Why does my laptop turn on but the screen is black?

I had the same problem with my HP DV6599. On power on the screen would stay black, no POST, nothing at all on the display. The HDD would spin up but the HDD indicator would not come on and would not boot. The DVD drive would spin up and attempt to read a disc if one was in the tray but still would not boot. I found an answer on another forum. Unplug the power, remove the battery and then hold the power button for 30 to 60 seconds. Then reattach the power and attempt a boot. It worked for me! Just shutdown, put the battery back in you're good to go. Worked for me so definitely worth a try.

Note from Truvu17 : Just to update everybody on my diagnose. So there are many problems which will cause issues of the screen :

  • 1. Software : Try Fn + F5 or something like that
  • 2. Electrical : Remove battery, unplug power, hold power button for 60 seconds, turn on computer with power plug only, then shutdown, add battery and restart
  • 3. Magnetic On/Off Switch to detect of Close/Open Lid : Your magnet switch is fubar some how. Open up the speaker cover and see if your lid actuator switch that come in contact with the magnet on your lid cover is stuck or not [find where the magnet is in the back of the front lid cover, trace where the magnet area actually touches the base of the computer and you will find the switch]. Workaround, start windows with lid at 30 degree angle
  • 4. Hardware : You need to replace either Inverter, Blacklight, or everything. =]

try this if its a laptop.... unplug the power to the pc then take out the battery, then hold the start button on ur laptop for 20-30 seconds,,,once thats done, continue with installing the battery again and power lead.. then simply press start on ur laptop, an voila!!!! this should work, worked on mine!!!! hope this helps u too...


i have a HP pavillion dv2000 and I experienced the same problem, then I searched for the answer to this strange situation and found that this works like MAGIC! :


honestly, it works like a charm
thank you so much!
love Zoey :] xx

I'm glad this fix has worked for so many people. I've had to use this fix again since posting.

Just to be clear this is not a fix for screen problems, this is a fix for a problem that prevents the laptop from booting at all. The laptop would not even attempt a POST and so would not even get as far as trying to output anything to the display.

I'm no expert but just wanted to share a fix that worked for me. For me it was a problem with the laptop not coming out of hibernation properly and completely freezing, the only option was to power off. On reboot nothing would happen, the screen would not even be initialised so it is nothing to do with the screen.

I can only theorise what the problem may be. As the solution is to remove the power lead, remove the battery and hold down the power button it would seem to be an issue with the laptop retaining some residual charge which is preventing the laptop from booting. I've heard of other poeple who have managed to fix this by simply letting the battery run out and then leave it overnight, this will again dissipate any residual charge but is just a much slower way of doing it. Holding the power button down with no power sources attached will dissipate this charge and allow the laptop to boot when a power source is reattached.

Unfortunately if the laptop boots and the screen is blank then it is a different issue, if the image on the screen is faint it is most likely a problem with the backlight and in these instances this fix will not work. Before posting this I thought this was an isolated incident but there have been so many replies it would appear to be a more common issue than I thought and works on many different models, not just the DV6599 that I've tried it on.

Thanks for all the postitive comments and I'm glad this has saved so many people a lot of money in unecessary repairs!

My husbands laptop randomly decided to go into "sleep" mode. He had selected sleep, shut the top, walked away and went to bed. Next morning he opens it and it does its wonderful mind-boggling complication of not wanting to have anything but a black screen, not a powered on black screen, just nothing... Yet, the system was trying to run anyway. ~confuzzled~
So, I do a google search and this is the first place I come across. Nanor, your advice is fantastic. I have no idea how you managed to figure out the hokey-pokey-dance to get this trick, but thank you for the time invested in doing so.
I tried the original: Remove battery, hold power button, plug in power cord, reboot,... still had the black screen", so I scrolled down and read a few more posts. So I redid the song and dance back up to the reinsert the power cord and turn it on, but instead of opening the lid all the way, I opened it just far enough to reach the power button, this did the trick; the screen lit up! and the boot process was clearly visual again! ..."continued to do a proper "shut down", reinsert battery, etc etc. powered up again and everything was just peachy!

Thank you.

Thanx man! This joint actually worked!

