining the accounting entries made to the accumulated depreciation account
during the year and notices a significant amount of debits to the account. Which of the following
provides the most logical explanation?
A] Large number of asset retirements
B] Salvage values were revised downward
C] Useful lives were revised downward
D] Allocation of fixed overhead were revised
Answer: A
Terms: Accounting entries [debits] made to accumulated depreciation account
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

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32] In determining the reasonableness of the client's amount for depreciation expense the auditor is
primarily concerned that the client has followed a consistent policy and the calculations are correct.
Which of the following audit objectives best addresses the above concerns?
A] Existence
B] Accuracy
C] Valuation
D] Allocation
Answer: B
Terms: Depreciation expense; Consistency policy and calculations are correct
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

33] Which of the following audit procedures would be least likely to lead the auditor to find an
unrecorded fixed asset disposal?
A] Examination of insurance policies
B] Review of repairs and maintenance expense
C] Review of property tax files
D] Scanning of invoices for fixed asset additions
Answer: B
Terms: Unrecorded fixed asset disposal
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

34] To achieve effective internal accounting control over fixed asset additions, a company should

establish procedures that require:
A] authorization and approval of major fixed asset additions.
B] capitalization of the cost of fixed asset additions in excess of a specific dollar amount.
C] classification, as investments, of those fixed asset additions that are not used in the business.
D] performance of recurring fixed asset maintenance work solely by maintenance department employees.
Answer: A
Terms: Effective internal control over fixed asset additions
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

35] The auditor is testing for unrecorded retirements/disposals of equipment. Which of the following
audit procedures would the auditor most likely use?
A] Select items from the fixed asset master file and then physically locate them.
B] Examine the repairs and maintenance amount for large debits.
C] Compare current years depreciation expense with the previous year's depreciation expense.
D] Trace acquisition documents to the fixed asset master file.
Answer: A
Terms: Testing for unrecorded retirements/disposals of equipment
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Analytic skills

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36] The failure to capitalize a permanent asset, or the recording of an asset acquisition at the improper
amount, affects the balance sheet:
A] forever.
B] for the current period.
C] for the depreciable life of the asset.
D] until the firm disposes of the asset.
Answer: D
Terms: Failure to capitalize a permanent asset; Recording of an asset acquisition at improper amount
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Analytic skills

37] One of the primary objectives in examining the repairs and maintenance accounts is to obtain
evidence that:
A] expenditures of equipment have not been charged to expense.
B] the actual amount recorded is the same as the budgeted amount.
C] expenditures for equipment have been recorded in the proper period.
D] revenue expenditures made on behalf of equipment have been recorded in the proper period.
Answer: A
Terms: Primary objective in examining repairs and maintenance accounts
Diff: Challenging

Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

38] If the client fails to record disposals of property, plant, and equipment, both the original cost of the
asset account and the net book value will be incorrect. What will the effect be of this misstatement on the
original cost and the book value?
A] Both will be overstated indefinitely.
B] The original cost will be overstated indefinitely, and the net book value will be overstated until the
asset is fully depreciated.
C] The original cost will be overstated indefinitely, and the net book value will be understated
D] The original cost will be overstated indefinitely, and the net book value will be understated until the
asset is fully depreciated.
Answer: B
Terms: Client fails to record disposals of property, plant, and equipment
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Analytic skills

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39] Which of the following explanations might satisfy an auditor who discovers significant debits to an
accumulated depreciation account?
A] Extraordinary repairs have lengthened the life of an asset.
B] Prior years' depreciation charges were erroneously understated.
C] A reserve for possible loss on retirement has been recorded.
D] An asset has been recorded at its fair value.
Answer: A
Terms: Significant debits to accumulated depreciation account
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Analytic skills

40] The primary accounting record for property, plant, and equipment accounts is the fixed asset master
file. What is included for each fixed asset in the master file?
Answer: Description of the asset
Date of Acquisition
Acquisition [original] cost
Current year depreciation
Accumulated depreciation for the asset
Terms: Included for each fixed asset in the master file
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

