Add single quote in javascript string

I have variable var str as following:

var str = tea;

I would like to make it as below

var quote_str = 'tea;'

Is there anyone can help me? Thanks in advance!


I have tried the following code,however, it's not correct.

var quote_str =  'str';

asked May 28, 2012 at 15:57


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I think that you want the semicolon outside the string literal:

var quote_str = 'tea';

If you mean that you want apostrophe characters inside the string also, you can use \' to put an apostrophe in a string delimited by apostrophes:

var quote_str = '\'tea\'';

You can also use quotation marks to delimit the string. Then you don't have to escape the apostrophes, but you have to escape the quotation marks:

var quote_str = "'tea'";

If you already have a string, and want to add apostrophes around it, you concatenate strings:

var quote_str =  "'" + str + "'";

answered May 28, 2012 at 16:00


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Escape each single quote with a back-slash:

var quote_str = '\'tea;\''

…or wrap the string in quotes of a different kind [i.e. double quotes], but be sure to escape the inner double quotes as to not unintentionally close the string:

var quote_str = "'tea;'"

late update: now we have template literals, so the whole thing becomes a breeze:

var quote_str = `'tea;'`

answered May 28, 2012 at 16:01

Eliran MalkaEliran Malka

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You can escape characters in Javascript with the \. If that's your issue

answered May 28, 2012 at 16:00

We can use the backslash [] escape character to prevent JavaScript from interpreting a quote as the end of the string.

The syntax of \' will always be a single quote, and the syntax of \" will always be a double quote, without any fear of breaking the string.

Using this method, we can use apostrophes in strings built with ".

'We\'re safely using an apostrophe in single quotes.' We can also use quotation marks in strings built with ".

"Then he said, \"Hello, World!\"";

answered Oct 3, 2019 at 11:58

In JavaScript, Strings are values made up of text and can contain letters, numbers, symbols, punctuation, and even emojis!

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Single and Double Quotes in JavaScript Strings

Strings in JavaScript are contained within a pair of either single quotation marks '' or double quotation marks "". Both quotes represent Strings but be sure to choose one and STICK WITH IT. If you start with a single quote, you need to end with a single quote. There are pros and cons to using both IE single quotes tend to make it easier to write HTML within Javascript as you don’t have to escape the line with a double quote.

'This is a string. 👏';
"This is the 2nd string. 💁";

Enclosing Quotation Marks

Let’s say you’re trying to use quotation marks inside a string. You’ll need to use opposite quotation marks inside and outside of JavaScript single or double quotes. That means strings containing single quotes need to use double quotes and strings containing double quotes need to use single quotes.

"It's six o'clock.";
'Remember to say "please" and "thank you."';

Alternatively, you can use a backslash \ to escape the quotation marks. This lets JavaScript know in advance that you want to use a special character.

Here’s what that looks like reusing the examples above:

'It\'s six o\'clock.';
"Remember to say \"please\" and \"thank you.\"";

String Methods and Properties

Strings have their own built-in variables and functions, also known as properties and methods. Here are some of the most common ones.

String Length

A string’s length property keeps track of how many characters it has.


toLowerCase Method

A string’s toLowerCase method in JavaScript returns a copy of the string with its letters converted to lowercase. Numbers, symbols, and other characters are not affected.

"THE KIDS".toLowerCase[];
"the kids"

toUpperCase Method

A string’s toUpperCase method returns a copy of the string with its letters converted to capitals. Numbers, symbols, and other characters are not affected.

"I wish I were big.".toUpperCase[];

trim Method

A string’s trim method returns a copy of the string with beginning and ending whitespace characters removed.

"   but keep the middle spaces   ".trim[];
"but keep the middle spaces"

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Can you use single quotes for string?

Single-quoted Strings: It is the easiest way to define a string. You can use it when you want the string to be exactly as it is written. All the escape sequences like \r or \n, will be output as specified instead of having any special meaning. Single-quote is usually faster in some cases.

How do you add a single quote to a string?

The following are our strings with single and double quote. String str1 = "This is Jack's mobile"; String str2 = "\"This is it\"!"; Above, for single quote, we have to mention it normally like. However, for double quotes, use the following and add a slash in the beginning as well as at the end.

Can you use single quotes for strings in JavaScript?

Strings in JavaScript are contained within a pair of either single quotation marks '' or double quotation marks "". Both quotes represent Strings but be sure to choose one and STICK WITH IT. If you start with a single quote, you need to end with a single quote.

How do I put single quotes in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, single quotes [ '' ] and double quotes [ “” ] are used to create string literals.

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