Thank you soooo much for your advice. I had the same "Black Screen" problem. Last night I was using my laptop just as usual.... no problems whatsoever. I finished my project, closed the lid of the laptop [didn't shut down or put it to "sleep"] and went to bed at 11:30pm. I woke up at 5:00am to continue my project, opened the lid of the laptop and my screen was black - and stayed that way. It was kind of like "the lights are OFF but someone WAS home". All the sound was working, I could hear everything running like usual yet no screen at all. Yes, PANIC!! I did a Google search and I stumbled upon this site and read all of the posts. Finding this string of posts was a true blessing! I tried the fix suggested [unplugged the power, took the battery out, held the power button for 60 seconds - said a little prayer and crossed my fingers - then plugged back in the power cord and tried to boot it up like normal. POOF!! It worked just as usual. I had the black and white screen saying that my laptop shut down improperly and did I want to start it up in Safe mode or Normally [because I did try to turn it off - using a hard shut down - to try to see if that would work, but it didn't]. I said to start Normally.... lo and behold all began to work like a charm!

Thank you sooooo much for posting this fix for all of us to try. I was dreading taking it in someplace and getting charged a ton for a simple little fix like this.

My laptop is a HP Pavilion dv9720us Notebook PC. It has NVIDIA GeForce Go 7150M graphics. I bought it about a year ago [perhaps even just over a year ago] and am probably out of warrenty. [double yikes!]

Again. Thanks for posting this fix. I would suggest to anyone to at least give it a try if you are having the same problem.

Take care-

Hello world,

I have a DV9700 with the blank screen issue as well. I stumbled upon this website and few others, followed the instructions and my display is back up. The following is what I did in total:

1. Removed battery, Unplugged power cord, held onto Power Button for 60+ seconds, and powered back on with only power cord plugged in. -- No Dice [After many many tries].

2. Kept lid at a 25-30 degree angle [just enough to turn on the laptop] -- It worked!!

Further updates
-- Screen started but if I do not let it load completely to windows before I raised the screen to 90 degree to use, it goes dark again with the blank screen.
-- If I move my screen down to around 60 degree angle, the screen turns blank again, but if I bring it back to 90 degrees, it turns on again after a few seconds.
-- So through disassembling the lcd, I found a small magnet behind the LCD cover which seems to be the problem. I removed the magnet and now I am able to move my lid up and down without the screen blanking out on me

Help please:
Now that I got it to work, I could put my computer to sleep but I could not turn off my display at all. I still have to keep my lid at 30 degree angle to turn on the laptop. Does anybody know what is wrong with my laptop? I finally figured out the workaround but there has to be a logical reason why my display is the way it is. I'm confused.

Thanks in advance!!!

There is a known defect with several brands of notebooks. I have an HP dv9700, and have been fighting with them to fix the defect. They are denying there is a defect in many of their models, leaving thousands of customers with useless computers that have failed just outside of warranty.

The Nvidia graphics chip overheats and corrupts surrounding components. These "band-aid" fixes that you are being told about may work temporarily, but for heavy graphics users [i.e. gamers], be prepared for more issues. For more information on this defect, go to hplies.com and nvidiadefect.com.

Consider yourself infomred. Good luck!

I just want to reinforce the method of taking out the battery and disconnecting the power supply and then reinstalling it all works. On my wife's laptop [HP], the screen would not show anything when powered on. Took battery out and unpugged power supply. Waited about ten seconds and reinstalled battery and hooked up power supply. It now works fine.

I unplugged my HP 2133, took out the battery, plugged the laptop back in and turned it on and it started correctly. I then put the battery back in and unplugged the power. That worked fine. Thanks to the contributor who suggested it. The n F6 suggestion did not, however, work for me.

That little trick worked well for me. Took the battery pack out and the power cord. Held the power button down for a min. put the battery pack back in and it has worked 2 times so far. If it works for more than a week then it should be fine. It's been working on and off for a while now, the longest the monitor worked for was a week straight.


i used fn + f4 and it worked perfectly fine

2 possible solutions:

1 -- attach separate screen to your laptop

2 -- google "laptop blank screen annoyance"

HP Pavilion dv6000 Entertainment pc



remove your battery and try to on by power adapter if not
remove and refix your RAM

I Have a HP DV5000. Disconnect power and battery doesn't work for my laptop.

My problem was the hardware. It was a bad connection between the display and motherboard [display-connector].

Now it works fine.

use the Narrirator program to do a systems restore. Helps if you have a second computer and mimick key strokes.
The Narrirator is a voice that tells you what button and programs you are in.

To get into Narrirator. hit the Windows button and U. You will be able to hear what you are typing once you hit enter to activate it.

I accidently deleted my display settings and just corrected last night.

Try using an external monitor and using the function key to turn the external monitor on. If that works then the connection between the onboard monitor and motherboard is broken, you might be lucky and it simply have come off the motherboard. But most likely the monitor cable has broken a few runs over time.

Hi there
take out the battires and hold the power button for I minutes then put back thr batties and it should od done the job


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