41] The auditor receives the client's schedule of recorded disposals and then performs detail tie-in tests of

the recorded disposals schedule. What procedures does the auditor perform on the client's schedule of
recorded disposals?
Answer: Footing the schedule
Tracing the totals on the schedule to the recorded disposals in the general ledger
Tracing the cost and accumulated depreciation of the disposals to the property master file
Terms: Procedures performed on client's schedule of recorded disposals
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

42] In auditing depreciation expense one the auditors concerns is on determining that the client's
calculations are correct. In determining that the auditor must weigh which four considerations?
Answer: The useful life of current period acquisitions
The method of depreciation
The estimated salvage value
The policy of depreciating assets in the year of acquisition and disposition
Terms: Auditing depreciation expense; Determining client calculations are correct
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

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43] In testing acquisitions, the auditor must understand the relevant accounting standards to insure the
client adheres to accepted accounting practices for property, plant, and equipment. Describe below the
auditor concerns in this area.
Answer: [Answers may vary.]
Inclusion of material transportation and installation cost as part of the asset's acquisition cost
Failure to properly record the trade-in of existing equipment
Client's capitalization policy to determine whether acquisitions are treated consistently with those of the
preceding year
Examine whether the client has the right to record the equipment as an asset [Capitalization of leased
equipment or classification of the equipment as an operating lease]
Correct classification among various equipment accounts Improper inclusion of transactions that should
be recorded as assets in repairs and maintenance expense, lease expense, supplies, small tools, and
similar accounts
Terms: Acquisition and payment cycle
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

44] Property, plant, and equipment is normally audited in a different manner than current asset accounts.
State three reasons why this is so, and discuss the differences in how property, plant, and equipment is
audited compared to current assets.
• There are usually fewer current period acquisitions of property, plant, and equipment than current

• The amount of any given acquisition is often material.
• The equipment is likely to be kept and maintained in the accounting records for several years.
Because of these three differences, the emphasis in auditing property, plant, and equipment is on the
verification of current period acquisitions rather than on the balance in the account carried forward from
the preceding year. In addition, the expected life of assets over one year requires depreciation expense
and accumulated depreciation accounts, which are verified as a part of the audit of the assets.
Terms: Audit of property, plant, and equipment
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

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45] State four of the seven specific balance-related audit objectives for property, plant, and equipment
additions and, for each objective, describe one common test of details of balances.

• Current-year acquisitions in the acquisitions schedule agree with related master file amounts, and the total
agrees with the general ledger [detail tie-in]. Foot the acquisitions schedule, trace the individual acquisitions
to the master file for amounts and descriptions, and trace the total to the general ledger.
• Current-year acquisitions as listed exist [existence]. Examine vendors' invoices and receiving reports and
physically examine assets.
• Existing acquisitions are recorded [completeness]. Examine vendors' invoices of closely related accounts
such as repairs and maintenance to uncover items that should be recorded as equipment, and review
lease and rental agreements.
• Current-year acquisitions as listed are accurate [accuracy]. Examine vendors' invoices.
• Current-year acquisitions as listed are correctly classified [classification]. Examine vendors' invoices in
various equipment accounts to uncover items that should be classified as manufacturing or office
equipment, part of buildings, or repairs, examine vendors' invoices of closely related accounts such as
repairs to uncover items that should be recorded as equipment, and examine rent and lease expense for
capitalizable leases.
• Current-year acquisitions are recorded in the correct period [cutoff]. Review transactions near the balance
sheet date for correct period.
• The client has rights to current-year acquisitions [rights]. Examine vendors' invoices.
Terms: Balance-related audit objectives for property, plant, and equipment; Testof details of balances
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

