Blaze of publicity là gì

Photo by: on Unsplash

In a blaze of glory = trong vinh quang rực rỡ -> nghĩa là làm điều gì rất ấn tượng/kịch tính vào phút cuối [sự nghiệp, cuộc đời] và trở nên nổi tiếng.

Ví dụ

The police officer isnt an action hero. A month shy of superannuation [về hưu], he wants to go out in a blaze of glory. But he plays by the book. He is humiliated [nhục], shoved around, even slapped. He doesnt lose his cool.

The sketch [vở kịch ngắn] ends with the kids all sharing that their eyes have started itching [ngứa ngáy] a clear sign that their short time with the unicorns was a little too extended. I say we go out in a blaze of glory, Sudeikis says, telling the kids, I want yall to hop on a unicorn and were gonna ride toward that cliff over yonder [đằng xa].

One gets a very strong impression that the President wants nothing more than to go out in a blaze of glory. With a mismanaged pandemic, the lingering [kéo dài] specter [bóng ma] of impeachment [nghi ngờ, gièm pha], and highly visible protests [phản đối] everywhere, Trumps taken out his fiddle, since hes decided theres no stopping the flames.

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