Export iTunes playlist to USB

Like many people, your music collection probably has staked out a large chunk of space on your hard drive. While free programs like Apple's iTunes makes it easy to purchase, organize and listen to your music, you need to do a little extra work to transfer the music files to other storage locations, like a USB drive. ITunes does not let you simply drag the song title or playlist to the USB drive icon. Instead, you need to drag the individual song files to the external storage device.

Plug your USB drive into your computer.

Make a list of the songs in the playlist that you want to move to the USB drive.

Browse to your iTunes directory on your computer.

Select the songs from the playlist.

Drag the files from the iTunes directory to the USB drive in Windows Explorer.


Writer Bio

Andrew McClain has been writing since 1994. He has written several articles for various websites and writes user guides and software manuals for several freelance clients. He has a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from the University of Missouri.

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