46] When auditing disposals of property, plant, and equipment, the search for unrecorded disposals is
essential. State the four audit procedures frequently used for verifying disposals.
• Review whether newly acquired assets replace existing assets.
• Analyze gains and losses on the disposal of assets and miscellaneous income for receipts from the
disposal of assets.
• Review plant modifications and changes in product lines, changes in major costly computer-related

equipment, property taxes, or insurance coverage for indications of deletions of equipment.
• Make inquiries of management and production personnel about the possibility of the disposal of
Terms: Audit procedures for verifying disposals
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

47] One of the auditor's primary objectives when auditing manufacturing equipment is completeness.
A] True
B] False
Answer: A
Terms: Primary objective in auditing equipment; Completeness
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall



48] Completeness and existence are the auditor's primary objectives in auditing manufacturing
A] True
B] False
Answer: A
Terms: Completeness and existence; Primary objectives in auditing equipment
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

49] Accrued payroll taxes are normally considered to be associated with the acquisition and payment
A] True
B] False
Answer: A
Terms: Accrued payroll taxes
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

50] The primary characteristic that distinguishes property, plant, and equipment from inventory, prepaid
expenses, and investments is the intention to use property, plant, and equipment as a part of the
operations of the client's business over their expected life.
A] True
B] False
Answer: A
Terms: Primary characteristic of property, plant, and equipment

Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

51] The emphasis in auditing manufacturing equipment is on the verification of current-period disposals
and acquisitions.
A] True
B] False
Answer: A
Terms: Auditing equipment; Current-period disposals and acquisitions
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

52] The starting point for the verification of current-year acquisitions of property, plant, and equipment is
normally a client-prepared schedule of all acquisitions recorded in the general ledger during the year.
A] True
B] False
Answer: A
Terms: Verification of acquisitions; Client-prepared schedule of acquisitions
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall



53] The least helpful common audit test to verify current period acquisitions of property, plant, and
equipment is examining vendors' invoices and receiving reports.
A] True
B] False
Answer: B
Terms: Audit tests to verify current period acquisitions
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

54] Depreciation expense is normally verified as a part of tests of details of balances rather than as part of
tests of controls or substantive tests of transactions.
A] True
B] False
Answer: A
Terms: Depreciation expense; Tests of details of balances; Tests of controls or substantive tests of transactions
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

55] The most important audit objective for depreciation expense is detail tie-in.
A] True
B] False
Answer: B
Terms: Audit objective for depreciation expense
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

56] In auditing the current year acquisitions of property, plant, and equipment, all balance-related audit
objectives except realizable value and disclosure are used as a framework for subsequent audit testing.
A] True
B] False
Answer: A
Terms: Auditing current year acquisitions; Balance-related audit objectives
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

57] The auditor's review of current year acquisition's cutoff is normally done as part of accounts payable
cutoff tests.
A] True
B] False
Answer: A
Terms: Review of acquisition's cutoff; Accounts payable cutoff tests
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills


Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall


58] The auditor's tests for proper cutoff of current year acquisitions of property, plant, and equipment are
usually done as part of accounts payable cutoff tests.
A] True
B] False
Answer: A
Terms: Cutoff of acquisitions; Accounts payable cutoff tests
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

59] The company's choices for fixed asset on the assets useful life and residual value impact the amount
of depreciation recorded.
A] True
B] False
Answer: A

Terms: Asset's useful lige and residual value; Impact depreciation recorded
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

60] The audit procedure "foot the schedule of fixed assets acquisitions and trace the total to the general
ledger" relates most closely to the completeness objective for fixed assets acquisitions.
A] True
B] False
Answer: A
Terms: Audit procedure for completeness objective
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

61] Confirmations are commonly used to verify additions of property, plant, and equipment.
A] True
B] False
Answer: B
Terms: Confirmations to verify additions
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

62] One very useful method of auditing depreciation is to use an analytical procedure to test for
A] True
B] False
Answer: A
Terms: Auditing depreciation; Analytical procedures to test for reasonableness

Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall


63] The approach to auditing patents and copyrights is similar to that used for property, plant, and
equipment accounts.
A] True
B] False
Answer: A
Terms: Auditing patents and copyrights
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

