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How to Build a Dystopian World

Writing Advice, Genre

So, you want to create a world thats filled with grinding oppression and palatable misery? One where the ruling elite manipulate the masses and create a glistening veneer that hides and contradicts a seedy underbelly of corruption?

Are you sure youre not writing a modern-day political commentary?

I kid. If youre looking to create a fantasy world characterized by bleak skies and quiet brutality, lets do it.

In this post, well discuss the most important elements to consider when building a dystopian world for your novel. Lets focus on setting the scene and creating believable characters for your reader to rely on. Ready to start creating this brave, new world?

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      Set the Scene

      Show Dont Tell

      This long standing advice is never more important than in a dystopian setting. You are likely creating a world thats completely foreign to the reader. Take your time to describe how this world looks and feels. Show how the characters of your story interact with the environment. Is it harsh and unyielding? Probably but not necessarily.

      Environment may or may not be a secondary character in your dystopian story. The environment could be friendly and fruitful and not something your protagonist struggles against. Instead, the protagonist could struggle against humans, technology, or some created system.

      Dont leave the major details of your physical world up to interpretation.

      Explain the Rules

      Establish what the rules are in this dystopian world and do it early.
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      Establish what the rules are in this dystopian world and do it early, but not too early. What I mean by that is to let it unfold naturally within the course of your story. Dont create a prologue where you discuss the worlds rules, if you can help it. There are two reasons for this

      Most readers skip over your prologue. So, if youve shared crucial information in there that you dont flesh out in your novel, youll lose a lot of readers.

      The rules are part of your story, not an oh, by the way. Use the strength of your storytelling to weave these rules into the narrative.

      Explaining rules is far easier with a third person point of view, but you can still effectively discuss it as a first person narrator. Its important to decide who the narrator thinks hes sharing the story withit could be a newbie who needs to know everything about this world from scratch. It could be self documentation in a series of journal entries.

      If the main character is writing to himself journal-style, it may be unnatural to go into exposition about rules in engaging in this dystopian world. However, if hes speaking to a newbie who has no idea how to operate in this world, it would make sense to explain how things work.

      No matter how you choose to explain the rules, make sure you set it up within the first chapter if possible, giving the reader as much knowledge about the rules as the main character has. Its okay to discover new rules as you progress through the story along with, or even before, the main character. Whatever you do, make sure that the reader feels informed enough to carry on through the journey.

      Otherwise, it will be a head scratching, confusing mess that will frustrate your readers because they have no idea of whats going on.

      Go for the Big Picture

      Lets say youve created a dystopian society here on earth, set 50 years into the future. Youll probably focus in on one country, maybe even one town.

      While its great to be specific, its majorly important to zoom back so that the reader can see the entire world. How are other countries affected by whats happening in your dystopian society? Is there one global society? Is the world divided into factions that fight with each other?

      Give your reader context by pulling back to show others not directly connected to the protagonist. You can do this by introducing a secondary character whos from another part of this world, or from news story tidbits.

      Create Believable Characters

      Start Here:

      Give your character something to look forward to.

      Your main character may or may not know that their world is corrupt or damaged in some way. Just like you and I are able to see both positives and negatives in the world around us, so can any relatable character you create. Its human nature to try to find balance and good in the most miserable conditions.

      Remember to give your main character something bright and positive that they appreciate, even if its a cockroach whom the main character befriends.

      Disney's WALL·E, Image Courtesy of Neogaf

      Do the Characters Know Theyre Living in A Dystopia?

      What does your protagonist know and believe about his world? Perhaps he lives in a utopian compound, shielded from the misery of the world beyond the compounds walls. He may not know that anything exists beyond his immediate reality.

      Perhaps your character was born into this dystopian wasteland and only knows its realities, without having any touchstone to the past.

      Or, your character has a fuzzy knowledge about the society that existed before his current reality and recognizes that his reality is worse.

      Decide early on what your character knows, feels, and believes about the world he lives in. Of course, these ideas can change as you move through the story.

      Is Your Character Alone?

      Creating a one-man survivalist is a common device in dystopian storytelling. Its an easy way to convey loneliness and utter desolation. But its so overused and expected that its become a cliche way of sharing your dystopian vision.

      Not to mention, its pretty unrealistic too.

      How long could one man [or woman, or child] survive with just their wits to guide them? Is he the only person on earth, or are there others who prey on him? How does he eat and keep himself healthy while navigating this walk alone?

      It can get really boring really quicklyand not just for the main character, but also for the reader. There needs to be an interplay with the main and secondary characters to add dimension and well-rounded insight into this dystopian world.

      Gray Skies, Gray Intentions

      Bad guys rarely think theyre bad.

      Is your dystopian world the result of an unethical government? It may be a mistake to paint with a wide brush, showing all those involved in the government as soulless monsters. Surely, the governing class has a rationale [however flawed] behind creating and participating in such a government.

      Showing just a smidgen of impartialness when crafting your secondary characters can help bring balance to your dystopian world. It also adds a weight of realism that every dystopian fantasy novel needs.

      Be careful to not make your protagonist fully good and your antagonist fully bad.

      Final Thoughts

      Use these tips to help you craft the ultimate dystopian world. Remember, this is only a starting point. Let your imagination and gut guide you into a world that makes sense for your story.

      Grab this printable list of questions to help you get started on building your dystopian world.

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