dog whistling là gì - Nghĩa của từ dog whistling

dog whistling có nghĩa là

Dog whistle is a type of strategy of communication that sends a message that the general population will take a certain meaning from, but a certain group that is "in the know" will take away the secret, intended message. Often involves code words.


Republicans say they want to make civil rights for gays a state issue, which is really just a dog whistle strategy for saying that they will refuse to grant equal rights on a federal level.

dog whistling có nghĩa là

The use of code words in political campaigning or speechmaking. Coded language appears to mean one thing to the general population but has a different or more specific meaning for a targeted subgroup of the audience.


“We grow good people in our small towns, with honesty, sincerity, and dignity," Sarah Palin.
Dog Whistle Politics translation to racists: White people are safe and those elitists who have Muslim names and work in cities, aka Obama, are dangerous.

dog whistling có nghĩa là

The act of using coded words, phrases or even emoji to say specific things to a specific group while seeming innocuous to the general public. It can be used for members of a group to acknowledge who each other are, or to rename issues so that they seem different to the general public, or to bring up events to push an agenda.


B: Why did you roll your eyes at the person talking about being shocked at Swedish rape statistics?
A: Well, they were dog whistling. Look at the comment closer.
B: Dog whistling what?
A: A certain group brings up the Swedish rape statistics in order to push the agenda that refugees are evil rapists. Since Sweden reports rapes in high numbers and also takes in many refugees they link the two. While this is correct, technically, it's misleading. Sweden REPORTS rapes in higher numbers because they count rape offences differently to other countries. So bringing up this misleading point about swedish crime statistics being shocking is a dog whistle to trick centrists into falling for their ideas.
B: Wow, that group must be really hateful and trash. A: They are. B:How do you know that they are part of that group though?
A:Check his handle, see those emojis? That's another act of dog whistling, members of that group use those emojis in their names to let other members know they are in on it.
B: But they're really inane things like an animal and a hand sign.
A: It wouldn't be very secret if it was just the flag they want to use, now would it? Another example can be found in the dog whistling in this very definition. It's not very subtle but the idea is still there. The members of the group that I'm referring to know who they are and they got my message. And are probably very upset.

dog whistling có nghĩa là

a secret whistle used by dogs so they can identify each other as members of the cool whistling dog club


*dog whistle*
ayy it's Fido! Those scones you brought to the last meeting were bomb!

dog whistling có nghĩa là

Strategic racism.


Dog whistling is widely — and correctly — understood as expressing racially loaded ideas in coded terms

dog whistling có nghĩa là

A surreptitious inclusion of code words or phrases that will be heard by some of those listening, while not disturbing the other listeners, who may not appreciate the hidden message[s].


President George W. Bush is constantly littering his speeches with dog whistle comments meant for the religious right, so that he can tell them what they wants to hear, while not offending those who aren't evangelical or born again. [paraphrase of text by Ian Welsh, on his Agonist blog]

dog whistling có nghĩa là

In the Republican Southern Strategy, terms, phrases, and actions that evoke racism to racists, while being plausibly deniable to the press and the wider public. Much of this code is inherited from the pro-slavery code of the antebellum South. The name is a reference to high-pitched dog whistles that people cannot hear, but dogs can.


Dog Whistle Code became an essential part of the Republican Southern Strategy after overt racism became unacceptable. Barry Goldwater's Libertarianism was Dog Whistle Code for segregation at the 1964 Republican Convention. Ronald Reagan's first Presidential campaign appearance was itself Dog Whistle Code, taking place in Philadelphia, Mississippi, the scene of the murder of three civil rights workers. States' Rights Originally, Dog Whistle Code for the right to keep slaves, then the right to maintain Jim Crow segregation laws, now the right to oppress any disfavored minorities, women, immigrants, GLBTs and the rest of the riffraff Deficits don't matter [Ronald Reagan] Because they hurt Blacks worse than Whites [Lee Atwater, explaining the Southern Strategy and Dog Whistle Code]

dog whistling có nghĩa là

Women who subtly hit on, flirt with, or show loving affection toward a man when he is in a relationship and the MAN does not notice or pick up on it. But his girlfriend sure does. Females hear and pick up on what other women are doing well their men are oblivious to it.


Female dog whistle is a woman who uses cute pet names, puts hearts in messages and comments, comments excessively on posts and pics via facebook. Doing things deemed appropriate for only thee girlfriend to do to and for her boyfriend.

dog whistling có nghĩa là

What American Democrats call everything they disagree with.


Democrat: Um, excuse me? Did you just say "Merry Christmas?" That is clearly a racist dog whistle for oppressive patriarchal white supremacy.

dog whistling có nghĩa là

This is some obscure way ex-partners have to bring their former lover back to them.


Tommy was fine until Shelia pulled out her X dog whistle!

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