64] Recording an acquisition of a fixed asset at an improper amount affects the balance sheet until the
company disposes of the asset, but the income statement is not affected.
A] True
B] False
Answer: B
Terms: Recording acquisition at improper amount
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

65] Ordinarily, if you are auditing a continuing client, it is unnecessary to test the accuracy objective or
the classification objective for fixed assets acquired in prior years.
A] True
B] False
Answer: A
Terms: Accuracy objective; Classification objective; Fixed assets in prior years
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

66] When auditing acquisitions of property, plant, and equipment, the auditor's review of lease and rental
agreements most closely relate to the cutoff objective.
A] True
B] False
Answer: B
Terms: Auditing acquisitions; Lease and rental agreements; Cutoff objective
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-2
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall


Learning Objective 19-3
1] Which of the following accounts would normally not be a part of the acquisition and payment cycle of
Prepaid Insurance?
A] Cash
B] Insurance Payable
C] Insurance Expense
D] Prepaid Insurance
Answer: B
Terms: Acquisition and payment cycle; Prepaid insurance
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-3
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

2] Which type of audit procedure would normally be sufficient for purposes of auditing prepaid expenses

and deferred charges?
A] Tests of controls.
B] Tests of transactions.
C] Tests of details of balances.
D] Analytical procedures.
Answer: D
Terms: Audit procedure for auditing prepaid expenses and deferred charges
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-3
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

3] When the auditor recomputes the unexpired portion of prepaid insurance, she is satisfying which audit
A] Completeness
B] Existence
C] Accuracy and detail tie-in
D] Rights
Answer: C
Terms: Audit objective; Recompute unexpired portion of prepaid insurance
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-3
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

4] A record of insurance policies in force and the due date of each policy is contained in the:
A] voucher register.
B] insurance register.
C] insurance expense account.
D] prepaid insurance account.
Answer: B
Terms: Record of insurance policies

Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-3
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

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5] Insurance expense for the period is a function of which of the following?
A] The beginning prepaid balance, current premium payments and the ending prepaid balance.
B] The beginning prepaid balance and the current period premium payments.
C] The current period premium payments.
D] The current period premium payments and the ending prepaid balance.
Answer: A
Terms: Insurance expense if a function of
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-3
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

6] In connection with a review of the prepaid insurance account, which of the following audit procedures
would you be least likely to use?
A] Recompute the portion of the premium that expired during the year.
B] Prepare excerpts of insurance policies for audit working papers.
C] Confirm premium rates with an independent insurance broker.
D] Examine support for premium payments.
Answer: C
Terms: Prepaid insurance; Audit procedures
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-3
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

7] Controls over the acquisition and recording of insurance are a part of which of the following
transaction cycles?
A] Inventory and warehousing cycle
B] Capitalization cycle
C] Treasury cycle
D] Acquisition and payment cycle
Answer: D
Terms: Acquisition and recording of insurance; Transaction cycles
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-3
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

8] Which balance-related audit objective is not relevant to an audit of prepaid expenses?
A] Rights
B] Accuracy
C] Detail tie-in
D] Realizable value

Answer: D
Terms: Balance-related audit objective for audit of prepaid expenses
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-3
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall


9] Describe two ways the verification of existence and tests for omissions of the client's insurance policies
in force can be performed.
Answer: The verification of existence and tests for omissions of the insurance policies can be tested in
one of two ways: by examining a sample of insurance invoices and policies in force for comparison to the
schedule, or by obtaining a confirmation of insurance information from the company's insurance agent.
Terms: Verification of existence and tests for omissions of insurance policies
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-3

AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

10] What are several analytical procedures used in the audit of prepaid insurance and insurance expense?
1. Compare total prepaid insurance and insurance expense with previous years.
2. Compute the ratio of prepaid insurance to insurance expense and compare it with previous years.
3. Compare the individual insurance policy coverage on the schedule of insurance obtained from the
client with the preceding year's schedule as a test of elimination of certain policies or a change in
insurance coverage.
4. Compare the computed prepaid insurance balance for the current year on a policy-by-policy basis
with that of the preceding year as a test of an error in the calculation.
5. Review the insurance coverage listed on the prepaid insurance schedule with an appropriate client
official or insurance broker for adequacy of coverage.
Terms: Analytical procedures in the audit of prepaid insurance and insurance expense
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-3
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

11] Describe the audit procedures used to verify the accuracy and detail tie-in objectives for prepaid
Answer: The accuracy objective is tested by verifying the amount of the insurance premium, the length
of the policy period, and the allocation of the premium to unexpired insurance. The amount of the
premium for a given policy and its time period can be verified at the same time by examining the
premium invoice or the confirmation from an insurance agent. After these two have been verified, the
client's calculations of unexpired insurance can be tested by recalculation. The schedule of prepaid
insurance can then be footed and the totals traced to the general ledger to complete the detail tie-in tests.
Terms: Audit procedures to verify accuracy and detail tie-in objectives for prepaid insurance
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-3
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall


12] Discuss the key internal controls for prepaid insurance that affect the auditor's extent of testing of the
prepaid insurance account.
Answer: Internal controls for prepaid insurance and insurance expense can be conveniently divided into
three categories: controls over the acquisition and recording of insurance, controls over the insurance
register, and controls over the charge-off of insurance expense. Controls over the acquisition and
recording of insurance are a part of the acquisition and payment cycle and include proper authorization
for new insurance policies and payment of insurance premiums. An insurance register, which is a record
of insurance policies in force and the expiration date of each policy, is an essential control to make sure
that the company has adequate insurance at all times. The control should include a provision for periodic
review of the adequacy of the insurance coverage by an independent qualified person. The detailed
records of the information in the insurance register should be verified by someone independent of the
person preparing them. Companies often have a closely related control which is to have a standard
monthly journal entry to reclassify prepaid insurance as insurance expense.

Terms: Key internal controls for prepaid insurance
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-3
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

13] The realizable value audit objective is not applicable when auditing prepaid insurance or insurance
A] True
B] False
Answer: A
Terms: Auditing prepaid insurance and insurance expense; Realizable value
Diff: Easy
Objective: LO 19-3
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

14] The audit of insurance expense is normally limited to analytical procedures and a brief test of whether
charges to insurance expense arose from credits to prepaid insurance.
A] True
B] False
Answer: A
Terms: Audit of insurance expense; Analytical procedures
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-3
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

15] Tests of the cutoff objective for prepaid insurance is normally not performed by auditors.
A] True
B] False
Answer: A
Terms: Tests of cutoff objective for prepaid insurance

Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-3
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall


16] When auditing insurance expense, auditors normally rely on analytical procedures and limited testing
of the debits to ensure that they arose from credits to prepaid insurance.
A] True
B] False
Answer: A
Terms: Auditing insurance expense; Analytical procedures
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-3
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

Learning Objective 19-4
1] Which of the following is a customary audit procedure for the verification of the legal ownership of
real property?
A] Examination of correspondence with the corporate counsel concerning acquisition matters.
B] Examination of ownership documents registered and on file at a public hall of records.
C] Examination of corporate minutes and resolutions concerning the approval to acquire property, plant,
and equipment.
D] Examination of deeds and title guaranty policies on hand.
Answer: D
Terms: Audit procedure for verification of legal ownership of property
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-4
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

2] Which of the following would offer the best evidence of owning real estate as of the balance sheet date?
A] Property insurance policies
B] Paid real estate tax bills
C] Acquisition documents
D] Cash disbursements register
Answer: B
Terms: Evidence of owning real estate
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-4
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

3] When auditors verify accrued property taxes two audit objectives are especially significant. These are:
A] completeness and accuracy.
B] completeness and net realizable value.
C] detail tie-in and completeness.
D] accuracy and classification.

Answer: A
Terms: Accrued property taxes; Audit objectives
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-4
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

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4] The balance in the property tax expense account is most similar to:
A] depreciation expense.
B] insurance expense.
C] compensation expense.
D] utilities expense.
Answer: B
Terms: Property tax expense
Diff: Challenging

Objective: LO 19-4
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

5] The audit procedures used to verify accrued liabilities differ from those employed for the verification
of accounts payable because:
A] accrued liability balances are less material than accounts payable balances.
B] accrued liabilities at year end will become accounts payable during the following year.
C] evidence supporting accrued liabilities is non-existent, whereas evidence supporting accounts payable
is readily available.
D] accrued liabilities usually pertain to services of a continuing nature, whereas accounts payable are the
result of completed transactions.
Answer: D
Terms: Audit procedures to verify accrued liabilities
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-4
AACSB: Analytic skills

6] Explain the allocation audit objective and explain why it is important to have accurate allocation within
the financial statements, in relationship to Property, Plant, and Equipment
1. Verify the accruals at the same time as the audit of the current year property tax payments.
2. Compare accruals with previous years, noting any adjustments to property obtained/disposed from
the fixed asset master file
Terms: Accrued property tax liability test for completeness
Diff: Moderate
Objective: LO 19-4
AACSB: Analytic skills

7] In the audit of accrued property taxes, the two most important balance-related audit objectives are
completeness and accuracy.

A] True
B] False
Answer: A
Terms: Audit of accrued property taxes; Balance-related audit objectives of completeness and accuracy
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-4
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall


Learning Objective 19-5
1] Which of the following audit tests both have the effect of simultaneously verifying balance sheet and
income statement accounts?
A] Analytical procedures and substantive tests of transactions
B] Tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions
C] Tests of details of balances and substantive tests of transactions

D] Tests of controls and analytical procedures
Answer: B
Terms: Audit tests that have effect simultaneously verifying balance sheet and income statement accounts
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-5
AACSB: Analytic skills

2] The most effective and efficient audit approach in the examination of the income statement would be
which of the following?
A] Examination of income statement accounts concurrently with the related balance sheet accounts.
B] Compare company's components of net income to other businesses in the same industry.
C] Compare company's components of net income to the previous two years.
D] Examine changes in all balance sheet accounts.
Answer: A
Terms: Effective and efficient audit approach in examination of the income statement
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-5
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

3] The erroneous inclusion of transactions that should properly be recorded as assets into accounts such
as repairs expense, lease expense, or supplies is a common client error. The auditor is most lkely to
evaluate the likelihood of these types of misclassifications in conjunction with:
A] obtaining an understanding of internal control.
B] the tests of controls.
C] the tests of transactions.
D] the tests of details of balances.
Answer: A
Terms: Erroneous inclusion of transactions that should be properly recorded as assets in expense accounts
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-5

AACSB: Analytic skills

4] Income statement accounts resulting from allocations are typically verified as a part of:
A] tests of controls.
B] substantive tests of transactions.
C] analytical procedures.
D] planning.
Answer: C
Terms: Income statement accounts resulting from allocations
Diff: Challenging
Objective: LO 19-5
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

Which of the following procedures would least likely lead the auditor to detect unrecorded?

Which of the following audit procedures would be least likely to lead the auditors to find unrecorded fixed asset disposals? Review of repairs and maintenance expense.

What type of audit evidence would most likely be used to verify the existence of fixed assets?

Physical examination. Physical evidence gathered by the auditors themselves to verify whether or not certain assets actually exist, or to verify the asset's condition. Physical examination is also a main source of audit evidence used primarily for any fixed assets, such as usage of machinery or supplies.

Which of the following best describes the independent auditor's approach to obtaining satisfaction concerning depreciation expense in the income statement?

Observation. Which of the following best describes the independent auditors' approach to obtaining satisfaction concerning depreciation expense in the income statement? Establish the basis for depreciable assets and verify the depreciation expense.

What are the two major concerns when auditing depreciation expense?

When auditing depreciation expense, the two major concerns related to the accuracy audit objective are: A] consistent application of depreciation method and useful lives. B] consistent application of depreciation method and classification of assets.

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